



英語の "vi" は、日本語では "ビ" と "ヴィ" のどちらにも転写され、どちらが正しいというわけではありません。マイクロソフトの公式な表記が存在しないので、ノートでは検索エンジンで多く見られる「ビスタ」を使用する方向で話が進んでいます。--cpro 2007年2月17日 (土) 02:25 (UTC)[返信]

English "vi" can be transcribed to Japanese Kana either "ビ" or "ヴィ", and neither is said it's truth. Because Microsoft Japan doesn't show their offical title by Kana, we're now discussing at talk page to use transcription "ビスタ", which is found much more than "ヴィスタ" with search engines. --cpro 2007年2月17日 (土) 02:25 (UTC)[返信]

About WU


Hello. Thank you for your contributions. In the article WU, we don't have to mention the pronunciation because it's an acronym. Most of the Japanese speakers pronounce it "Double-U U".

Well, there aren't any clear pronunciations that correspond to "WU" in Japanese. But since "WU" doesn't have a vowel like "a", "ウ" is the most appropriate pronunciation, I think. Regards.--Tomo_suzuki 2007年2月17日 (土) 11:48 (UTC)[返信]



現代日本語では「Wonsan」を発音表記するなら「ウォンサン」になります。「ヲ」は発音的には「オ」と同じであり「ウォ」とはなりえません。参考:Google検索「元山市 ウォンサン」「元山市 ヲンサン

Stop creating useless redirects


Please stop creating English redirects such as Chicago and Washington, D.C.. It's waste of server resource. In Japanese Wikipedia English article names and redirects are in general not allowed except what are written in English even in Japanese context (trademarks, brand names, etc). If you'd like to look up Japanese Wikipedia by an English name, look up English Wikipedia and follow the interlanguage link.

Also, please do not create ridiculous redirects such as 篠原どもえ (already deleted) and マイスペイシ ("Space" is "スペース" in Japanese, not "スペイシ").

Such useless redirects will be discussed in WP:RFD and eventually deleted. --Rm -rf 2007年2月18日 (日) 13:40 (UTC)[返信]

What is the definition and translation for "どもえ" and how different is it from "ともえ"? -- 2007年3月12日 (月) 10:26 (UTC)[返信]
I can't understand why you ask me for that. It is YOU, not I, that created 篠原どもえ. --Rm -rf 2007年3月12日 (月) 22:44 (UTC)[返信]

The typo was for whoever had hearing difficulties

I'm asking anyone, not just you. Typos redirect to correctly-spelled articles on en: (so I think the same happens here too), and "domoe" sounded like a plausible typo of "tomoe" so that's why I made the redirect. Some people cannot hear correctly so they might hear the "d" sound when it's really the "t" sound. If a person with hearing problems only hears about Tomoe Shinohara but never sees her name in print, they might hear it as "Domoe Shinohara" and look it up here as soon as they reach a computer. When they type in her name, they may never find her because they typed in "篠原どもえ" so I thought I could help people with hearing difficulties by making this redirect. -- 2007年3月13日 (火) 04:00 (UTC)[返信]

Repeating guideline violation or refusal of communication (including removal of others' comments) could lead you to a block again. Please stop selfish attitude.--Rm -rf 2007年2月18日 (日) 18:20 (UTC)[返信]

Then would you please edit your message so it sounds friendlier and more polite? -- 2007年2月18日 (日) 19:11 (UTC)[返信]
It's up to your activities. Your past edits are considered next to vandalism. I wouldn't hesitate to be more friendly and polite to you if you respect Japanese orthography, Japanese Wikipedia guidelines and other users' advice and stop unwelcome edits/moves such as ミシェル・ヰー, フラーグ, テスート, スェーター and 篠原どもえ. --Rm -rf 2007年2月18日 (日) 21:23 (UTC)[返信]

"Tube" has been customarily spelled チューブ, not トゥーブ, in katakana. Compare the number of search results between ユーチューブ and ユートゥーブ. --Rm -rf 2007年3月5日 (月) 15:13 (UTC)[返信]

Notice of Block


あなたはブロックされました。しばらくウィキペディアの編集を行うことはできません。ブロックは時間がたつと自動的に解除されます。解除後、基本的な決まりを守って参加するなら、あなたの投稿は歓迎されます。この件に関するお問い合わせや異議申し立てはメーリングリストで受け付けます。--Rm -rf 2007年3月19日 (月) 18:20 (UTC)[返信]

Please do not erase this section. In the Japanease edition, you must leave such a message that telling or warning about block written. (この節を取り除かないでください。日本語版ではブロックに関するメッセージや警告はそのまま残しておくことになっています)-- 2007年4月17日 (火) 07:39 (UTC)[返信]

About violet


No one pronouces (or writes) "ヴァイオレット" as "ヴァイヨレット" in Japanese, even though the latter seems to be the more appropriate pronunciation of "violet". Similarly, "white" is not "ワイト" but "ホワイト" (ho-wa-i-to), "red" is not "ウレッ" but "レッド" (reddo). --Calvero 2007年5月17日 (木) 23:20 (UTC)[返信]

A tip: in Japanese, when the actual pronounciation of a foreign language word is difficult to express, sometimes it is transformed into slightly different forms from the original one. This sometimes occurs, and would be one of the origins of the "Engrish" pseudo-language. Some information may be found at 転写 (言語学). Thank you for your contributions. --Calvero 2007年5月17日 (木) 23:33 (UTC)[返信]

Thank you for correction of my grammer, IP: But the next time make it clear that you did it. --Calvero 2007年6月18日 (月) 13:48 (UTC)[返信]





--コリアンジャパニーズ 2007年3月24日 (土) 11:07 (UTC)[返信]