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次の本に掲載されている図版149点のリストです。これがすべて形而上絵画とはいえないかもしれませんが、参考にはなるかと思います。--20世紀(前半)美術 2009年9月19日 (土) 11:50 (UTC) 誤記等訂正 --20世紀(前半)美術 2009年9月19日 (土) 11:52 (UTC)[返信]


  • 1. Tritone e Sirena, Triton and Siren, 86.5x141, winter 1908-09
  • 2. Prometeo, Prometheus, 117x81, winter 1908-09
  • 3. Sfinge, Sohinx, 76x120, winter 1908-09
  • 4. Lotta di Centauri, Battle of Centaurs, 75x110, spring 1909
  • 5. Centauro morente, The Dying Centaur, 118x75, spring 1909
  • 6. La partenza degli Argonauti, The Departure of the Argonauts, 73x92, summer 1909
  • 7. Serenata, Serenade, 82x120, summer 1909
  • 8. Processione su un monte, Procession on a Mountain, 50x50, summer 1909
  • 9. Ritratto del fratello, Portrait of the Artist's Brother, 119x75, summer-automn 1909

  • 10. L'énigme de L'oracle, The Enigma of the Oracle, 42x61, summer-autumn 1909
  • 11. L'énigme d'un après-midi d'automne, The Enigma of an Autumn Afternoon, 45x60, autumn-winter 1909
  • 12. L'énigme de l'heure, The Enigma of the Hour, 55x71, winter 1910-spring 1911
  • 13. Portrait de l'artiste par lui-même, Self-portrait, 72.5x55, spring 1911

  • 14. Ritratto della madre, Portrait of the Artist's Mother, 85.5x62, October 1911
  • 15. La méditation matinale, Morning Meditation, 52x70, winter 1911-12
  • 16. La meditation automnale, Autumunal Meditation, 53.3x69.8, winter 1911-12
  • 17. L'énigme de l'arrivée et de l'après-midi, The Enigma of the Arrival and the Afternoon, 70x86.5, winter 1911-12
  • 18. Les plaisirs du poète, The Delights of the Poet, 69.5x86.3, February-March 1912
  • 19. La lassitude de l'infini, The Lassitude of the Infinite, 44x112, spring 1912
  • 20%. La matinee angoissante, The Anguishing Morning, 80.5x65, autumn 1912
  • 21. Solitude (Melanconia), Solitude (Melancholy), 79x63.5, autumun 1912
  • 22. L'arrivée, The Arrival, 60.6x85.1, autumn-winter 1912
  • 23. La nostalgie de l'infini, The Nostalgia of the Infinite, 135.5x64.8, autumn-winter 1912
  • 24%$. Crisantemi, Chrysanthmums, 73x60, winter 1912
  • 25. Portrait de l'artiste, Self-portrait, 87.3x70, first half of 1913
  • 26. Etude, Study, 90.5x72.5, first half of 1913
  • 27. Nu (aux cheveux noirs), Nude (with Black Hair), 70x54, first half of 1913
  • 28. Portrait de Madame L. Gartzen, Portrait of Madame L. Gartzen, 72.5x60, first half of 1913
  • 29. La mélancolie d'une belle journée, The Melancholy of a Beautiful Day, 89x104.5, spring 1913
  • 30. Les joies et les énigmes d'une heure étrange, The Joys and Enigmas of a Strange Hour, 83.7x129.5, spring 1913
  • 31. La recompense du dévin, The Soothsayer's Recompense, 135.5x180.5, June-July 1913
  • 32. Piazza con Arianna, Ariadne, 135.6x180.5, summer-autumn 1913
  • 33. L'après-midi d'Ariane, Ariadne's Afternoon, 134.5x65, summer-autumn 1913
  • 34. La statue silencieuse, The Silent Statue, 99.5x125.5, summer-autumn 1913
  • 35. La grande tour, The Great Tower, 123.5x52.5, spring 1913
  • 36. La torre, The Tower, 115.5x45, summer-autumn 1913
  • 37. La tour rouge, The Red Tower, 73.5x100.5, spring-summer 1913
