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Hello. I regret to say that You have been violating rules of wikipedia, about translations and wikipedia-licenses. Please read en:Wikipedia:Translation and en:Wikipedia:Copying within Wikipedia. Thank You.--ポコポコ 2010年7月11日 (日) 01:02 (UTC)[返信]

I am sorry. I am a American online user and I am poor at translating English to Japanese, when it comes to use the Japanese Wikipedia site. I would wish to be unlocked early. If I get unblocked, I will make sure that I never do this again.



We know your major 2 edit pattern.One is to add Canadian flag and the information that is not bad,but your another edits to translate from English to Japanese are too cheep.The members of Japanese Wikipedia can't agree either your machine translation or all machine translation.Please stop machine translation and create your new articles,or you will be BLOCKED FOR EVER!

What can I use to do better translations?



Your new article are funny,then all Japanese cannot agree.Don't stop to write Japanese yourself.If you can not provide Japanese Languasge translater,you not have to write Japanese wikipedea.Keep the rules.- 2010年9月7日 (火) 07:45 (UTC)[返信]



Stop to add funny Japanese letter.Though add American and Canadian flag mark,some Japanese Wikipedian tired,because they have to correct your funny Japanese. Then I have some questions.Please answer against this.

  • 1.How old are you? Many younger networkers make many troubles.If you are under 20 years old,you have not to admin the Wikipedia.
  • 2.Dou you understand the rules? I thought you have breaked on Japanese Wikipedia sometimes(Example:Funny translation will be deleted,though you create).
  • 3.If you add Japanese lettr,why can not you prepare by human translater as native Japanese speaker?

-- 2010年9月19日 (日) 06:42 (UTC)[返信]