

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
HE Dr.Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
生誕 Talal Tawfeq Abu-Ghazaleh
(1938-04-22) 1938年4月22日(86歳)
住居 ヨルダンの旗 ヨルダンアンマン
国籍 パレスチナ系 ヨルダン
教育 American University of Beirut
職業 起業家
団体 Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organisation
著名な実績 TAG-ORGの会長
子供 4
  • -The Worldwide Alumni Association of AUB Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2016, from the American University of Beirut (2016).
  • - Honorary Award for recognition and acknowledgement of the strong partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, Jordan (2016).
公式サイト www.talalabughazaleh.com

タラール・アブ=ガザラ (アラビア語: طلال أبوغزاله‎) はヨルダンを拠点とする国際的組織であるタラール・アブ=ガザラ・オーガナイゼーション(TAG-Org)の創設者であり会長である。「アラブ会計界のゴットファーザー」とも呼ばれ、アラブ世界知的財産権の重要性を振興したと見なされている[1]






1972年、タラール・アブ=ガザラ・カンパニー (TAGCO) とアブ=ガザラ・インタレクチュアル・プロパティー (AGIP) というそれぞれ会計と知的財産を専門とする2つの会社が創業された。 その後、アブ=ガザラは経営管理コンサルティング法務、ITなど、他にも沢山の分野で様々な部門を専門に扱うサービス会社を合計140社立ち上げた。



2009年6月17日には、国連は情報通信技術と開発のための国際同盟の理事にアブ=ガザラを任命した。 国連経済社会事務次長(UNDESA)沙祖康から彼に同盟の統率を依頼する手紙を受け取った後、国際機関だけでなく公、民、非営利セクターからの代表で構成されるようになった[4]

2010年11月25日、タラール・アブ=ガザラ・オーガナイゼーションのCEO兼社長のタラール・アブ=ガザラ理事はアブドゥッラー2世陛下の勅命により上院議員に任命された [5]

Selected honors

  • Decoration of Creativity in Innovation and Digital Transformation from Regional Donor Organizations, Bahrain (2016).
  • Decoration of Independence of the First Order by His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein, Raghadan Palace, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2016).
  • Senator, Jordanian Upper House, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2016).
  • The Worldwide Alumni Association of AUB Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2016, from the American University of Beirut (2016).
  • ֺ Honorary Award for recognition and acknowledgment of the strong partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, Jordan (2016).
  • Honorary Award for Enhancing the Sino-Arab Relations from HE Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, Egypt (2016).[6]
  • Abu-Ghazaleh Social Responsibility Awards launched by CSR Regional Network for his efforts in social initiatives, Kingdom of Bahrain (2014).
  • Visionary Leader Award from the Asian Education Leadership Awards, the UAE (2013)
  • Member of the WTO Panel on Defining the Future of Trade, Geneva, 2012.
  • The Arab Award for Media Creativity from the Arab Media Forum, Kuwait-2012.
  • Member of the Upper House, Amman, Jordan, (2010-2011).
  • Man of the Year Award from Palestine International Institute, Amman, 2012.
  • Award of “Arab ICT Personality” of the Year 2010 from Union of Arab ICT Associations, Kingdom of Bahrain (2010).[7]
  • Honorary Award, The Arab Federation for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (AFPIPR), Jordan, 2009.
  • The International Lifetime Achievement Award, Dubai, UAE, 2008.
  • IP Hall of Fame Inductee, IP Hall of Fame Academy, Chicago, USA, 2007.
  • Aljazeera Award for Lifetime Achievement, Qatar (2004).
  • Honorary Ph.D. in Management and Economics, Jerash University, Jordan (2016).
  • Honorary Ph.D. in Business Administration, Mutah University, Jordan (2015).
  • Honorary Ph.D. in Human Arts, Bethlehem University, Palestine (2014).
  • Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, Canisius College, New York, USA, 1988.
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, The American University of Beirut, Lebanon (1960).
  • Decoration of the Republic of Tunisia, 1985.
  • Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, France, 1985.
  • Coat of Arms of the Kuwaiti Association of Accountants and Auditors, 1983.
  • Gold Mercury International Award, Bahrain, 1978.
  • Decoration of Independence of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Jordan 1967.[8]

