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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-11
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Hermila Galindo Acosta (also known as Hermila Galindo de Topete) (2 June 1886 – 18 August 1954) was a Mexican feminist and a writer. She was an early supporter of many radical feminist issues, primarily sex education in schools, women's suffrage, and divorce. She was one of the first feminists to state that Catholicism in Mexico was thwarting feminist efforts, and was the first woman to run for elected office in Mexico. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年3月14日 (月) 01:23 (UTC) |
- Android 版のウィキペディア・アプリでは画面下部のツールバーを変更できるようになりました。これによりよく使うツールが使いやすくなります、また、閲読に集中できるモードも導入されています。 [1][2]
- 2021年6月から2022年1月まで、すべてのウィキの一部のページで閲覧回数のデータ収集に不具合が生じていました。統計が不完全だった可能性があります。どのプロジェクトが最も影響を受けたか計算するため、関連するデータセットが更に30日間保存されます。詳細はメタウィキをご覧ください。
- 3月10日、データベースの問題が発生しました。すべてのウィキでログインしているユーザーが12分間すべてのウィキにアクセスできなくなりました。ログインしていないユーザーがページを閲覧することはできましたが、編集したり、キャッシュされていないページを閲覧することはできませんでした。 [3]
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは3月15日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは3月16日に、その他のウィキには3月17日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
を使用してローカライズ対象のメッセージを調べるとき、「履歴表示」などのナビゲーションタブで使用可能なメッセージキーをすべて表示するようになりました。 [4]- 特別:版指定削除 へのアクセス権限が拡張されました。以前は
権限を持つユーザーもアクセスできるようになります。 [5] - 特別:復元 のページで差分表示を行ったとき、削除された版の一覧を表示していたページへ戻るためのリンクが提供されるようになりました。 [6]
- ウィキメディア財団はIPマスキングの実相戦略と次のステップについて発表を行いました。発表の詳細をご覧ください。
- Wikipedia Android アプリの開発者は利用者の会話ページや記事のノートページに関する新しい機能の開発に取り組んでいます。 [7]
- Wikimedia ハッカソン 2022は2022年5月20-22日にハイブリッドイベントとして開催されます。ハッカソンはオンラインで開催され、世界各地の交流をサポートするための助成金も利用できます。助成金の申請は3月20日まで受け付けています。
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年3月14日 (月) 22:05 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-12
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Farn-Sasan was the last king of the Indo-Parthian Kingdom, ruling the region of Sakastan approximately from 210 to 226. Literary sources makes no mention of him, and he is only known through the coins he issued. He was defeated in 226 by the Sasanian ruler Ardashir I (r. 224–242), which marked the end of Indo-Parthian rule. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年3月21日 (月) 06:29 (UTC) |
- 今週は1回ではなく4回の MediaWiki のリリースを予定しています。これは問題解決と将来のアップデートを高速化するための試みです。月曜日、火曜日、水曜日の様々な時間帯にすべてのウィキでリリースを予定しています。このプロジェクトに関する詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
- 検索結果の表示件数を個人設定から設定できるようになりました。これは2022年のコミュニティ要望リストで12番目に多かった要望です。 [8]
- Jupyter notebooks のツール PAWS がアップデートされ、インターフェースが新しくなりました。 [9]
- Kartographer を介したマップがまもなく FlaggedRevisions 拡張機能で使えるようになります。Kartographer で改善してほしいところがあればお知らせください。この調査には簡単な英語で答えることができます。 [10]
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年3月21日 (月) 15:59 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-13
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Dummy tanks superficially resemble real tanks and are often deployed as a means of military deception in the absence of real tanks. Early designs included wooden shells and inflatable props that could fool enemy intelligence; they were fragile and only believable from a distance. Modern designs are more advanced and can imitate heat signatures, making them more effective illusions. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年3月28日 (月) 01:51 (UTC) |
- macOS ユーザー向けにウィキメディアコモンズの簡略なアップロード用ツール Sunflower が利用できるようになりました。
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは3月29日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは3月30日に、その他のウィキには3月31日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- データベースの定期的な保守のため、一部のウィキが数分程度、閲覧専用の状態になる予定です。実施日時は29 3月の7:00 UTC (対象のウィキはこちら) ならびに31 3月 の7:00 UTC (対象のウィキはこちら) の見込みです。 [11][12]
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年3月28日 (月) 19:53 (UTC)
[編集]利用者Kizhiyaと申します。主にロシアからソ連初期の歴史の編集をしております。さて、利用者テラボルトさんに対するコメント依頼を提出いたしました。お忙しいところ恐縮ですが、もしよろしければ参加していただければ幸いです。 なおページはWikipedia:コメント依頼/テラボルトになります。よろしくお願いいたします。--Kizhiya(会話) 2022年3月31日 (木) 02:57 (UTC)
- 返信 (Kizhiyaさん宛) ご連絡ありがとうございます。依頼ページにコメント致しました。--麩(会話) 2022年3月31日 (木) 10:21 (UTC)
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは4月5日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは4月6日に、その他のウィキには4月7日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- メインのデータベース入れ替えのため、複数のウィキで数分間、閲覧しかできない状態になる見込みです。実施予定日時は4月7日の7:00 UTC からです(対象のウィキの一覧はこちら。)
- 来週から技術ニュースの題名が翻訳対象になります。配信時の表示はこれまでの
Tech News: 2022-14
ではなくなるかもしれません。コミュニティによってはフィルタの設定に影響が出る可能性があります。 [14] - 今後の数ヵ月にわたり、Growth 機能のひとつ「リンクを追加」 をより多くのウィキペディアで使えるようになる予定です。週単位で複数のウィキに機能を展開する見込みです。「リンクのおすすめ機能」が実装されている一部のウィキであれば、このツールをテストすることができます。
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年4月4日 (月) 20:59 (UTC)
[編集]先日のコメント依頼ではありがとうございました。 さて、合意形成までの7日(168時間)を過ぎたので、投稿ブロック依頼を提出いたしました。もし、お時間があれば投票またはコメントをいただけないでしょうか。また、精力的な訂正には頭が下がります。本当にお疲れさまでした。 Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/テラボルトです。何卒よろしくお願いいたします。--Kizhiya(会話) 2022年4月7日 (木) 07:56 (UTC)
- 返信 (Kizhiyaさん宛) ご連絡ありがとうございます。依頼ページに投票を行いました。--麩(会話) 2022年4月7日 (木) 21:51 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-15
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Ankarana Special Reserve in northern Madagascar was created in 1956. It is a small, partially vegetated plateau composed of 150-million-year-old middle Jurassic limestone (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年4月11日 (月) 01:24 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-15
- サーバーの状態を閲覧できるサイトとして、 www.wikimediastatus.net が新しく利用できるようになりました。このサイトでは5つの大まかな指標で私たちのウィキの技術的な状態を閲覧することができ、私たちのウィキの技術的環境の健全度やパフォーマンスを把握できます。また影響範囲の大きい障害に関して、技術者の書く更新情報もあります。こうした更新情報は技術者が実際に問題解決をするかたわら、時間を取れ次第できる限り迅速に執筆しています。このサイトは私たちの運営するウィキのインフラとは切り離した外部サービス上で動作しているため、私たちのウィキが短期間アクセス不能になっても閲覧することができます。このプロジェクトの詳細はこちら。
- ウィクショナリーでは、ページ上の動画ファイルと音声ファイルを再生するソフトウェアが変わりました。これまでのソフトウェアは削除されています。今回のソフトウェア変更により、音声の再生ツールの一部では横幅が広くなります。新しいソフトウェアは4年前からベータ版機能として導入されていたものです。 [15][16]
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは4月12日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは4月13日に、その他のウィキには4月14日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年4月11日 (月) 19:42 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-16
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The synagogue was erected around 1650 in Gwoździec (Ukrainian: Гвіздець - Hvizdets), then in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, today in the Kolomyia Raion, Ukraine. The building was seriously damaged in a fire during World War I. It was rebuilt in the interwar period, but destroyed completely by the Germans in 1941 (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年4月18日 (月) 01:24 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-16
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは4月19日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは4月20日に、その他のウィキには4月21日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- メインデータベース切り替えのため、一部のウィキが数分間、閲覧できても編集ができない状態になります。作業は 4月19日 7:00 (UTC)(対象となるウィキの一覧)と 4月21日 7:00 (UTC)(対象となるウィキの一覧)を予定しています。
- 管理者が特定のページを削除または復帰するとき、付随する「トーク」ページも合わせて削除や復帰ができるようになります。関連する API のエンドポイントのオプションも利用可能になります。これは2021年コミュニティ要望リストで挙がった11項目の要望のうちのひとつです。
- 一部のウィキではログインユーザーの半分が新しい目次機能を利用できるようになりました。ページを上下にスクロールしたとき、目次が画面内の同じ場所に固定されます。これはデスクトップ版改善プロジェクトの一環です。 [17]
- MediaWiki によって自動的に生成されるメッセージボックスから
の CSS クラスが除去されます。この三クラスとmessagebox
は MediaWiki のコアから除去されます。ウィキテキストでこれらのクラスを使用している場合や、CSS でこれらの外観を変更していた場合、この変更の影響を受けます。ローカルにおけるクラスの使用状況や、スタイルの定義を確認してください。これは2月28日の技術ニュースでもすでにお伝えしています。
- Kartographer が FlaggedRevisions による査読機能で利用できるようになります。Kartographer の地図が査読を保留中のページでも動作するようになります。[18] これに伴い、Kartographer の説明も更新されます。 [19] [20] [21]
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年4月18日 (月) 23:09 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-17
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! School of the Air is a generic term for correspondence schools catering for the primary and early secondary education of children in remote and outback Australia where some or all classes were historically conducted by radio, although this is now replaced by telephone and internet technology. In these areas, the school-age population is too small for a conventional school to be viable. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年4月25日 (月) 01:37 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-17
- 多数のウィキ(グループ1)でページ上の動画ファイルと音声ファイルを再生するプレイヤーが変わりました。従来使われていたプレイヤーは削除されています。今回のプレイヤー変更により、音声の再生ツールの一部では横幅が広くなります。新しいプレイヤーは4年前からベータ版機能として導入されていたものです。 [22][23]
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは4月26日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは4月27日に、その他のウィキには4月28日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- メインのデータベース入れ替えのため、複数のウィキで数分間、閲覧しかできない状態になる見込みです。実施予定日時は4月26日の7:00 UTC からです(対象となるウィキの一覧。)
- 一部の極端に古いブラウザとオペレーティングシステムのサポートを終了します。Internet Explorer 9 または 10、Andoroid 4、Firefox 38以前のブラウザではウィキの一部が正しく表示されなかったり、動作しなくなる可能性があります。 [24]
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年4月25日 (月) 22:53 (UTC)
New Wikipedia Library Collections Available Now - April 2022
[編集]Hello Wikimedians!
The Wikipedia Library has free access to new paywalled reliable sources. You can these and dozens more collections at https://wikipedialibrary.wmflabs.org/:
- Wiley – journals, books, and research resources, covering life, health, social, and physical sciences