  • 38%. La torre rosa, The Rose Tower, 73.5x60.5, summer-autumn 1913
  • 39%. Arcate e ciminiera, Arcades and Smokesteak, 103x75, spring-summer 1913
  • 40. Le voyage émouvant, The Anxious Journey, 74.6x106.7, spring-summer 1913
  • 41. La surprise, The Surprise, 130x42, spring 1913
  • 42. Mélancolie d'un après-midi, The Melancholy of the Afternoon, 58x48, November-December 1913
  • 43. Le rêve transformé, The Transformed Dream, 62.9x152.1, Nobember-December 1913
  • 44. L'incertitude do poète, The Uncertainty of the Poet, 106x94, November-December 1913
  • 45. L'angoisse du depart, The Anguish of Departure, 84.5x70, November-December 1913
  • 46. Manifesto per la Galleria Paul Guillaume, Poster for the Paul Guillaume Gallery, 86x51, early 1914
  • 47. La promenade du philisophe, The Philosopher's Promenade, 135x64. early 1914
  • 48. La conquête du philosophe, The Philisopher's Conquest, 125.8x100.3, early 1914
  • 49. La gare Montparnasse, Gare Montparnasse, 140x184.5, early 1914
  • 50. L'énigme d'une journée (I), The Enigma of a Day (I), 185.5x139.7, early 1914
  • 51. L'énigme d'une journée (II), The Enigma of a Day (II), 83x130, early 1914
  • 52. Mystère et mélamcolie d'une rue, The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street, 87x71.5, spring 1914
  • 53. Le depart du poète, The Departure of the Poet, 86.1x65.8, spring 1914
  • 54%. Le retour du poète, The Return of the Poet, 87x65, spring-summer 1914
  • 55%. La joie du retour, The Joy of Return, 85.5x68.5, spring 1914
  • 56. L'énigme de la fatalité, The Enigma of Fatality, 138x95.5 (base), April-May 1914
  • 57. La sérénité du savant, The Serenity of the Scholar, 130x73 (base)x54.5 (height), April-May 1914
  • 58. Nature morte. Turino printanière, Still Life. Turin Spring, 125x102, March-May 1914
  • 59. Le destin du poète, The Destiny of the Poet, 88x71, March-May 1914
  • 60. Le jour de fête, The Fête Day, 80.6x64.8, March-May 1914
  • 61. Composizione metafisica, Metaphysical Composition, 81.3x54, March-May 1914
  • 62. Natura morta. Torino 1888, Still Life. Turin 1888, 60x46, spring 1914
  • 63. Le mouvais génie d'un roi, The Evil Genius of a King, 61x50.2, spring-summer 1914
  • 64. La maladie du général, The General's Illness, 58.4x43.7, spring-summer 1914
  • 65. Le caserme dei marinai, The Sailor's Barracks, 81.2x65, spring-summer 1914
  • 66. Composizione metafisica con giocattoli, Metaphysical Composition with Toys, 55x46.5, summer-autumn 1914
  • 67. Composizione metafisica, Metaphysical Composition, 61x50, summer-autumn 1914
  • 68. Le cerveau del'enfant, The Child's Brain, 81.5x65, first half of 1914
  • 69. Le printemps, The Spring, 35.5x27, April-July 1914
  • 70. Le temple fatal, The Fatal Temple, 33.3x41, April-July 1914
  • 71. Portrait de Guillaume Apollinaire, Portrait of Guillaume Apollinaire, 81.5x65, April-June 1914
  • 72. J'irai… le chien de verre, I'll Be There… The Glass Dog, 69x57.5, April-May 1914
  • 73%. La vision du conspirateur, The Conspirator's Vision, 61x50, spring-summer 1914
  • 74. La nostalgie du poète, The Nostalgia of the Poet, 89.7x40.7, April-June 1914
