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モジュール:Find sources/autodoc/config

return {

-- The search term used in example template invocations.
['example-search-term'] = 'キーワード',

-- The blurb used in the end box in the template documentation for individual
-- source-finding templates.
['end-box-blurb'] = 'この解説文は[[Template:Find sources documentation]]が' ..
	'[[モジュール:Find sources/autodoc]]のデータに基づき生成しました。' ..
	'詳しくは[[モジュール:Find sources#解説文の自動生成]]を参照してください。',

-- The separator used to separate links to the main config and the
-- documentation config in the link and template tables.
['table-config-separator'] = mw.message.new('Comma-separator'):plain(),

-- Error for invalid template names. $1 is the name we were passed, and $2 is
-- the name of the template module that is missing.
['invalid-template-name-error'] = "テンプレート名'$1'に対応する設定モジュール[[$2]]が見つかりませんでした。",

-- Link table

-- Code column header.
['link-table-code-header'] = 'コード',

-- Description column header.
['link-table-description-header'] = '説明',

-- Example column header.
['link-table-example-header'] = '例',

-- Configuration column header.
['link-table-config-header'] = '設定',

-- Display value for the wikilink to the main configuration page.
['link-table-main-config-link-display'] = 'リンク設定',

-- Display value for the wikilink to the documentation configuration page.
['link-table-autodoc-config-link-display'] = '説明文',

-- Notes column header.
['link-table-notes-header'] = '備考',

-- Error for invalid link config pages. The string $1 is the page name.
['invalid-link-config-error'] = '[[$1]]の設定が不正です。',

-- Template table

-- Template column header.
['template-table-template-header'] = 'テンプレート',

-- Description column header.
['template-table-description-header'] = '説明',

-- Example column header.
['template-table-example-header'] = '例',

-- Configuration column header.
['template-table-config-header'] = '設定',

-- Display value for the wikilink to the main configuration page.
['template-table-main-config-link-display'] = 'テンプレート設定',

-- Display value for the wikilink to the documentation configuration page.
['template-table-autodoc-config-link-display'] = '説明文',

-- Error for invalid template config pages. The string $1 is the page name.
['invalid-template-config-error'] = '[[$1]]の設定が不正です。'