- OECD – OECD iLibrary, Data, and Multimedia published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- SPIE Digital Library – journals and eBooks on optics and photonics applied research
Many other sources are freely available for experienced editors, including collections which recently became accessible to all eligible editors: Cambridge University Press, BMJ, AAAS, Érudit and more.
Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: log in today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 2022年4月26日 (火) 13:17 (UTC)
- This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-18
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The K-ration was an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the United States Army during World War II. It was originally intended as an individually packaged daily ration for issue to airborne troops, tank crews, motorcycle couriers, and other mobile forces for short durations. The K-ration provided three separately boxed meal units: Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 01:24, 2022年5月2日 (月) 04:04 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-18
- 残りのウィキすべて(グループ2)でページ上の動画ファイルと音声ファイルを再生するプレイヤーが変更されました。従来使われていたプレイヤーは削除されています。今回のプレイヤー変更により、音声の再生ツールの一部では横幅が広くなります。新しいプレイヤーは4年前からベータ版機能として導入されていたものです。 [25][26]
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは5月3日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは5月4日に、その他のウィキには5月5日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- 開発者はiOS版ウィキペディアアプリでトークページ機能の実装に取り組んでいます。フィードバックをお待ちしています。フィードバックは英語、ドイツ語、ヘブライ語、中国語で受け付けています。
- 殆どのウィキでビジュアルエディターまたはウィキテキストモードを使用したときに改良型テンプレートダイアログが利用できるようになります。 [27] [28]
- ウィキテキストでの編集時に構文強調表示を使用した場合、カラーブラインドに応じた配色を使用できるようになります。 [29]
- MediaWiki のインターフェースメッセージに関連したいくつかの CSS の ID が削除されます。技術関係の編集者は対象となる ID とこれらを使用しているページの一覧をご確認ください。
とその他3種類の ID が対象となります。
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年5月2日 (月) 19:31 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-19
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Cyrus the Great Day (Persian: روز کوروش بزرگ, romanized: ruz-e kuroš-e bozorg) is an unofficial Iranian holiday that takes place on the seventh day of Aban, the eighth month of the Solar Hijri calendar (October 29th on the Gregorian calendar), to commemorate Cyrus the Great, the founder of the ancient Achaemenid Persian Empire. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年5月9日 (月) 02:01 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-19
- Android 版のウィキペディアアプリでもカテゴリが表示されるようになりました。 [30]
- 先週、ウィキデータの検索候補の表示に不具合がありました。現在は修正済みです。 [31]
- 先週、すべてのウィキのログインユーザーとキャッシュされていないページで20分ほど、アクセスが重いかアクセスできない状態が発生していました。これはデータベースの変更に伴う問題が原因でした。 [32]
- 今週、MediaWikiのバージョン更新はありません。 [33]
- FlaggedRevs 拡張機能における Kartographer との非互換性の問題が修正される見込みです。展開はすべてのウィキで5月10日を予定しています。Kartographer はこの拡張機能を未導入のウィキ5件でも5月24日に展開する予定です。
- 2022年版ベクター (Vector) 外装はウィキペディアのアラビア語版とカタロニア語版で規定となる予定です。ログイン利用者の場合、旧来の2010年版ベクターに戻すことが可能です。詳細は2022年版ベクターの最新の更新情報をご参照ください。
- 2022年版ベクター外装に関するウェブチームのオープンミーティングが5月17日に開催される予定です。6月7日、6月21日、7月5日、7月19日にもミーティングが計画されています。
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年5月9日 (月) 15:20 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-20
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! "Lift Every Voice and Sing" – often referred to as the Black national anthem in the United States – is a hymn with lyrics by James Weldon Johnson (1871–1938) and set to music by his brother, J. Rosamond Johnson (1873–1954), for the anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's birthday in 1900 (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年5月16日 (月) 01:57 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-20
- 一部のウィキでリンクの追加機能が利用できるようになります。水曜日に運用開始予定です。カタロニア語版ウィキペディア、ヘブライ語版ウィキペディア、ヒンディー語版ウィキペディア、韓国語版ウィキペディア、ノルウェー語(ブークモール)版ウィキペディア、ポルトガル語版ウィキペディア、シンプル英語版ウィキペディア、スウェーデン語版ウィキペディア、ウクライナ語版ウィキペディアが対象となります。これは様々なウィキペディアにツールを配備する計画の一環です。コミュニティはローカルでこの機能の動作設定を行うことができます。 [34]
- ウィキメディアハッカソン 2022はオンラインで5月20日から22日に開催予定です。英語で実施されます。ドイツ、ガーナ、ギリシャ、インド、ナイジェリア、アメリカではローカルでもハッカソンのミートアップが行われます。技術関係に興味があるウィキメディアンはソフトウェア・プロジェクトに取り組み、新しいスキルを身につけることもできます。セッションを主催したり、取り組みたいプロジェクトを投稿したりすることもできます。
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは5月17日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは5月18日に、その他のウィキには5月19日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- 翻訳可能なページをビジュアルエディターで編集できるようになります。例えばメタやコモンズで翻訳対象に指定されているページでこの機能が使用できます。 [35]
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年5月16日 (月) 18:56 (UTC)
技術ニュース: 2022-21
- 管理者はモバイルウェブ版のインターフェースを使用しているとき、利用者ページから直接 Special:Block の特別ページにアクセスできるようになりました。 [36]
- www.wiktionary.org のポータルページは現在、自動的に更新されるシステムを使用しています。他のプロジェクトのポータルも今後数ヶ月の間に更新される予定です。 [37]
- Growthチームは新規参加者のためのメンターシッププログラムに取り組んでいます。従来は新規参加者がこのプログラムからオプトアウトすることができないようになっていました。2022年5月19日以降、新規参加者がGrowthのメンターシップからオプトアウトできるようになりました。 [38]
- 投稿記録のメニューからコンテンツ翻訳ツールを読み込もうとするとページが動作しなくなるという問題が一部の編集者に発生しています。ただいま修正対応中です。Special:ContentTranslation を直接開いた場合はページが正常に動作するはずです。 [39]
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは5月24日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは5月25日に、その他のウィキには5月26日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備され ボット によって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年5月24日 (火) 00:20 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-22
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Zangbeto are the traditional voodoo guardians of the night among the Ogu or Egun people of Benin, Togo and Nigeria. A traditional police and security institution, the Zangbeto cult is charged with the maintenance of law and order, and ensures safety and security within Ogu communities (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年5月30日 (月) 02:05 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-22
- AbuseFilter 拡張機能に IP がいずれかの帯域に含まれるかどうかを調べる
で繋いで1つの式とすることが推奨されています。Special:AbuseFilter を使ってローカルでの使用例を検索することができます。 [41] - 不正利用フィルターを編集する利用者が IP に関する情報へアクセスできるようにするため、IP 情報という機能をすべてのウィキでベータ版として実装しました。これは test.wikipedia.org で数週間にわたって行ったベータテストの結果に基づくものです。
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは5月31日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは6月1日に、その他のウィキには6月2日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- メインのデータベース入れ替えのため、複数のウィキで数分間、閲覧しかできない状態になる見込みです。実施予定日時は5月31日の7:00 UTC からです(対象となるウィキの一覧。)
- 話題追加ツールはすべてのエディタに対応し、ほとんどのウィキを対象にまもなく導入の予定です。この機能を無効にするには、このツール内と個人設定で指定してください。 [42][43]
- list=usercontribs API は近日中に IP の帯域からの投稿の取得をサポートする予定です。API を使用するときは
パラメータを指定することにより、制限値の範囲内で帯域内から投稿を取得することができます。 [44] - 新しいパーサー関数
が導入されます。これは「=」という名前の既存のテンプレートを置き換えるものです。等号を挿入するものであり、テンプレート内のパラメータで使われる等号をエスケープするために使用します。 [45]
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備され ボット によって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年5月30日 (月) 20:28 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-23
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Trabala vishnou, the rose-myrtle lappet moth, is a moth of the family Lasiocampidae. It is found in south-east Asia, including Pakistan, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Java, China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Indonesia. Four subspecies are recognized. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年6月6日 (月) 01:24 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-23
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは6月7日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは6月8日に、その他のウィキには6月9日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- 不正利用フィルターに新しく実装された関数
は正規表現で文の一部を置換することができます。 [46]
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットを使い配信しています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年6月7日 (火) 02:45 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-24
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Tirumala septentrionis, the dark blue tiger, is a danaid butterfly found in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年6月13日 (月) 01:35 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-24
- Kartographer 地図を全てのウィキで利用できるようになりました。この Kartographer 地図は査読待ちのページでも有効です。 [47][48]
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは6月14日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは6月15日に、その他のウィキには6月16日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- メインのデータベース入れ替えのため、複数のウィキで数分間、閲覧しかできない状態になる見込みです。実施予定日時は6月14日の6:00 UTC からです(対象となるウィキの一覧。) [49]
- 水曜日以降、新しくなったリンクの追加機能が一部のウィキで利用できるようになります。(対象はアブハズ語版ウィキペディア、アチェ語版ウィキペディア、アディゲ語版ウィキペディア、アフリカーンス語版ウィキペディア、アカン語版ウィキペディア、スイスドイツ語版ウィキペディア、アムハラ語版ウィキペディア、アラゴン語版ウィキペディア、古英語版ウィキペディア、古典シリア語版ウィキペディア、エジプト・アラビア語版ウィキペディア、アストゥリアス語版ウィキペディア、アティカメク語版ウィキペディア、アヴァル語版ウィキペディア、アイマラ語版ウィキペディア、アゼルバイジャン語版ウィキペディア、南アゼルバイジャン語版ウィキペディア)。これは様々なウィキペディアにこのツールを導入する計画の一環です。コミュニティはローカルでこの機能の動作設定を行うことができます。 [50]
- 話題追加ツールはすべてのエディタに対応し、まもなくコモンズ、ウィキデータならびに複数のウィキに導入する予定です。ツールや個人設定でこの機能を無効化することができます。 [51][52]
- 2022年版ベクター外装に関するウェブチームの公開ミーティングが6月13日に開催予定です。今後は6月28日、7月12日、7月26日にもミーティングが計画されています。
- 7月末までに2022年版ベクター外装が全てのウィキで既定になる予定です。それぞれのコミュニティのニーズに応じて調整するため、今後の数週間に議論を始める予定です。個人設定でいつでも旧バージョンに戻すことが可能です。詳細はこちら。
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備されボットによって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年6月13日 (月) 16:58 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-25