  • 75. L'arc des échelles noires, The Span of Black Ladders, 62x47.5, July 1914
  • 76. Le chant d'amour, The Song of Love, 73x59.1, June-July 1914
  • 77. Le voyage sans fin, The endress Voyage, 88x39, July-August 1914
  • 78. Le printemps de l'ingénieur, The Spring of the Engineer, 52x43, autumn 1914
  • 79. Le tourment du poète, The Torment of the Poet, 53x41, autumn 1914
  • 80. L'ennemie du poète, The Poet's Enemy, 55.2x38.7, autumn 1914
  • 81$. Autoritratto con pipa di gesso, Self-portrait with Clay Pipe, 51x26.5, winter 1914-15
  • 82. Le vaticinateur, The Seer, 89.6x70.1, winter 1914-15
  • 83. Le duo, The Duo, 81.5x59, winter 1914-15
  • 84. Les contrariétés du penseur, The Inconsistencies of the Thinker, 46.3x38.1, January-May 1915
  • 85. La lumière fatale, The Fatal Light, 54.5x30, January-May 1915
  • 86. Les deux soeurs, The Two Sisters, 55x46, January-May 1915
  • 87. La pureté d'un rêve, The Purity of a Dream, 65x50, January-May 1915
  • 88. Le double rêve du printemps, The Double Dream of Spring, 56.2x54.3, January-May 1915
  • 89. Composizione con due teste di manichino, Composition with Two Mannequins' Heads, 70x54, January-May 1915
  • 90. L'inquiètude de la vie, The Anxiety of Life, 42x33, January-May 1915
  • 91. La prophétie du savant, The Prophecy of the Savant, 46x38, January-May 1915
  • 92. Le poète et le philosophe, The Poet and the Philosopher, 82x66, January-May 1915
  • 93$. Portrait de Paul Guillaume, Portrait of Paul Guillaume, 41x33, January-May 1915
  • 94$. Portrait de Paul Guillaume, Portrait of Paul Guillaume, 79x57.2、January-May 1915
  • 95$. Natura morta, Still Life, 45x34.5, 45x34.5, September-October 1915
  • 96$. Ritratto di Carlo Cirelli, Portrait of Carlo Cirelli, 77x64, October 1915
  • 97. Les jouets du prince, The Playthings of the Prince, 55.5x25.9, autumn 1915
  • 98. Les jouets dèfendus, The Forbidden Playthings, 55.4x25.9, winter 1915-16
  • 99. Vendredi Saint, Holy Friday, 65.2x37.3, autumn 1915
  • 100. Les projets de la jeune fille, The Amusements of a Young Girl, 47.5x40.3, late 1915
  • 101$. Autoritratto, Self-portrait, 32x42, winter 1915-16
  • 102. La Guerra, The War, 34x27, 1916
  • 103. Composizione metafisica, Metaphysical Composition, 33.5x26.5, 1916
  • 104. Composizione metafisica, Metaphysical Composition, 33x26.7, 1916
  • 105$. Les adieux éternels, Eternal Farewells, 33x26, 1916
  • 106%. Composizione metafisica, Metaphysical Composition, 34.5x26, 1916
  • 107. Composizione metafisica, Metaphysical Composition, 32.5x25, 1916
  • 108%. Composizione metafisica, Metaphysical Composition, 32.4x26.4, 1916
  • 109. Composizione metafisica, Metaphysical Composition, 35x26, 1916
  • 110. La nostalgie de l'ingénieur, The Homesickness of the Engineer, 33.5x26.5, 1916
  • 111. La politique, Politics, 33x26, 1916
  • 112. Mélancolie du depart, The Melancholy of Departure, 51.8x36, 1916
  • 113. Natura morta evangelica (I), Evangelical Still Life (I), 80.5x71.4, 1916
  • 114. Composizione metafisica, Metaphysical Composition, 76.8x53, 1916