Selected chairmanships

  • Chair of the Honorary Council of the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, USA, (2015)
  • Co-chair of the UN Global Network on Promoting Digital Technologies for Sustainable Urbanization, USA, (2015).
  • Chair of the CEO4Green, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2015).
  • Honorary Chair of the Palestinian Association of Certified Public Accountants, Palestine (2015).
  • Chair of the Arab Coalition of Services Industry, Lebanon (2015).
  • Jordanian National Orchestra Association – JOrchestra (2014).[9]
  • Aֺrab Economic Charter Task Force, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2013).
  • Cֺhinese Arab Economic and Cultural Forum, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2013).
  • Dֺrama Critic Forum, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2013).
  • Chairman, Arab Coalition of Services, Doha, 2012.
  • Chair of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College of Business (TAG-UCB), Kingdom of Bahrain (2012).
  • Chair of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International University (TAGI-UNI), Lebanon (2012).
  • Chair of the Jordanian Economic Observatory, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, (2012).
  • Chair of the Research Centre and Strategic Action, Switzerland, (2012).
  • Chair of the Arab Baltic Foundation for Business and Education, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2012–present).
  • Chair of the All for Palestine Initiative, France (2011–present).
  • Chair of the Supreme Advisory Committee, International Cooperation Organization, Turkey (2012–Present).
  • Chair of the Economic Policy Development Forum (EPDF), The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2011–present)
  • Chair of the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN), Germany (2010–present).
  • Chair, Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID), New York – USA (2009-2010).
  • Chairman, The Afro-Asian Knowledge Society Council- Egypt (2009).
  • Chair of the Arab World of Internet Institute, USA (2008).
  • Chairman, Encyclopedia of Excellence and Civilization Committee, Riyadh – KSA (2008).
  • Chairman Board of Directors, UN Global Compact, New York – USA (2006–2008).
  • Chair of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA), Belgium (2007–present)
  • Chair of the Universal Charter of the United Nations, USA (2007-2008).
  • Chair of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business (TAG-SB), The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2006–present)
  • Chair of the United Nations for Information and Communication Technology and Development, New York (2006-2010).
  • Chair of Evian Group Governing Body, Geneva – Switzerland (2006–2009).
  • Chair, Evian Group-Arab Region (EGAR) (2006–2009).
  • Vice-Chair, ֺ the United Nations for Information and Communication Technology,New York – USA (2006).
  • Chairman, Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC),Paris - France (2006–2008).
  • Chair of the International Chamber of Commerce, France (2005–Present)
  • Chairman, Board of Trustees, Perspective Europe, Paris – France (2005–2007).
  • President, Arab Intellectual Property Meditation Society (AIPMAS), Amman-Jordan (2003–present).
  • Chairman, Advisory Committee on Internet Governance, United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force (UN ICT TF), New York – USA (2003–2004).
  • Chairman, The International Chamber of Commerce Task Force (ICC TF) on Internet Governance, Paris – France(2003–2004).
  • Chair, Commission on E-Business, Information Technologies and Telecoms, International Chamber of Commerce(ICC), Paris – France (2001–2008).
  • Chair of the United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force (UN ICT TF), New York – USA (2004–2006).
  • Chairman, The Arab Regional Network of the United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force (UN ICT TF), New York – USA (2001–2004).
  • Chairman, The Working Group on Human Resources and Capacity Building (HRCB) of the United Nations Information and Communications Technologies, (UN ICT TF), New York – USA (2001–2002).
  • First chairman of the Arab Internet Names Consortium (AINC), Amman- Jordan, (2001).
  • President, Licensing Executives Society-Arab Countries (LES-AC), Amman-Jordan (1998–present).
  • Chairman, U.N. Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR), New York – USA (1995–1996).
  • Chairman, United Nations Committee of Experts on Professional Qualifications Standards, Geneva (1995–1998).
  • Chair of the Middle East Council, Center for Strategic and International Studies, USA (1995-1997).
  • Chair of the United Nations for the Development of Accounting Education, USA (1995).
  • Chairman of the Committee for the Newly Industrialized and Developing Countries Affairs, the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) (1989–1992).
  • President, Arab Knowledge and Management Society (AKMS), New York – USA (1989–present).
  • Chair of the Affairs of the Modern Industrialized Nations and Developing Countries, the International Accounting Standards Committee (1989-1992).
  • President, Arab Society for Intellectual Property (ASIP), Munich (1987–present); in consultative status to the World Intellectual Property Organization, (WIPO).
  • Chair of the International, Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA), London (1985–present); in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, (ECOSOC).[10]