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Statehood Day (Slovene: Dan državnosti) is a holiday that occurs on every 25 June in Slovenia to commemorate the country's declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. Although the formal declaration of independence did not come until 26 June 1991, Statehood Day is considered to be 25 June since that was the date on which the initial acts regarding independence were passed and Slovenia became independent (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年6月20日 (月) 03:32 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-25
- Android用ウィキペディアアプリにページ全体を一度に編集する機能が追加されました。オーバーフローメニュー(3つの点のメニュー )から選択できます。 [53]
- 最近行われたデータベースの変更に伴い、Quarry ツールを使った検索に影響が出る可能性があります。英語版ウィキペディア、コモンズ、ウィキデータの
に対するクエリを更新する必要があります。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。 - 不正利用フィルターに新しい変数
が追加され、グローバルに活動している利用者を除外することができるようになりました。 [54]
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは6月21日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは6月22日に、その他のウィキには6月23日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- モバイルデバイスでレスポンシブではない外装(MonoBook や Vector など)を使用している場合、デフォルトのズームレベルが多少変更される場合があります。ズームを最適化してコンテンツ(Vector 2022 のテーブルコンテンツなど)がページ内に収まるようにするためです。この機能によってサイトの閲覧に不具合が生じる場合、その状況を把握したいと思いますので、議論を行うとき Jon (WMF) に ping を送ってください。 [55]
- ベータ版機能の議論ツールは7月中にアップデートが行われる予定です。議論の外観が変更される予定です。変更案の一部をご覧ください。
- Parsoid による HTML 出力はファイルリンクに対して異なる
のファイルタイプを要求するコードを修正する必要があります。 [56]
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備され ボット によって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年6月20日 (月) 20:17 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-26
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Roll Out Solar Array (ROSA) and its larger version ISS Roll Out Solar Array (iROSA) are lightweight, flexible power sources designed by NASA to be deployed and used in space. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年6月27日 (月) 01:24 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-26
- ウィキメディアエンタープライズ API サービスでは無料のオンデマンドリクエストとマンスリースナップショットが利用できるセルフサービスアカウントが提供されます(API ドキュメント)。コミュニティからデータベースダンプとウィキメディアクラウドサービスへのアクセスは継続されます。
- テンプレートやモジュールを作成したあと、ウィキメディアウィキでからLuaを使ってウィキデータの語彙素を利用できるようになります。これに関する議論はプロジェクトのトークページで受け付けています。
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは6月28日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは6月29日に、その他のウィキには6月30日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- メインのデータベース入れ替えのため、複数のウィキで数分間、閲覧しかできない状態になる見込みです。実施予定日時は6月28日の6:00 UTC からです(対象となるウィキの一覧。) [57]
- メインのデータベース入れ替えのため、一部のグローバルサービスとクロスウィキサービスは数分間、閲覧しかできない状態になる見込みです。実施予定日時は6月30日の6:00 UTC からです。コンテンツ翻訳、通知、構造化議論、GrowthExperiments機能、その他一部のサービスが影響を受けます。 [58]
- モバイル外装を使用したとき、ソートが設定されたテーブルをソートできるようになります。 [59]
- 2022年版ベクター外装に関するウェブチームの公開ミーティングが明日(6月28日)に開催されます。7月12日、7月26日にもミーティングが計画されています。
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備され ボット によって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年6月27日 (月) 20:02 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-27
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! "The Road Goes Ever On" is a title that encompasses several walking songs that J. R. R. Tolkien wrote for his Middle-earth legendarium. Within the stories, the original song was composed by Bilbo Baggins and recorded in The Hobbit. Different versions of it also appear in The Lord of the Rings, along with some similar walking songs. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年7月4日 (月) 00:51 (UTC) |
技術ニュース: 2022-27
- 新しいバージョンのMediaWikiソフトウェアが稼働します。テストウィキとMediaWiki.orgは7月5日に、ウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトと一部のウィキペディアは7月6日に、その他のウィキには7月7日に展開されます(工程表はこちら)。
- メインデータベース切り替えのため、一部のウィキが数分間、閲覧できても編集ができない状態になります。作業は 7月5日 7:00 (UTC)(対象となるウィキの一覧)と 7月7日 7:00 (UTC)(対象となるウィキの一覧)を予定しています。
- ベータ版機能の議論ツールは7月中にアップデートが行われる予定です。議論の外観が変更されます。変更案の一部をご覧ください。
- この変更はウィキソースの標準名前空間にあるページにのみ影響します。 Javascript の
に置き換える予定です。 [60]
技術ニュースは技術大使によって準備され ボット によって配信されています • 寄稿 • 翻訳 • 相談 • フィードバック • 購読/購読解除
2022年7月4日 (月) 19:31 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-28
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Everard Richard Calthrop (3 March 1857 – 30 March 1927) was a British railway engineer and inventor. Calthrop was a notable promoter and builder of narrow-gauge railways, especially of 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) narrow gauge, and was especially prominent in India. His most notable achievement was the Barsi Light Railway, but he is best known in his home country for the Leek and Manifold Valley Light Railway. Calthrop has been described as a "railway genius. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年7月11日 (月) 02:04 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-29
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Church of St. Clare, Horodkivka is a Roman Catholic religious building and an architectural monument of local importance in the village of Horodkivka (alternative spelling Gorodkivka), Andrushivka Raion, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine. Horodkivka was called Khalaimgorodok before 1946 (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年7月18日 (月) 01:45 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-30
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Sack of Shamakhi took place on 18 August 1721, when rebellious Sunni Lezgins, within the declining Safavid Empire, attacked the capital of Shirvan province, Shamakhi (in present-day Azerbaijan Republic). The initially successful counter-campaign was abandoned by the central government at a critical moment and with the threat then left unchecked, Shamakhi was taken by 15,000 Lezgin tribesmen, its Shia population massacred, and the city ransacked. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年7月25日 (月) 01:46 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-31
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Lau Pa Sat, also known as Telok Ayer Market, is a historic building located within the Downtown Core in the Central Area of Singapore. It was first built in 1824 as a fish market on the waterfront serving the people of early colonial Singapore and rebuilt in 1838. It was then relocated and rebuilt at the present location in 1894. It is currently a food court with stalls selling a variety of local cuisine. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年8月1日 (月) 01:47 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-32
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! "The Raggle Taggle Gypsy" (Roud 1, Child 200), is a traditional folk song that originated as a Scottish border ballad, and has been popular throughout Britain, Ireland and North America. It concerns a rich lady who runs off to join the gypsies (or one gypsy). (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年8月8日 (月) 01:51 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-33
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Peroz I Kushanshah was ruler of the Kushano-Sasanian Kingdom from 245 to 275. He was the successor of Ardashir I Kushanshah. He was an energetic ruler, who minted coins in Balkh, Herat, and Gandhara. Under him, the Kushano-Sasanians further expanded their domains into the west, pushing the weakened Kushan Empire to Mathura in North India. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年8月15日 (月) 01:47 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-34
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! In the Arbour (Polish: W altanie) is an oil painting created by Polish Realist painter Aleksander Gierymski in 1882. It is displayed at the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland. In the painting is shown a social gathering of a group of aristocrats portrayed in 18th-century clothes, which takes place on a summer day in a garden. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年8月22日 (月) 11:47 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-35
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Imphal Peace Museum (IPM) (Meitei: Imphal Aying-Achik Pukei Lankei Shanglen, Japanese: インパール平和資料館, romanized: Inpāru heiwa shiryōkan) is a WWII museum at the foothills of the Red Hills (Maibam Lokpa Ching) in Manipur. It is a living memory of the Battle of Imphal and other WWII battles (March-July 1944) fought in Manipur. It is supported by the Nippon Foundation (TNF), a non profit grant making organization, collaborating with the Manipur Tourism Forum and the Government of Manipur. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年8月29日 (月) 01:33 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-36
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Church of Saint John (Armenian: Սուրբ Յովհաննէս Եկեղեցի) is a 5th or 6th century Armenian Catholic church in Sohrol, Shabestar County, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. It was rebuilt in 1840 by Samson Makintsev (Sam Khan; member of Bogatyr Battalion) in brick on the older church foundation. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年9月5日 (月) 01:48 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-38
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! On June 24, 2022, at least 37 migrants were killed at the Melilla border fence during a conflict with Moroccan and Spanish security forces. Conflict broke out as between 500 and 2,000 people gathered in the early hours of the day to cross the border with Spain. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年9月19日 (月) 01:39 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-39
