
--[==[ This is the "aliases" list of portal image names. It contains a list of portal image aliases for use with [[Module:Portal]].
-- The aliases can be used to point to an existing portal image entry. For portals who do not yet have a portal image entry, please
-- use the appropriate page from the following list instead:
-- [[Module:Portal/images/a]] - for portal names beginning with "A".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/b]] - for portal names beginning with "B".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/c]] - for portal names beginning with "C".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/d]] - for portal names beginning with "D".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/e]] - for portal names beginning with "E".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/f]] - for portal names beginning with "F".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/g]] - for portal names beginning with "G".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/h]] - for portal names beginning with "H".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/i]] - for portal names beginning with "I".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/j]] - for portal names beginning with "J".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/k]] - for portal names beginning with "K".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/l]] - for portal names beginning with "L".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/m]] - for portal names beginning with "M".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/n]] - for portal names beginning with "N".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/o]] - for portal names beginning with "O".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/p]] - for portal names beginning with "P".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/q]] - for portal names beginning with "Q".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/r]] - for portal names beginning with "R".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/s]] - for portal names beginning with "S".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/t]] - for portal names beginning with "T".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/u]] - for portal names beginning with "U".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/v]] - for portal names beginning with "V".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/w]] - for portal names beginning with "W".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/x]] - for portal names beginning with "X".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/y]] - for portal names beginning with "Y".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/z]] - for portal names beginning with "Z".
-- [[Module:Portal/images/other]] - for portal names beginning with any other letters. This includes numbers,
-- letters with diacritics, and letters in non-Latin alphabets.
-- When adding entries, please use alphabetical order. The format of the alias table entries is as follows:
-- ["portal name"] = {"alias 1", "alias 2", "alias 3"},
-- Both the portal name and the alias names should be in lower case, and the "Portal:" namespace prefix
-- should be omitted. For example, if you wanted "UK" to be an alias for "Portal:United Kingdom", then the
-- alias name would be "uk" and the portal name would be "united kingdom".
return {
["science"] = {"自然科学"},
["fashion"] = {"ファッション"},
["philosophy"] = {"哲学"},
["literature"] = {"文学"},
["linguistics"] = {"言語学"},
["religion"] = {"宗教"},
["buddhism"] = {"仏教"},
["shinto"] = {"神道"},
["judaism"] = {"ユダヤ教"},
["christianity"] = {"キリスト教"},
["islam"] = {"イスラーム"},
["spirituality"] = {"スピリチュアリティ"},
["history"] = {"歴史"},
["nazi germany"] = {"第三帝国"},
["ancient rome"] = {"古代ローマ"},
["geography"] = {"地理学"},
["europe"] = {"ヨーロッパ"},
["united kingdom"] = {"イギリス"},
["italy"] = {"イタリア"},
["switzerland"] = {"スイス"},
["spain"] = {"スペイン"},
["germany"] = {"ドイツ"},
["basque"] = {"バスク"},
["france"] = {"フランス"},
["bulgaria"] = {"ブルガリア"},
["africa"] = {"アフリカ"},
["north america"] = {"北アメリカ"},
["united states"] = {"アメリカ合衆国"},
["new york city"] = {"ニューヨーク市"},
["south america"] = {"南アメリカ"},
["asia"] = {"アジア"},
["southeast asia"] = {"東南アジア"},
["china"] = {"中国"},
["japan"] = {"日本"},
["korea"] = {"朝鮮"},
["politics"] = {"政治学"},
["law"] = {"法学"},
["business and economics"] = {"経済学"},
["mathematics"] = {"数学"},
["education"] = {"教育"},
["disasters"] = {"災害"},
["war"] = {"軍事", "戦争"},
["physics"] = {"物理学"},
["chemistry"] = {"化学"},
["biology"] = {"生物学"},
["earth sciences"] = {"地球科学"},
["astronomy"] = {"天文学"},
["medicine"] = {"医学と医療"},
["animals"] = {"生き物と自然"},
["birds"] = {"鳥類"},
["plants"] = {"植物"},
["atmospheric sciences"] = {"気象と気候"},
["insects"] = {"昆虫"},
["agriculture and agronomy"] = {"農業と農学"},
["architecture"] = {"建築"},
["nuclear technology"] = {"原子力"},
["electronics"] = {"エレクトロニクス"},
["information technology"] = {"コンピュータ"},
["free software"] = {"FLOSS"},
["roads"] = {"道路"},
["trains"] = {"鉄道"},
["cars"] = {"自動車"},
["buses"] = {"バス"},
["aviation"] = {"航空"},
["spaceflight"] = {"宇宙開発"},
["ecology"] = {"環境"},
["food"] = {"食"},
["energy"] = {"エネルギー"},
["books"] = {"書物"},
["arts"] = {"美術"},
["music"] = {"音楽"},
["classical music"] = {"クラシック音楽"},
["theatre"] = {"舞台芸術"},
["film"] = {"映画"},
["design"] = {"デザイン"},
["sports"] = {"スポーツ"},
["olympics"] = {"オリンピック"},
["horse racing"] = {"競馬"},
["association football"] = {"サッカー"},
["baseball"] = {"野球"},
["athletics"] = {"陸上競技"},
["television"] = {"テレビ"},
["games"] = {"ゲーム"},
["radio"] = {"ラジオ"},
["comics"] = {"漫画"},
["animation"] = {"アニメ"},
["video games"] = {"コンピュータゲーム"},
["current events"] = {"最近の出来事"},
["russia"] = {"ロシア"},
["biography"] = {"人物伝"},
["transport"] = {"交通"},
["terrorism"] = {"テロリズム"},
["transportation"] = {"交通"},
["paris"] = {"パリ"},
["kagoshima"] = {"鹿児島県", "日本の都道府県/鹿児島県"},