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外部リンク 猫とマタタビの不思議 が404吐いてたので、適当なサイトに差し替えました。

Catnip and matatabi: a common mistake


Sorry about not being able to write in Japanese. I don't know the language. I'm a Thai trying to bridge the gap between the east (especially Japan) and the west.

I've always been wondering about the Japanese matatabi and the western catnip. Finally I decided to look in Wikipedia and found this article. It links to an English Wikipedia article of catnip (nepeta.) However, after doing some research at the English Wikipedia, I found that catnip and matatabi are not the same:

Catnip is Lamiaceae nepeta (イヌハッカ属)
Matatabi is Actinidia polygama (マタタビ) - also known in English as Silver vine.

Catnip and matatabi have similar effect on cats, that's why people usually think they are the same. While both are from the Magnoliopsida class, they are different from their order down. The catnip is in the Lamiaceae (Mint) family while the matatabi is in the Actinidiaceae (Kiwifruit) family. The English article on catnip is here. You can compare it to this article and see how both plants are different.

Therefore, the interwiki link to the nepeta article is wrong. That means all the links to French, Italian, Dutch, Protugese, etc. articles are wrong as well. And if you see the English catnip article, you'll notice that it doesn't link back to this article. The only mention of matatabi in English Wikipedia is in the Actinidia article.

The western catnip is unknown in Japan the same way the Japanese matatabi is unknown in the west; there is no イヌハッカ属 article in the Japanese Wikipedia, and there is no article about the Silver vine in the English one. I've requested for that article, but I doubt that someone in the west can write about it since matatabi is a native Asian plant.

All the links to catnip (nepeta) should be removed since they are incorrect. Of course, waiting for the article on Silver vine to be written can be a long time. Still, if you want to link to catnip for the similar effect it has on cats, you should put it in the Japanese equivalent of "See also" section. - 2007年5月25日 (金) 21:26 (UTC), known on the English Wikipedia as DTRY[返信]

Hi, DTRY. Thank you for the information. I'll propose the editors of this article to correct its interwikis in the next section. --miya 2007年5月26日 (土) 11:08 (UTC)[返信]




のように「科」も違う(?)植物同士の場合は、interwikiすべきではないと主張しておられるような気がします。なので、interwikiを修正していいですか。--miya 2007年5月26日 (土) 11:08 (UTC)[返信]

猫が酔うという植物の特性から両者を勘違いしたのでしょうね。マタタビとイヌハッカはまったく別の植物なので他言語リンクを削除いたしました。他の言語で現在マタタビの項目は存在しないようです。--Takora D 2008年2月5日 (火) 02:07 (UTC)[返信]

画像:マタタビ071027a.jpg / 画像:マタタビ071027b.jpg --あおもりくま 2008年3月27日 (木) 20:26 (UTC)[返信]



『果実は熟すとそのまま食べられるが、舌に刺激が残り、美味なものではない』とありますが 実際には刺激が有り辛いのは未熟果実(緑色)で、完熟果実(オレンジ)は甘くて美味ですよ。 また『生食のほか、塩漬け、みそ漬け、薬用酒(マタタビ酒)など』とありますが 塩漬け・味噌漬け・酒にするのは未熟な実の方であり、完熟果実は使わないです。 逆に、生食するのは完熟果実の方であり、未熟果実はとても生食できるものじゃない(渋柿に近い)。 山菜販売ページの解説にここらへんの事が出ています。 http://kitanosansai.ocnk.net/product/70 -- 2015年1月12日 (月) 05:53 (UTC)[返信]