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! George Washington Johnson (c. October 1846 – January 23, 1914) was an American singer and pioneer sound recording artist. Johnson was the first African American recording star of the phonograph (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年9月26日 (月) 02:07 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-41
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The social movement of Meitei language (officially known as "Manipuri language") to achieve the officially recognised status of the "Classical language of India" is advocated by various literary, political, social associations and organisations as well as notable individual personalities of Bangladesh, Myanmar, Northeast India (prominently Assam, Manipur and Tripura). (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年10月10日 (月) 00:55 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-42
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Urânia Vanério de Argollo Ferrão (Salvador, 14 December 1811 — 3 December 1849) was a Brazilian teacher, writer and translator. In her childhood she witnessed the conflict between Brazilian and Portuguese troops in early 1822, in the context of the Bahia's Independence process, which led her to write the poem "Lamentos de uma Baiana..." ("Laments of a girl from Bahia"). (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年10月17日 (月) 03:32 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-43
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Pagoda of the Celestial Lady (Vietnamese: Chùa Thiên Mụ; also called Linh Mụ Pagoda) is a historic temple in the city of Huế in Vietnam. Its iconic seven-story pagoda is regarded as the unofficial symbol of the city, and the temple has often been the subject of folk rhymes and ca dao about Huế. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年10月24日 (月) 01:52 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-44
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Women's rights in Qatar are restricted by the country's male guardianship law and influenced by the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Both women and men were enfranchised in the country at the same time, in 1999. Labour force participation rates of Qatari women are above the world average and among the highest in the Arab World, which comes mainly as a result of an increasing number of Qatari women who are attaining academic degrees. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年10月31日 (月) 02:14 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-45
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Truck art in South Asia is a popular form of regional decoration, with trucks featuring elaborate floral patterns and calligraphy. It is especially common in Pakistan and India. During the War in Afghanistan, Pakistani decorated trucks that ran services between Pakistan and Afghanistan came to be known as jingle trucks by American troops and contractors who were deployed across the latter. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年11月7日 (月) 02:23 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-46
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Gorgany Nature Reserve (Ukrainian: Ґорґани заповідник) is a strict nature reserve (a 'zapovidnyk') of Ukraine that covers a part of the Gorgany mountain range of the Outer Eastern Carpatians in southwest Ukraine. The reserve is 46% old-growth forest, one of the last and largest such stands in Europe. The reserve was originally created in 1996 to protect relic stands of Stone pine trees (Pinus cembra). The reserve is administratively in the Nadvirna District of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年11月14日 (月) 01:49 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-47
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Pizza quattro formaggi (four cheese pizza) is a variety of pizza in Italian cuisine that is topped with a combination of four kinds of cheese, usually melted together, with (rossa, red) or without (bianca, white) tomato sauce. It is popular worldwide, including in Italy, and is one of the iconic items from pizzerias' menus. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年11月21日 (月) 02:01 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-48
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
en:Equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington, Glasgow
(de:Reiterstatue des Duke of Wellington (Glasgow)) (es:Estatua de Wellington) (ja:ウェリントン公爵騎馬像 (グラスゴー)) Please be bold and help translate this article! The equestrian statue of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington located outside the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, Scotland, is one of Glasgow's most iconic landmarks. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年11月28日 (月) 02:18 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2022-49
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Black Woman with Child is a circa 1650 full-length portrait painting by Albert Eckhout. It is in the collection of the National Gallery of Denmark. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2022年12月5日 (月) 01:45 (UTC) |
[編集]ウラジーミル・レーニンその他の記事での、チェックとメンテナンス、新規の方へのガイドをありがとうございます。 レーニンの記事ですが、麩さんは、「人物記事であり、業績全部を扱うものではない」旨をお書きになっておられたと思います。レーニンほどの人の人物記事ならば、行った事柄や影響を与えた事柄は別記事にするほうが合理的で、賛同いたします。また、当方には、レーニンの記事に対して「こう書くべきだ」という考えはまったく無いので、どうか私のことはお気になさらず編集なさってくださいますようお願いいたします。ただ、丸写しや丸写しに近いものがないよう、こちらも時々チェックするようにいたします。それでは失礼いたします。--Kizhiya(会話) 2022年12月30日 (金) 00:41 (UTC)--Kizhiya(会話) 2022年12月30日 (金) 00:45 (UTC)タイトル追記
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-02
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Zakia Khudadadi also spelt as Zakia Khodadadi (Pashto: ذکیه خدادادی; born 29 September 1998) is an Afghan parataekwondo practitioner. She is the first Afghan female taekwondo practitioner. She rose to prominence after winning the African International Parataekwondo Championship in 2016 at the age of 18. She represented Afghanistan at the 2020 Summer Paralympics. She was initially denied the opportunity to compete at her maiden Paralympics due to the Taliban takeover but she was later allowed by the International Paralympic Committee to compete in the event after being safely evacuated from Afghanistan. She was able to compete and became the first Afghan female Paralympic competitor to compete at the Paralympics after 17 years since Mareena Karim's participation at the 2004 Summer Paralympics. She also officially became the first Afghan female sportsperson to participate in an international sporting event after the Taliban takeover. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年1月9日 (月) 01:57 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-03
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Léopoldville riots were an outbreak of civil disorder in Léopoldville (modern-day Kinshasa) in the Belgian Congo which took place in January 1959 and which were an important moment for the Congolese independence movement. The rioting occurred when members of the Alliance des Bakongo (ABAKO) political party were not allowed to assemble for a protest and colonial authorities reacted harshly. The exact death toll is not known, but at least 49 people were killed and total casualties may have been as high as 500. Following these riots, a round table conference was organized in Brussels to negotiate the terms of Congo's independence, The Congo received its independence on 30 June 1960, becoming the Republic of the Congo. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年1月16日 (月) 01:38 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-06
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Sweden Finns' Day (Finnish: Ruotsinsuomalaisten päivä, Swedish: Sverigefinnarnas dag) is an anniversary celebrated in Sweden on 24 February. The anniversary of the calendar was approved by the Swedish Academy in 2010 and was celebrated for the first time in 2011. February 24 was chosen as the birthday of Carl Axel Gottlund, a collector of folk poetry and a defender of the status of the Finnish language. The purpose of the day is to celebrate the Sweden Finns and to recognize their history, language and culture as a prominent part of Sweden's cultural heritage. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年2月6日 (月) 02:04 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-07
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! A delivery robot is an autonomous robot that provides "last mile" delivery services. An operator may monitor and take control of the robot remotely in certain situations that the robot cannot resolve by itself such as when it is stuck in an obstacle. Delivery robots can be used in different settings such as food delivery, package delivery, hospital delivery, and room service. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年2月13日 (月) 01:26 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-08
