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なお、このメッセージは主に利用者‐会話ページに何も記入されていない方に投稿しておりますので、すでに活動を開始されてから期間が経っていらっしゃるのでしたら、お詫びいたします。--Suisui 2005年3月7日 (月) 10:19 (UTC)[返信]

Scientist and Engineer is Confession.


Combining also self introduction from my blog.

To Carl Segan, Professor Space Science of Cornell University, and he wrote the book as title of the "The Demon-Hunted World".

That is it meant verification possible thing even in principle, and, religion means to set foot in the round sand ring of science compulsorily. Now religion at each time you insist what concerning existence, decided that the right and wrong is questioned by all means.

If in reason, "religion" is not verified scientifically, it is not that the necessity to believe it.

It is verified scientifically,
1. "Whoever even seeing, whoever doing", always you can obtain the same result.
2. Transparency is guaranteed at the time of processing between "theoretical" empty "verification".
3. It is always "actual proof possible", at the same time, and the verification method and process of theorization, furthermore, always you can obtain the same answering regardless of the size of the system.
4. At the time of processing "the theorization", deductive characteristic mortgage is done concerning the theory.
5. At the time of processing the "actual proof conversion", rule of thumb mortgage is done concerning the actual proof method.
6. It is "data oriented".
7. The method is handing down possible.

If above 7 points are not satisfied, scientific method you cannot say in it. These 7 points, it calls sufficient condition necessity due to scientific method.

Ideas and Opnion, Albert Einstein, Wings Books 1954, NY. ISBN 0-517-00393-7
Relativity Albert Einstein, Three Rivers Press 1931, NY. ISBN 0-517-88441-0
The Demon-Hunted World Carl Sagan -Science as a Candle in the Dark-, Carl Segan,
Ballantine Books 1996, NY. ISBN 0-345-40946-9

Therefore with saying, there is no air which denies super normal phenomenon. If only verification method it is proper, therefore the phenomenon which it should understand sufficiently is it. In other words, as for the scientist when opinion is reserved, understanding. In addition, there is the doctrine "of religion", concerning "ethics" there is no either air which is denied. Therefore as for the religion in today, is understanding that propriety is the ethical doctrine. Especially, if you consider to role of the church having formed the basis of the social community in Christian countries, because it is not necessary to deny is it.




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などをあらかじめチェックし、修正してから投稿していただくことにより、同じ記事への連続投稿を減らすことができます。この利点については、同じ記事への連続投稿を減らすの項目に説明がありますので、よろしければお読みください。また、ガイドブックにウィキペディア全体のことについて分かりやすく解説されていますので、あわせてお読みいただけると幸いです。ご理解とご協力をよろしくお願いします。なお、もしすでにご存知のことでしたら、悪しからずお願いいたします。--Tietew 2005年5月27日 (金) 03:12 (UTC)[返信]



気になると直してしまうんですよね。 ともかく、了解です。ありがとうございます。--UserTanaka 2005年5月27日 (金) 03:17 (UTC)[返信]



日本語のアカウント、英語のアカウント、ドイツ語のアカウント、スペイン語のアカウントを作ってみた。ちなみに、どれも同ユーザ名とした。この後、フランス語イタリア語も作ってみる予定。なぜならば、問題があると困るからである。さて、気が付いたことは、言語を変えるたびに、一々ログインをしなければならないということ。「マルチ言語で記事を書いてみよう」と考えている人は、困るだろうなと思う。今のところ、Wikipedia全体の記事数から見れば、英語が最大、ドイツ語が2番目、日本語は3番目です。 日本語から英語へ、日本語からドイツ語へという流れを作るまでにはいたっていないことは確かでしょうね。私自身の将来の課題にしておきます。--UserTanaka 2005年5月28日 (土) 06:26 (UTC)[返信]



こんにちは。シャーロック・ホームズこの版で英語版の「実験」へリンクされてますけど、これは日本語版の実験にリンクするつもりで間違ったのでしょうか?何か意図があるかもしれないので、修正前にお聞きしておきます。--morita 2005年6月1日 (水) 14:40 (UTC)[返信]

同一プロジェクト間でリンクするときには単に項目名を[[]]で囲むだけで良く、w:は要りません。後で修正しておきますね。あと、相手の会話ページに返事をすると話の流れを追いにくくなるので、元の発言と同じ場所に返事を書いてください。--morita 2005年6月2日 (木) 12:24 (UTC)[返信]



I perceived translating the article of James Cook.First it had buying to the parent, the first book was the biography of this person. Originally, the book-reading which is begun with the New Year's greeting card which is received from the teacher elementary school of that time. However you do not know, some cause and effect, it means that never I translate with this article.In regard to the quality of translation, there is no honest self-confidence. However it is sad, that actuality. Because, it is not the case that I know everything of the English culture. Simply, while remembering, I wrote the fact that I can say. While remembering pleasant boyhood. However I were hard on in the school, while including the appreciation to the teacher and the parents who are rescued. If it returns especially of translation. With the article of first voyage, it seems that has entry from here and there, I think that it is description. Perhaps, first godhood conversion being done, there is an atmosphere where after that it can add various facts.Therefore, with so or after all the person in history the reason which the person only is not, normally it probably won't be? Anyhow, I became tired. Honesty, I would not like to write the article already so it. Because I would not like to remember, it is past. who helps or having written to that. Just, the fatigue profit of trouble loss. Anyhow, it to be. --UserTanaka 2005年6月3日 (金) 14:57 (UTC)[返信]