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ポジティブ傾向(-けいこう、positive affectivity, PA)とは、人がポジティブな情動(sensations 感覚、emotions 感情、sentiments 感情に基づいた体験や思考)をどの程度経験するかを表す人間の特性であり、その結果として、他者や周囲の環境とどのように相互作用するかを表す。
[編集]- Bushman, Bryan B.; Crowley, Susan L. (February 2010). “Is the Structure of Affect Similar for Younger and Older Children? Cross-Sectional Differences in Negative and Positive Affectivity”. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 28 (1): 31–39. doi:10.1177/0734282909337584.
- Congard, A.; Dauvier, B.; Antoine, P.; Gilles, P. (2011). “Integrating personality, daily life events and emotion: Role of anxiety and positive affect in emotion regulation dynamics”. Journal of Research in Personality 45 (4): 372–384. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2011.04.004.
- Grafton, B (2012). “The ups and downs of cognitive bias: Dissociating the attentional characteristics of positive and negative affectivity”. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 24 (1): 33–53. doi:10.1080/20445911.2011.578066.
- Lopez, S. J. (2008). Positive psychology: Exploring the best in people. (Vol. 2). Westport, CT: Praeger Publications.
- Lopez, S., & Snyder, C. R. (2009). Oxford handbook of positive psychology. (2nd ed.). Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Tomkins, S. S. (1962). Affect, imagery, consciousness. (Vol. I). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.