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Buddha Dhatu Jadi (Bengali: বুদ্ধ ধাতু জাদি; Burmese: ဗုဒ္ဓဓာတုစေတီ also known as the Bandarban Golden Temple) is located close to Balaghata town, in Bandarban City, in Bangladesh. Dhatu are the material remains of a holy person, and in this temple the relics belong to Buddha. It is the largest Theravada Buddhist temple in Bangladesh and has the second-largest Buddha statue in the country. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年2月20日 (月) 02:18 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-09
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Alina Scholtz (24 September 1908 – 25 February 1996) was a Polish landscape architect, known as one of country's pioneers in developing the field. Throughout her career she worked on various public and private projects for cemeteries, parks and green spaces. Some of her most noted works include the grounds of a villa on Kielecka Street in Warsaw for which she won a Silver Medal at the 1937 World Exhibition in Paris, the memorial cemetery to the victims of the Palmiry massacre, and landscaping projects along the East-West traffic route of Warsaw. In addition to her design work, she served as one of the founding members of the International Federation of Landscape Architects. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年2月27日 (月) 02:04 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-10
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Mary Nzimiro, birthname Mary Nwametu Onumonu, MBE (1898–1993) was a pioneering Nigerian businesswoman, politician and women's activist. In 1948, she was appointed principal representative of the United Africa Company (UAC) for Eastern Nigeria, while maintaining textile and cosmetics retail outlets of her own in Port Harcourt, Aba and Owerri. By the early 1950s, she was among the richest individuals in West Africa, becoming a resident of the exclusive Bernard Carr Street in Port Harcourt. On the political front, she was a member of the influential National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons, becoming a member of its executive committee in 1957 and vice-president of the NCNC Estern Women's Association in 1962. During the Nigerian Civil War (1967–1970), she organized Igbo women in support of the Biafrans. As a result she lost most of her property in Port Harcourt and returned to her native Oguta where she died in 1993. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年3月6日 (月) 02:47 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-11
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Elizabeth Langdon Williams (February 8, 1879 in Putnam, Connecticut – 1981 in Enfield, New Hampshire) was an American human computer and astronomer whose work helped lead to the discovery of Pluto, or Planet X. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年3月13日 (月) 01:21 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-12
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! an American anti-war song that was influential within the pacifist movement that existed in the United States before it entered World War I. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年3月20日 (月) 01:31 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-13
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Diana Alexandra Aguavil Calazacón (born 7 August 1983) is an Ecuadorian indigenous leader, since 25 August 2018, the first female governor of the Tsáchila nationality after 104 years of male administrations and winning the 2018 Tsáchila election. She was also the second woman to become a candidate. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年3月27日 (月) 01:39 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-16
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Lucy Salani was an Italian activist and is considered the only Italian transgender person to have survived the Nazi concentration camps. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年4月17日 (月) 02:06 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-17
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! María Fernanda Castro Maya is a Mexican self-advocate disability rights activist. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年4月24日 (月) 01:55 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-18
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Sonia Shainwald Orbuch (born Sarah Shainwald, May 24, 1925 – September 30, 2018) was an American Holocaust educator. During the Second World War she was a Jewish resistance fighter in eastern Poland. Orbuch hid in the forests of Poland with her family during the Second World War. She joined a group of Soviet partisans, being renamed Sonia in case she was captured, and helped fight against the Germans. After the war, she returned home, where she met her future husband. After having a daughter in a refugee camp in Germany, the family eventually emigrated to the United States. She spent the rest of life in public engagement, speaking about her experiences and in 2009, published her autobiography, Here, There Are No Sarahs: A Woman's Courageous Fight Against the Nazis and Her Bittersweet Fulfillment of the American Dream. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年5月1日 (月) 06:24 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-19
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Nadia Ghulam Dastgir is an Afghan woman who spent ten years posing as her dead brother to evade the Taliban's strictures against women. Her book about her experiences, written with Agnès Rotger and published in 2010, El secret del meu turbant (The Secret of My Turban), won the Prudenci Bertrana Prize for fiction. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年5月8日 (月) 01:37 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-20
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Purple Day is a global grassroots event that was formed with the intention to increase worldwide awareness of epilepsy, and to dispel common myths and fears of this neurological disorder. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年5月15日 (月) 02:17 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-22
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Valencian Art Nouveau (Spanish: modernismo valenciano, Valencian: modernisme valencià), is the historiographic denomination given to an art and literature movement associated with the Art Nouveau in the Valencian Community, in Spain. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年5月29日 (月) 01:46 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-23
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Alessandra Korap is an indigenous leader and Brazilian environmental activist from the Munduruku ethnic group. Her main work is defending the demarcation of indigenous territory and denouncing the illegal exploitation and activities of the mining and logging industries. Alessandra is internationally recognized for her work. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年6月5日 (月) 01:33 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-24
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Cassinga Day is a national public holiday in Namibia remembering the Cassinga Massacre. Commemorated annually on 4 May, the date "remembers those (approximately 600) killed in 1978 when the South African Defence Force attacked a SWAPO base at Cassinga in southern Angola". (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年6月12日 (月) 01:07 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-26
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Rawon (Javanese: ꦫꦮꦺꦴꦤ꧀) is an Indonesian beef soup. Originating from East Java, rawon utilizes the black keluak nut as the main seasoning, which gives a dark color and nutty flavor to the soup. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年6月26日 (月) 02:18 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-27
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! A hook echo is a pendant or hook-shaped weather radar signature as part of some supercell thunderstorms. It is found in the lower portions of a storm as air and precipitation flow into a mesocyclone, resulting in a curved feature of reflectivity. The echo is produced by rain, hail, or even debris being wrapped around the supercell (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年7月3日 (月) 01:18 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-29
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Esther Victoria Cooper Jackson was an American civil rights activist and social worker. She was one of the founding editors of the magazine Freedomways. She also was an organizational and executive secretary at the Southern Negro Youth Congress. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年7月17日 (月) 01:14 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-30
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The cuts of pork are the different parts of the pig which are consumed as food by humans. The terminology and extent of each cut varies from country to country. There are between four and six primal cuts, which are the large parts in which the pig is first cut: the shoulder (blade and picnic), loin, belly (spare ribs and side) and leg (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年7月24日 (月) 01:21 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-31