Selected board memberships

  • Member of the Advisory Board of INSEAD Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), France (2017).
  • Member of United Nations Social Impact Fund High Level Advisory Board (UNSIF-HLAB), (2017).
  • Honorary membership from the Kuwaiti Association of Accountants and Auditors, Kuwait (2017).
  • Special Ambassador, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Madrid, Spain (2017).
  • Member of the founding committee of the Council of Islamic Donor Institutions, Qatar (2016).
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), France (2014).
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, the United Arab Emirates (2014) [9]
  • Member of Bretton Woods Committee, the United States (2014).
  • Global Social Responsibility Ambassador of CSR Regional Network, Kingdom of Bahrain (2014).
  • A Royal Commission to enhance integrity system, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (since 2013).
  • Council on Arab Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (CARLAC), the UAE (2013).
  • World Trade Organization (WTO) Panel on Defining the Future of Trade, Switzerland (since 2012).
  • Festival of Thinkers, the UAE (since 2011).
  • International Advisory Board, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain (2010-2011).
  • International Advisory, E-City for King Hamad Ibn Isa Al Khalifa, Kingdom of Bahrain (2009).
  • Board of Directors, UN Global Compact, New York, USA (2006–2008).
  • Advisory Board, Evian Group, Geneva, Switzerland (2005–2009).
  • Honorary Board Membership, Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization (2008).
  • Executive Board, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Paris- France (2006–2009).
  • Board of Trustees, Arab Anti Corruption Organization (2007–Present).
  • International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), France (2007).
  • Board of Directors, King Hussein Foundation, Washington, USA (2005–Present).
  • The International Consultative Board, the World Coalition, New York, USA (2005).
  • Board of Directors, World Links Arab Countries Advisory Council, (2004–2005).
  • Public Sector Consultative Group, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), New York-USA (2003–2006).
  • Board of Trustees, King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC), Amman, Jordan (2003–2006).
  • Board of Trustees, National Music Conservatory (NMC), Amman, Jordan (2003–2005).
  • Board of Directors, World Links Worldwide, Washington, USA (2003–2004).
  • Knowledge Economy Community, Development Gateway, World Bank, Washington, USA (2002–2005).
  • Advisory Board, Industry Advisory Commission, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, Switzerland (1999–2000).
  • Board of Advisors, Middle East Council of the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), Washington, USA (1995–1997).
  • Member of the Board, International Federation of Accountants Council (IFAC), New York, USA (1992).
  • Member of the Board, International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), London, United Kingdom, (1988–1990).
  • Member of the Arab Thought Forum (1988–present).
  • Member of the Board, International Auditing Practices Committee (IAPC) of IFAC, New York, USA (1987–1990).
  • Board of Governors, Keck Center for International Strategic Studies, Claremont, California, USA (1985–1988).
  • Board of Trustees, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon (1980–1982).[11]

Music patronages

  • Patron, Palais Garnier, France (2016).
  • Patron, Jordanian National Orchestra Association (JOrchestra) musical concerts, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2014–Present).
  • Patron, The Second Modernity: The Artistic Collaboration of Fairuz and Ziad Rahbani Conference, Anis Makdisi Program in Literature, American University in Beirut (AUB), Lebanon (2006).
  • Patron, Walid Gholmieh Symphonies (2006).
  • Patron, L’Association pour le Rayonnement de l’Opéra National de Paris (AROP) (2004–present).
  • Patron, Lebanese National Symphony Orchestra (LNSO) (2003–present).
  • Board of Trustees and Chair, National Music Conservatory (NMC), Amman, Jordan (2003–2005).
  • Private Concert by Ramzy Yassa & Ghada Ghanem Concert, Cambridge, UK (2004).
  • Patron, l'Opéra de Paris, France (2001–present).
  • Private concert by the Mozarteum Orchestra of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria (2000).
  • 28th General Assembly for the International Music Council, Petra, (Jordan) (September 1999).
  • TAGO Golden Jubilee concert, London, UK (July 1997).[10]
  • Private concert by Ramzi Yassa, Seattle, USA (1994).
  • Patron, Freunde der Salzburger Festspâele, Salzburg, Austria (1976).[7]

Initiatives and publications

  • In Capacity Building :
    • Designed and produced TAGI TOP, Top of the line Laptop capability with Netbook portability.
    • Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society is one of the leading initiatives by HE Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh which empowers the Arab youth as part of TAG-Org’s corporate responsibility.
    • Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Award: grants scholarships to distinctive Palestinians to study at TAGSB.
    • Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Grant presented to West Bank and Gaza citizens to attain Certified Arab Professional Accountant qualifications.
    • Grant to first ranked Arabic university graduates in accounting to attain the Certified Arab Professional Accountant qualification.
    • Launch of the Adel Al-Sa’di Award for Excellence for the first ranked student in the Arab Certified Accountants Society.
    • Electronic Arabic Encyclopedia (TAGEPEDIA).
    • The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Center for Business Research at Canisius College.
    • Short story contest award “The Dreaded Echo” conducted by the Top Council for Care of the Arts, Literature and Social Sciences for the students of higher education institutions in the Arab countries.
  • Dictionaries:
    • Talal Abu-Ghazaleh ICT Dictionary 2nd edition (2013).
    • Talal Abu-Ghazaleh IP Dictionary 2nd edition (2013).
    • Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Dictionary of Patents (2012).
    • Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Legal Dictionary (2012).
    • Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Collocations Dictionary (2012).
    • Abu-Ghazaleh ICT Directory (2008).
    • The Abu-Ghazaleh Accountancy & Business Dictionary (2001).
    • The Abu-Ghazaleh IP Dictionary (2000).
    • The Abu-Ghazaleh English-Arabic Dictionary of Accounting (1978).[11]



