



I read Japanese and know about 2000 kanji however I am not good at writing Javanese,so pls excuse my English. Well, my reactions while living in Japan as an engineer was the massive use or abuse of katakana and incorporation of English words despite the existence of perfect Japanese words. This loss of semantics as conveyed by Chinese characters Kanji makes life very difficult and crests barriers for those who aspire to acquire knowledge in fields such as for example computer science, my profession.The introduction of such jargon are not driven by desire to preserve cultural heritage,language coherence, make subjects easier to understand and convey, but a desire to show of knowledge in English,appear modern, and perhaps make the subject more exclusive to those already in the field. It is perhaps a reflection of low self esteem,shame of Japanese cultural heritage, poor knowledge in Japanese language and Japanese literature.These are my speculations behind the tsunami of katakana expressions,yet it has clearly resulted in a hugely redundant less manageable language where katakana expressions replace grammar,logic and structure as mean to capture thoughts,which breaks links to historical documents as well as make the language harder to store, process and understand by machines. The noun HIFI is translated to ヒーフィ which does not convey meaning (semantic) and therefore requires many lines of Wikipedia to explain. Why not declare once for all that Hifi translates into 高音質再現。WTFisプルダウンメニュー? I know, but who knows?