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Gunhild Cross (Danish: Gunhildkorset), named for its first owner, Gunhild, a daughter of Svend III of Denmark, is a mid-12th-century crucifix carved in walrus tusk and with both Latin and Runic inscriptions. It is now in the collection of the National Museum of Denmark. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年7月31日 (月) 02:48 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-32
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Polyura athamas, the common nawab, is a species of fast-flying canopy butterfly found in tropical Asia. It belongs to the Charaxinae (rajahs and nawabs) in the brush-footed butterfly family (Nymphalidae). (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年8月7日 (月) 03:14 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-33
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The women's page (sometimes called home page or women's section) of a newspaper was a section devoted to covering news assumed to be of interest to women. Women's pages started out in the 19th century as society pages and eventually morphed into features sections in the 1970s. Although denigrated during much of that period, they had a significant impact on journalism and in their communities. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年8月14日 (月) 02:51 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-34
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Insect toxins are various protein toxins produced by insect species. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年8月21日 (月) 01:32 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-35
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Manchester Blitz (also known as the Christmas Blitz) was the heavy bombing of the city of Manchester and its surrounding areas in North West England during the Second World War by the German Luftwaffe. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年8月28日 (月) 02:16 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-36
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Ghana Independence Act 1957 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that granted the Gold Coast fully responsible government within the British Commonwealth of Nations under the name of Ghana (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年9月4日 (月) 01:18 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-37
[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Betrayal trauma is defined as a trauma perpetrated by someone with whom the victim is close to and reliant upon for support and survival. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年9月11日 (月) 01:49 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-38
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Please be bold and help translate this article! The Putumayo genocide is the term which is used in reference to the enslavement, massacres and ethnocide of the indigenous population of the Amazon at the hands of the Peruvian Amazon Company, specifically in the area between the Putumayo River and the Caquetá River during the Amazon rubber boom period from 1879 to 1912. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年9月18日 (月) 03:38 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-42
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Please be bold and help translate this article! Athyma nefte, the colour sergeant, is a species of brush-footed butterfly found in tropical South and Southeast Asia. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年10月16日 (月) 01:58 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-43
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Please be bold and help translate this article! Typhoon Rusa was the most powerful typhoon to strike South Korea in 43 years. It was the 21st JTWC tropical depression, the 15th named storm, and the 10th typhoon of the 2002 Pacific typhoon season. It developed on August 22 from the monsoon trough in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, well to the southeast of Japan. For several days, Rusa moved to the northwest, eventually intensifying into a powerful typhoon. On August 26, the storm moved across the Amami Islands of Japan, where Rusa left 20,000 people without power and caused two fatalities. Across Japan, the typhoon dropped torrential rainfall peaking at 902 mm (35.5 in) in Tokushima Prefecture. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年10月23日 (月) 01:50 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-44
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Please be bold and help translate this article! Christiaan Hendrik "Hein" Eersel was a Surinamese linguist and cultural researcher. He served as Minister of Education and Population Development in the cabinet of acting Prime Minister Arthur Johan May. He was also the first chancellor of the University of Suriname. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年10月30日 (月) 02:09 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-45
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Please be bold and help translate this article! Reclaim the Night is a movement started in Leeds in 1977 as part of the Women's Liberation Movement. Marches demanding that women be able to move throughout public spaces at night took place across England until the 1990s. Later, the organisation was revived and sponsors annual and national marches against rape and violence against women. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年11月8日 (水) 00:40 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-46
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Please be bold and help translate this article! "Ishe Komborera Africa" (Shona for: God Bless Africa), also called "Ishe Komborera Zimbabwe" (Shona for: God Bless Zimbabwe), was the Zimbabwean national anthem from 1980 to 1994. It was the country's first national anthem after gaining independence in 1980. It is a translation of 19th-century South African schoolteacher Enoch Sontonga's popular African hymn "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika" into Zimbabwe's native Shona and Ndebele languages. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年11月13日 (月) 00:38 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-47
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Please be bold and help translate this article! Bhagavata Mela is a classical Indian dance that is performed in Tamil Nadu, particularly the Thanjavur area. It is choreographed as an annual Vaishnavism tradition in Melattur and nearby regions, and celebrated as a dance-drama performance art. The dance art has roots in a historic migration of practitioners of Kuchipudi, another Indian classical dance art, from Andhra Pradesh to the kingdom of Tanjavur. The term Bhagavata, state Brandon and Banham, refers to the Hindu text Bhagavata Purana. Mela is a Sanskrit word that means "gathering, meeting of a group" and connotes a folk festival. The traditional Bhagavata Mela performance acts out the legends of Hinduism, set to the Carnatic style music. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 00:38, 2023年11月20日 (月) 04:07 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-48
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Please be bold and help translate this article! The Zaniskari or Zanskari is a breed of small mountain horse or pony from Ladakh, in northern India. It is named for the Zanskar valley or region in Kargil district. It is similar to the Spiti breed of Himachal Pradesh, but is better adapted to work at high altitude. Like the Spiti, it shows similarities to the Tibetan breeds of neighbouring Tibet. It is of medium size, and is often grey in colour. The breed is considered endangered, as there are only a few hundred alive today, and a conservation programme has been started at Padum, Zanskar, in the Kargil district of Ladakh. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年11月27日 (月) 01:44 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-49
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Please be bold and help translate this article! Sheikh Hussein is a town in south-eastern Ethiopia. The site has been recorded in the tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage List since 2011 as a religious, cultural and historical site. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年12月4日 (月) 01:34 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-50
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fr:Applaudissements aux fenêtres pendant la pandémie de Covid-19
(es:Aplauso por los trabajadores de la salud) (gl:Aplauso ao persoal sanitario) Please be bold and help translate this article! During the COVID-19 pandemic, applauding daily at a scheduled hour was a gesture of acclamation, recognition and gratitude towards health professionals in tribute to their work at the time. This habit emerged in January 2020 in Wuhan, where the pandemic originated, and then spread to several cities around the world during the quarantines and sanitary cordons ordered as preventive measures, Italy being the first one. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年12月11日 (月) 02:26 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-51
