





  • ウィキペディアで活動する際にはガイドブックを是非ご一読ください。きっとご参考になるものと思います。
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Welcome to Japanese Wikipedia. If you are not a Japanese-speaker and expect further information, visit Wikipedia:Chatsubo for Non-Japanese Speakers. Enjoy!

なお、このメッセージは主に利用者‐会話ページに何も記入されていない方に投稿しておりますので、すでに活動を開始されてから期間が経っていらっしゃるのでしたら、お詫びいたします。--ようこそ 2006年5月3日 (水) 22:09 (UTC)[返信]

Please stop posting machine translations



I saw the article that you posted on the Japanese Wikipedia. Unfortunately, the wording is a mess, and I could not understand your Japanese. When you created it, did you use machine translation? The quality of machine translations is usually very poor, and machine translations to Japanese are almost never useful. If you post articles with machine-translated Japanese to the Japanese Wikipedia, most of your translations will be deleted. They will still be deleted even if you post them many times. Please stop posting machine translations here.

When translating articles for the Japanese Wikipedia, you must also be careful to obey Wikipedia's content license, the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA 3.0). To fulfil this license, you must include the name of the original article and the timestamp of the revision that you are translating from in the edit summary box (the small white box underneath the edit window). If you don't do this, your article will be deleted.

If you continue to post machine translations, you will be blocked from editing. If you want to post in Japanese to the Japanese Wikipedia, please find a native Japanese speaker, or someone with near-native Japanese ability.

Thank you for only using manual translations. -- Unamu会話2016年2月26日 (金) 13:27 (UTC)[返信]

Dear Unamu, many thanks for your message. This article is based on my article simple:Romanization of Bulgarian, several versions of which exist also in other Wikis. The present poor Japanese version was machine-translated indeed. The text is rather short and hopefuly could be improved; if not, please feel free to delete it. (Needless to say, I wouldn't post a deleted text again.) Apologies for not communicating in Japanese. Best, Apcbg会話2016年2月26日 (金) 15:03 (UTC)[返信]