


Excuse my English. I have been updating various Wikipedia pages that use a dead link to a 2010 article. I wouldn't dare changing it here so I'll leave a comment instead. [1] --Óli Gneisti会話2021年10月8日 (金) 18:16 (UTC)[返信]

  1. ^ “Cable Ties Kissinger to Chile Scandal”. The Boston Globe. Associated Press. (8 October 2021). https://archive.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2010/04/10/cable_ties_kissinger_to_chile_controversy/. "The next day, on Sept. 21, 1976, agents of Chilean Gen. Augusto Pinochet planted a car bomb and exploded it on a Washington, D.C., street, killing both former Ambassador Orlando Letelier, and an American colleague, Ronni Karpen Moffitt. Letelier was one of the most outspoken critics of the Pinochet government."