


ツェンコヴァ ルミアナ


神戸大学 農学研究科 アクアフォトミクス研究分野 特命教授
慶應義塾大学 薬学部 客員教授
アクアフォトミクス国際学会 設立者


1988年、ルセ工業大学(ブルガリア)電子工学自動制御工学科で、工学博士号を取得。2004年、北海道大学 農学研究科農生産物加工工学で、農学博士号を取得。


1979年 ルセ工業大学(ブルガリア)電子工学部にて助教授、のちに同大学准教授に就任。
1996年 現在の神戸大学農研究科にて准教授、助教授、教授を経て2021年より現職。



1998年近赤外分光法(NIRS)最優秀賞を受賞、2006年近赤外分光学業界において最高峰の賞であるTomas Hirschfeld賞を受賞するなど、多数の受賞暦あり。


• Tsenkova, R., Muncan, J., Kovacs, Z.: Handbook of Near Infrared Analysis 4th ed. Ciurczak, E., Igne, B., Wokman, J.Jr, Burns, D.A. (eds.), Chapter 32: Aquaphotomics, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 948, 2021.
• Muncan, J., Aoudi, B., Vitalis, F., Kovacs, Z., Tsenkova, R.: The Soil-Human Health Nexus, Rattan L. (ed.), Chapter 10: Soil aquaphotomics for understanding soil-health relation through water-light interaction, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, 350, 2021.
• Muncan, J., Aouadi, B., Tsenkova, R.: Plant-based Bioactives, Functional foods, Beverages and Medicines: Processing, Analysis and Health benefit, Goyal, M.R, Kovacs, Z., Nath, A., Suleria, H. (eds.), New perspectives in plant and plant-based food quality determination: Aquaphotomics, Apple Academic Press, Inc. under Taylor & Francis Group, 2021 (accepted)
• Tsenkova, R., Kovacs, Z., Kubota, Y.: Aquaphotomics: Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Water States in Biological Systems. Sub - Cellular Biochemistry, Membrane Hydration, Springer International Publishing, 71: 189 - 211, 2015.
• Matija, L., Tsenkova, R., Muncan, J., Miyazaki, M., Banba, K., Tomic, M., Jeftic, B.: Advanced Materials Research Vol. 663, Fullerene Based Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications: Engineering, Functionalization and Characterization, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 322, 224-238, 2013.
• Tsenkova, R.: Disease diagnosis related to food safety in dairy. Near - Infrared Spectroscopy in Food Science and Technology, Ozaki, Y. W. F. McClure, A. A. Christy (ed.), 379 - 399, John Wiley & Sons, U.S., 2007.
• Tsenkova, R.: NIRS - Nondestructive method for analysis of biological materials and diagnosis, Advanced Biomaterials for Medical Applications, D. W. Thomas (ed.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands: 143 - 164, 2004.
• Tsenkova, R.: Near infrared spectroscopy for physiological studies: Individual cow's milk compositional analysis, Useful and Advanced Information in the Field of near Infrared Spectroscopy, Tsuchikawa, S. (ed.) Research Signpost, Kerala, India: 217 - 237, 2003.
• Tsenkova, R.: Near infrared spectroscopy for nondestructive study of prion protein isoforms, Prion Diseases and Copper Metabolism: Bse, Scrapie and Cjd Research, D. Brown (ed.) Horwood Publishing Ltd., Chichester, UK: 79 - 95, 2002.
• Tsenkova, R. and 4 others: Visualization of internal structure of foods by electrical impedance tomography - Detection of foreign material contamination and voids, Control Applications in Post - Harvest and Processing Technology, Oshita, Y. and Seo, S. (eds.) Pergamon Press, Budapest, Hungary: 75 - 79, 2001.
• Tsenkova, R., Murayama, K., Kawano, S., Wu, Y., Toyoda, K., Ozaki, Y.: Near infrared spectroscopy for mastitis diagnosis: two - dimensional correlation study in short wavelength region, Two - Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy, Ozaki, Y. and Noda, I. (eds.) American Institute of Physics, New York, US: 307 - 311, 2000.
• Murayama, K., Czarnik-Matusewicz, B., Wu, Y., Tsenkova, R., Ozaki, Y.: A study of the unfolding process of human serum albumin in the acidic Ph region by two - dimentional infrared correlation spectroscopy, Two - Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy, Ozaki, Y. and Noda, I. (eds.) American Institute of Physics, New York, US: 283 - 286, 2000.
• Murayama, K., Czarnik-Matusewicz, B., Wu, Y., Tsenkova, R., Ozaki, Y.: Chemometrics and two - dimensional correlation spectroscopy in analysis of near - infrared spectra of protein, Two - Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy, Ozaki, Y., Noda, I. (eds.) American Institute of Physics, Kobe, Japan: 183 - 196, 1999.
• Tsenkova, R., Itoh, K., Natsuga, M., Himoto, J.: Near infrared monitoring of biological objects on a dairy farm, Near Infrared Spectroscopy: The Future Waves., A. M. C. Davis and P. Williams (eds.) NIR Publication, Charlton, UK: 565 - 572, 1996.
• Tsenkova, R., Itoh, K., Himoto, J., Ashida, K.: Near infrared spectroscopy analysis of unhomogenized milk for automated monitoring in dairy husbandry, Leaping Ahead with near Infrared Spectroscopy, G. D. Batten, et al. (eds.) Royal Australian Chemical Institute: 329 - 333, 1995.
• Tsenkova, R.: Съвременни Аспекти В Техниката И Технологиите При Машинното Доене (Contemporary Aspects of Technology and Technique for Machine Milking). In: Contemporary Aspects of Technology and Technique for Machine Milking, Sofia, Bulgaria: 1 - 60, 1990.
• Tsenkova, R.: Младежки Творчески Колектив - Форма Възпитаване На Ново Отножение Към Труда И Повижаване На Социалната Активност У Средножколците, (the Integration of Young People with Different Interests in a Research Team - a Way to a Flexible and Adaptive Education): 13 - 19, 1986.
--水の流れ会話2021年8月27日 (金) 04:22 (UTC)[返信]