  • 115%. Le corsaire, The Pirate, 80x56.2, 1916
  • 116. L'ange juif, The Jewish Angel, 67.3x43.8, 1916
  • 117%. La mort d'un esprit, Death of a Spirit, 36x33, 1916
  • 118. Le fidèle serviteur, The Faithful Servitor, 38.2x34.5, 1916
  • 119. Le langage de l'enfant, The Language of a Child, 41x28, 1916
  • 120. Le salut de l'ami lointain, The Greetings of a Distant Friend, 48.2x36.5, 1916
  • 121. Le doux après-midi, The Gentle Afternoon, 65.3x58.3, 1916
  • 122. La révolte du sage, The Revolt of the Sage, 67.3x59, 1916
  • 123. La magie de la nuit, The Magic of Night, 30.5x59, 1916
  • 124. Le regret, The Regret, 59.3x33, 1916
  • 125. Interno metafisico (con grande officina), Metaphysical Interior (with Large Building), 96.3x73.8, late 1916
  • 126. Interno metafisico, Metaphysical Interior, 63x47.5, January-March 1917
  • 127. La revelation du solitaire, The Revelation of the Lonely, 45.8x30.2, April-August 1917
  • 128. Le rêve de Tobie, The Dream of Tobias, 58.5x48, April-August 1917
  • 129. Les jeux de savant, The Scholar's Plaything, 89.5x51.4, May 1917
  • 130. Interno metafisico (con piccola officina), Metaphysical Interior (with Small Building), April-August 1917
  • 131. Interno metafisico (con sanatorio), Metaphysical Interior (with Sanatorium), 95.9x70.5, April-August 1917
  • 132. Natura morta evangelica (II), Evangelical Still Life (II), 90x60, September 1917
  • 133. Il trovatore, The Troubadour, 91x57, autumn 1917
  • 134. Ettore e Andromaca, Hector and Andromache, 90x60, autumn 1917
  • 135. Il grande metafisico, The Great Metaphysician, 104.5x69.8, autumn 1917
  • 136. Il ritornante, The Apparition of the Ghost, 94x78, winter 1917-18
  • 137. Composizione metafisica (Muse metafisiche), Metaphysical Composition (Metaphysical Muses), 54x34.5, March 1918
  • 138. Interno metafisico (con alberi e cascata), Metaphysical Interior (with Trees and Waterfall), 62.5x46, April 1918
  • 139. Le muse inquietanti, The Disquieting Muses, 97x66, May 1918
  • 140. Interno metafisico (con scatola de fiammiferi e casa), Metaphysical Interior (with Box of Matches and House), 55x35, June 1918
  • 141. Ritratto di donna, Portrait of a Woman, 60x48, July 1918
  • 142. Autoritratto, Self-portrait, 62x50, July 1918
  • 143. Figura metafisica (Musa inquetante), Metaphysical Figure (Disquieting Muse), 36x30, late 1918
  • 144. Interno metafisico (con faro), Metaphysical Interior (with Lighthouse), 48.5x37, late 1918
  • 145%. Il filosofo poeta, The Philosopher Poet, size unknown, November 1918
  • 146. Malinconia ermetica, Hermetic Melancholy, 62x50, December 1918-January 1919
  • 147. I pesci sacri, The Secret Fish, 74.9x61.9, December 1918-January 1919
  • 148$. Natura morta (con salame), Still Life (with Salami), 30.5x40, early 1919
  • 149$. Natura morta (con dolce siciliano), Still Life (with Sililian Cake), 29x46, early 1919




モランディの図版について追加 --20世紀(前半)美術 2012年1月21日 (土) 02:46 (UTC)[返信]




  • 005. Natura morta metafisica(形而上的静物、1918年、54x38.8cm、v. 36)
  • 006. Natura morta metafisica con la squadra(定規のある形而上的静物、1919年、56.5x47cm、v. 44)