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Please be bold and help translate this article! Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife refuge in New York City managed by the National Park Service as part of Gateway National Recreation Area. It is composed of the open water and intertidal salt marshes of Jamaica Bay. It lies entirely within the boundaries of New York City, divided between the boroughs of Brooklyn to the west and Queens to the east. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年12月18日 (月) 02:05 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2023-52
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Please be bold and help translate this article! Plant blindness is an informally-proposed form of cognitive bias, which in its broadest meaning, is a human tendency to ignore plant species. This includes such phenomena as not noticing plants in the surrounding environment, not recognizing the importance of plant life to the whole biosphere and to human affairs, a philosophical view of plants as an inferior form of life to animals and/or the inability to appreciate the unique features or aesthetics of plants. Related terms include plant‐neglect, zoo-centrism, and zoo‐chauvinism. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2023年12月25日 (月) 01:58 (UTC) |
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-02
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Please be bold and help translate this article! Pax airship disaster was the explosion of the Pax airship on May 12, 1902, in Paris, which killed the Brazilian inventor Augusto Severo and the French mechanic Georges Saché. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 12:14, 8 January 2024 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-03[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-04[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-05[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-06[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-07[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-08[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-09[編集]
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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-19[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-20[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-21[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-22[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-23[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-25[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-26[編集]
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-27[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Roller printing on fabrics is a textile printing process patented by Thomas Bell of Scotland in 1783 in an attempt to reduce the cost of the earlier copperplate printing. This method was used in Lancashire fabric mills to produce cotton dress fabrics from the 1790s, most often reproducing small monochrome patterns characterized by striped motifs and tiny dotted patterns called "machine grounds". Improvements in the technology resulted in more elaborate roller prints in bright, rich colours from the 1820s; Turkey red and chrome yellow were particularly popular. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年7月1日 (月) 02:44 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-28[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The India naming dispute in 1947 refers to the argument over the use of the name India during and after the partition of British Raj, between the countries of Pakistan and the Republic of India. This dispute involved key figures such as Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of British Raj, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League and a founder of Pakistan. By 1947, the British Raj was going to be divided into two new nation states – Hindustan and Pakistan. Jinnah was initially convinced that Hindustan would not use the term India, since it lacked indigenous pedigree, etymologically and historically India meant the Indus Valley (modern-Pakistan). He also opposed the use of the name India as it would cause confusion regarding history. The disagreement had significant implications for national identity and international recognition. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年7月8日 (月) 02:13 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-29[編集]Adumu, is a type of dance that the Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania practice. Young Maasai warriors generally perform the energetic and acrobatic dance at ceremonial occasions including weddings, religious rites, and other significant cultural events. The Adumu dance is characterized by a sequence of jumps performed by the dancers, who stand in a circle and alternately jump while keeping their bodies as straight and upright as possible. In addition to wearing vividly colored shúkàs (clothes) and beaded jewelry, the dancers are typically clad in traditional Maasai costume. Traditional Maasai songs and chants are also performed during the dance. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年7月15日 (月) 01:15 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-30[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Rathaus-Glockenspiel is a large mechanical clock located in Marienplatz Square, in the heart of Munich, Germany. Famous for its life-size characters, the clock twice daily re-enacts scenes from Munich's history. First is the story of the marriage of Duke Wilhelm V to Renata of Lorraine in 1568, followed by the story of the Schäfflerstanz, also known as the coopers' dance. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年7月22日 (月) 01:56 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-31[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Nederlandsche Cocaïnefabriek (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈneːdərlɑntsə koːkaːˈinəfaːˌbrik]; English: Dutch Cocaine Factory) or NCF was an Amsterdam-based company producing cocaine for medical purposes in the 20th century. It imported its raw materials mainly from the Dutch East Indies and sold its products across Europe, making good profits especially in the early years of World War I. The NCF produced morphine, heroin and ephedrine as well. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年7月29日 (月) 01:44 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-32[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Suffrage drama (also known as suffrage plays or suffrage theatre) is a form of dramatic literature that emerged during the British women's suffrage movement in the early twentieth century. Suffrage performances lasted approximately from 1907-1914. Many suffrage plays called for a predominant or all female cast. Suffrage plays served to reveal issues behind the suffrage movement. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年8月5日 (月) 02:13 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-33[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! In the Australian Aboriginal mythology of the Aboriginal people of south-eastern Australian state of Victoria, the Karatgurk were seven sisters who represented the constellation known in western astronomy as the Pleiades. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年8月12日 (月) 02:13 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-34[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! B1 is a medical-based Paralympic classification for blind sport. Athletes in this classification are totally or almost totally blind. It is used by a number of blind sports including blind tennis, para-alpine skiing, para-Nordic skiing, blind cricket, blind golf, five-a-side football, goalball and judo. Some other sports, including adaptive rowing, athletics and swimming, have equivalents to this class. The B1 classification was first created by the IBSA in the 1970s, and has largely remained unchanged since despite an effort by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to move towards a more functional and evidence-based classification system. Classification is often handled on the international level by the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) but it sometimes handled by national sport federations. There are exceptions for sports like athletics and cycling, where classification is handled by their own governing bodies. Equipment utilized by competitors in this class may differ from sport to sport, and may include sighted guides, guide rails, beeping balls and clapsticks. There may be some modifications related to equipment and rules to specifically address needs of competitors in this class to allow them to compete in specific sports. Some sports specifically do not allow a guide, whereas cycling and skiing require one. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年8月19日 (月) 01:56 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-35[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Erzi (Russian: Эрзи; Ingush: Аьрзи, romanized: Ärzi, lit. 'Eagle') is a medieval village (aul) in the Dzheyrakhsky District of Ingushetia. It is part of the rural settlement (administrative center) of Olgeti. The entire territory of the settlement is included in the Dzheyrakh-Assa State Historical-Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve and is under state protection. