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Hello, Hunu! Welcome to Japanese Wikipedia. If you are not a Japanese speaker, you can ask a question in Help. Enjoy!
Hunuさんがウィキペディアにおいて実り多き執筆・活動をなされることを楽しみにしております。--Trgbot会話2014年10月19日 (日) 00:37 (UTC)[返信]



Subject was presented on translator's village pump.

Hello, regarding the request by you and Ari. Strangesnow's advice could be expanded as: For kantō-gun officials

  • A digitized edition is filed under OCLC catalog; OCLC 608103147;
  • search only link is offered at Haithi Trust site;
  • OCLC catalog has a separate volume for indices, aka sakuin, to the registry itself. Short biblio data as:
title in roman letters: Shūsenji teikoku rikugun zen gen'eki shōkō shokumu meikan. sakuin.
editor: Matsubara, Keiji. I guess he is the exact author for the main title.
oclc id:OCLC 673309559
  • To confirm officials' ranks or other details, book database is prepared for the period of post 1868–present day at NDL. Online repository for biographic books, Kingendai Nihon Seijikankei jimbutsu bunken mokuroku 近現代日本政治関係人物文献目録, is where you input person name on National Diet Library database to search for reference. Sample of inquiry on detainee camp has been filed according to NDL. It would be a sample if you file a request through university or public library towards NDL.

Sapporo City Library

The Sapporo City Library has decided to compile registry as well as reference materials. She offers a very general list of titles on your research, but including lower ranked soldiers as well. Plain search with the term "名簿" (name list) returns some entries, and I rearranged them chronoligically:

  1. 『会員名簿 昭和32・5・20現在』; editor=[七四八一会]; publisher=七四八一会; year=[1957] 21cm 45p; 0180193286; F369.3/
  2. 『満ソ殉難記付録 満ソ殉難者名簿』; editor=満ソ殉難者慰霊顕彰会; publisher=満ソ殉難者慰霊顕彰会; 1980.8 21cm 118p; 0119777373; call id at Sapporo city Library: F210.7
  3. 『全抑協総員名簿 1984』; 全国抑留者補償協議会 ed; 全国抑留者補償協議会 pub; 1984.12 26cm 1235p; 0119777381; F369.3/ゼ/
  4. 『樺太山砲兵聯隊在隊者名簿 平成元年6月現在』; 樺山会事務局 pub; 1989.6 21cm 53p; 0180205775; F396.6/カ/.
  5. 『[シベリヤ抑留者名簿(死亡者)] 平成2年ー3年』; [出版者不明] publisher unknown; 1990-1991 30cm 1ケース; 0180242216 ; F210.7/
  6. 鎮魂シベリア 抑留死亡者四万人名簿』; 朝日新聞社 pub; 1991.7 27cm 70, 196p 0180178808; F210.7/チ/. NCID BB27923563. Supplement to 『月刊Asahi』July, 1991, a special edition. 緊急増刊
  7. 鎮魂シベリア 抑留死亡者四万人名簿(完全地区別)』; 朝日新聞社 pub; 1991.7 27cm 70, 196p 0180241861; F210.7/. NCID BB27923563. By location.
  8. Mr._Murayama『シベリアに逝きし46300名を刻む ソ連抑留死亡者名簿をつくる』; author=村山 常雄; publisher=七つ森書館; 2009.8 20cm 245p; 0180183733; F210.7/

If I were you, local level libraries to reach out would be in Maizuru. She held a port where the detainees touched Japanese soil returning on board ships recruited by Japanese government ships or private merchant vessels. Maizuru might have similar intention as Sapporo, while she remains a much smaller city contrasted against Sapporo. The above mayhap not the fastest path for your goal, but, good luck for both of you,
--Omotecho会話2021年11月28日 (日) 11:20 (UTC)[返信]

Dear Mr. Omotecho! Thank you very much for your help and response. Unfortunately, I am living very far Japan and I am not able to read Japanese. So I summarized the available Russian sources and tried to find correspondences of Russian transcriptions of names with real Japanese names. (This turned out to be a rather difficult task, since the transcriptions are often erroneous and, apparently, not everyone called their real names). My results are here. Hunu会話2021年11月28日 (日) 13:27 (UTC)[返信]
I admire your project/writing and research to teach over 180 person names, and unfortunately, I share your difficulty, as I do not comprehend Russian at all. My motivation to contact you was based on seeing a NHK TV program where a document was found at Russia which helped to list some detainees of Imperial J army who had been listed as Missing-in-Action.
Or a local event where volunteers read up 40 thousand+ names of lost detainee names. They read names from MURAYAMA Tsuneo book Shiberia no yukishi 46300-mei wo kizamu - Soren yogurtū shibousha meibo wo Tsukuruシベリアに逝きし46300名を刻む ソ連抑留死亡者名簿をつくる』, or the book I listed in my last comment. Mr. Murayama died in 2014, and he was a detainee, too. He collected names by reverse transliteration from Kiril to Japanese, and his endeavor forced him to visit Russia to confirm tomb stone inscription. Distance did not stop Mr. Murayama.
By the way, HORI Yogoro 堀与五郎 could be a fake name as it hits a geographic name Yogorōbori, a farmers' ditch in Kyūshū small village. [e-mail:hatt▲scs.kyushu-u.ac.jp professor HATTORI Hideo] researched in Saga Prefecture year 1996, and listed Yogorōbori, Ōta area, Moroto, Saga-gun, Saga Prefecture.【佐賀郡諸富町太田地区】
If you have discovered new document regarding detainees, try it with author NHK Moscow office or any branch in Russia. Towards 2025, or 80th commemoration of siece fire WWII, they might need sources to further their research. If they do so, your luck would expand, I hope. Good luck. --Omotecho会話) 2021年11月29日 (月) 04:23 (UTC) / correction and anchor to biblio data. --Omotecho会話2021年11月29日 (月) 04:40 (UTC)[返信]



Hello, @Hunu, your resilience and contribution to the world history is amazing.

I posted on jawp Village Pump and asking if there be anybody in our community to join you and make the blank part of world history visible.

Let me point out two steps: I see those are positive to procede with your plan:

  1. Temporary translation: your intention is to update/proofread the namelist, as far as I understand; then, is there any translation from article in Russian to maybe Japanese or English?
  2. If not, can you offer your User:Hunu page?
  3. There is a Contentstranslation Extension allowed on jawp, and you can output an assisted translation to [[:ja:User:Hunu/писок высших японских офицеров, интернированных в СССР|ソ連に収容された日本人将校の一覧]].
  4. to realize that you use and output from Contentstranslation Extension properly, please create your userpage on jawp, then your work on Contenstranslation will have a space to be published.

Then, your request can be handled at proof reading request: 査読依頼. Of course, if you offer your work on jawp, communicating via jawp Village Pump is also an option, as I have posted one.

As you have found so many fake names, being a 虜囚 at WWII is still involves feeling of shame/annoyance in our culture in my humble imagination. That said, if you offer the article itself, posters will understand that your article intends to share human history, not put dirt on somebody's surviving family.

How does my offer sound to you?--Omotecho会話2021年12月25日 (土) 12:55 (UTC)[返信]