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年8月26日 (月) 03:19 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-37[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Cappadocian calendar was a solar calendar that was derived from the Persian Zoroastrian calendar. It is named after the historic region Cappadocia in present-day Turkey, where it was used. The calendar, which had 12 months of 30 days each and five epagomenal days, originated between 550 and 330 BC, when Cappadocia was part of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. The Cappadocian calendar was identical to the Zoroastrian calendar; this can be seen in its structure, in the Avestan names and in the order of the months. The Cappadocian calendar reflects the Iranian cultural influence in the region. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年9月9日 (月) 01:42 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-39[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Independence Day (Albanian: Dita e Pavarësisë) is a public holiday in Albania observed on 28 November. It commemorates the Albanian Declaration of Independence (from the Ottoman Empire), which was ratified by the All-Albanian Congress on 28 November 1912, establishing the state of Albania. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年9月23日 (月) 00:29 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-40[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The wildlife of the archipelago of Bahrain, is more varied than might be expected of this small group of islands in the Persian Gulf. Apart from a strip of the north and west of the main island, where crops are grown with irrigation, the land is arid. With a very hot dry summer, a mild winter, and brackish groundwater, the plants need adaptations in order to survive. Nevertheless, 196 species of higher plant have been recorded here, as well as about seventeen species of terrestrial mammals, many birds and reptiles, and many migratory birds visit the islands in autumn and spring. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年9月30日 (月) 01:57 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-42[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The little Danes experiment was a 1951 Danish operation where 22 Greenlandic Inuit children were sent to Danish foster families in an attempt to re-educate them as "little Danes". While the children were all supposed to be orphans, most were not. Six children were adopted while in Denmark, and sixteen returned to Greenland, only to be placed in Danish-speaking orphanages and never live with their families again. Half of the children experienced mental health disturbances, and half of them died in young adulthood. The government of Denmark officially apologised in 2020, after several years of demands from Greenlandic officials. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年10月14日 (月) 03:16 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-43[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Kharayeb (Arabic: الخرايب) is a historic town in the Sidon District in the South Governorate, Lebanon. The town is 77 km (48 mi) south of Beirut, and stands at an average altitude of 190 m (620 ft) above sea level. The town boasts a rich historical legacy, with archaeological excavations revealing a complex settlement history spanning from Prehistory to the Ottoman period. Notably, Kharayeb's origins can be traced back to the Persian period (539–330 BC), when it played a pivotal role in the region's agricultural and economic landscape, culminating in the construction of its Phoenician temple around the 6th century BC. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年10月21日 (月) 02:38 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-44[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Christmas horror is a fiction genre and film genre that incorporates horror elements into a seasonal setting. It is popular in multiple countries. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年10月28日 (月) 02:05 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-45[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Placenta cake is a dish from ancient Greece and Rome consisting of many dough layers interspersed with a mixture of cheese and honey and flavored with bay leaves, baked and then covered in honey. The dessert is mentioned in classical texts such as the Greek poems of Archestratos and Antiphanes, as well as the De agri cultura of Cato the Elder. It is often seen as the predecessor of baklava and börek. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年11月4日 (月) 02:17 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-46[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Trisomy 16 is a chromosomal abnormality in which there are 3 copies of chromosome 16 rather than two. It is the most common trisomy leading to miscarriage and the second most common chromosomal cause of it, closely following X-chromosome monosomy. About 6% of miscarriages have trisomy 16. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年11月11日 (月) 02:09 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-47[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Boana platanera, commonly known as the banana tree dwelling frog, is a species of tree frog in the family Hylidae. It is distributed within Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Trinidad and Tobago. Boana platanera was described in 2021, and individuals of the species were previously classified as Boana crepitans or Boana xerophylla. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年11月18日 (月) 02:53 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-48[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Wang Su-bok was a singer from North Korea, who was the most popular singer in Japanese-occupied Korea in 1935. She was credited as a ground-breaking female artist, whose work led the way for the modern K-pop phenomenon. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年11月25日 (月) 01:57 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-49[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Storm Filomena was an extratropical cyclone in early January 2021 that was most notable for bringing unusually heavy snowfall to parts of Spain, with Madrid recording its heaviest snowfall in over a century, and with Portugal being hit less severely. The eighth named storm of the 2020–21 European windstorm season, Filomena formed over the Atlantic Ocean close to the Canary Islands on 7 January, subsequently taking a slow track north-eastwards towards the Iberian Peninsula and then eastwards across the Mediterranean Sea. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年12月2日 (月) 02:48 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-50[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! Syrian literature is modern fiction written or orally performed in Arabic by writers from Syria since the independence of the Syrian Arab Republic in 1946. It is part of the historically and geographically wider Arabic literature. The modern states of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel as well as the Palestinian autonomous areas only came into being in the mid-20th century. Therefore, Syrian literature has since been referred to by literary scholarship as the national literature of the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as the works created in Arabic by Syrian writers in the diaspora. This literature has been influenced by the country's political history, the literature of other Arabic-speaking countries and, especially in its early days, by French literature. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年12月9日 (月) 01:59 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-51[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! The Mars ocean theory states that nearly a third of the surface of Mars was covered by an ocean of liquid water early in the planet's geologic history. This primordial ocean, dubbed Paleo-Ocean or Oceanus Borealis (/oʊˈsiːənəs ˌbɒriˈælɪs/ oh-SEE-ə-nəs BORR-ee-AL-iss), would have filled the basin Vastitas Borealis in the northern hemisphere, a region that lies 4–5 km (2.5–3 miles) below the mean planetary elevation, at a time period of approximately 4.1–3.8 billion years ago. Evidence for this ocean includes geographic features resembling ancient shorelines, and the chemical properties of the Martian soil and atmosphere (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery --MediaWiki message delivery(会話) 2024年12月16日 (月) 01:45 (UTC) Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-52[編集]The winner this Translation of the week is
Please be bold and help translate this article! In August 2023, major floods occurred in large part of Slovenia and neighbouring areas of Austria and Croatia due to heavy rain. Amongst others, the level of rivers Sava, Mur and Drava was exceptionally high. Several settlements and transport links in Slovene Littoral, Upper Carniola and Slovenian Carinthia were flooded. Due to the amount of rain, the streams in Idrija, Cerkno and Škofja Loka Hills overflowed. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery |