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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

セリエル音楽またはセリー音楽(セリエルおんがく、セリーおんがく、レイボヴィッツが1947年に提唱した: musique sérielleに由来する。: Serielle Musik, : serial music )とは戦後十二音技法から発展し、全面的パラメーターにわたって繰り返しを否定し秩序付けた音楽。音列主義 (: Serialism, : Serialismus, Serialität)とも呼ばれる。


その糸口はメシアンのピアノ曲「4つのリズムのエチュード」(Quatre Études de rythme,1949-50)の第2曲「音価と強度のモード」(1949)である。この技法がダルムシュタットブーレーズシュトックハウゼンらに引き継がれ、特に後者は第五のパラメーターとして「空間」を創始した。イタリアノーノはそう言ったウェーベルンやメシアンを経由せず、独自の全面セリエル技法を直接シェーンベルクから受け継ぎ編み出して、政治的事象と音楽を強く結びつけ、メシアンの語法とダルムシュタットの語法に鋭く対立した。






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  • Boulez, Pierre. 1954. "… auprès et au loin". Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud–Jean-Louis Barrault 2, no. 3:7–27. Reprinted in Relevés d’apprenti, edited by Paule Thévenin. Collection "Tel quel". Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1966, 183–203. Also reprinted in Points de repère, third edition, 1:287–314. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1995. English version, as ". . .Auprès et au loin", in Pierre Boulez, Notes of an Apprenticeship, texts collected and presented by Paule Thévenin, translated by Herbert Weinstock, 182–204. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968. Another English version, as "Near and Far", in Pierre Boulez, Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship, translated by Stephen Walsh, with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski, 141–57. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN 0193112108.
  • Campbell, Edward. 2010. Boulez, Music and Philosophy. Music in the Twentieth Century 27. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-86242-4.
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  • Frisius, Rudolf. 1998. Serielle Musik. In: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik. Second, newly compiled edition, edited by Ludwig Finscher, part 1 (Sachteil), vol. 8 (Quer–Swi): 1327–54. Kassel & New York: Bärenreiter; Stuttgart: Metzler. ISBN 978-3-7618-1109-2 (Bärenreiter) ISBN 978-3-476-41008-5 (Metzler).
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  • Grant, Morag Josephine. 2001. Serial Music Serial Aesthetics: Compositional Theory in Post-War Europe. Music in the Twentieth Century, Arnold Whittall, general editor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-80458-2.
  • Grant, Morag Josephine. 2006. Untitled review of Wege zum musikalischen Strukturalismus: René Leibowitz, Pierre Boulez, John Cage und die Webern-Rezeption in Paris um 1950, by Inge Kovács (Schliengen: Argus, 2003); Die soziale Isolation der neuen Musik: Zum Kölner Musikleben nach 1945, by Michael Custodis (Beihefte zum Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 54, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2004); Reihe und System: Signaturen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Symposiumsbericht, edited by Sabine Meine (Monographien der Institut für Musikpädogogische Forschung der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover 9, Hannover: Institut für Musikpädagogische Forschung, 2004). Music and Letters 87, no. 2 (May): 346–52.
  • Griffiths, Paul. 1978. Boulez. Oxford Studies of Composers 16. London and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-315442-0.
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  • Guderian, Dietmar. 1985. "Serielle Strukturen und harmonikale Systeme". In Vom Klang der Bilder: die Musik in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, edited by Karin von Maur, 434–37. Munich: Prestel-Verlag.
  • Heinemann, Stephen. 1998. "Pitch-Class Set Multiplication in Theory and Practice". Music Theory Spectrum 20, no. 1:72-96.
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  • Keller, Hans. 1955. "Strict Serial Technique in Classical Music". Tempo (new series) no. 37 (Autumn): 12-16, 21-24.
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  • Leibowitz, René. 1947. Schoenberg et son école: l'étape contemporaine du langage musical. [Paris]: J.B. Janin. (English edition, as Schoenberg and His School: The Contemporary Stage in the Language of Music. Translated by Dika Newlin. New York: Philosophocal Library, 1949).
  • Lerdahl, Fred. 1988. "Cognitive Constraints on Compositional Systems". In Generative Processes in Music, ed. John Sloboda. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Contemporary Music Review 6, no. 2 (1992):97-121.
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  • Perle, George. 1977. Twelve-tone Tonality. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Pousseur, Henri. 1959. "Forme et pratique musicales". Revue Belge de Musicologie 13:98–116. Slightly revised and expanded version, trans. into English as “Music, Form and Practice (An Attempt to Reconcile Some Contradictions)”. Die Reihe 6 (1964): 77–93.
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  • Ruwet, Nicolas. 1959. "Contradictions du langage sériel". Revue Belge de Musicologie 13 (1959), 83–97. English trans., as “Contradictions within the Serial Language”. Die Reihe 6 (1964): 65–76.
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  • Schoenberg, Arnold. 1975. Style and Idea: Selected Writings of Arnold Schoenberg. Edited by Leonard Stein, translated by Leo Black. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-05294-3.
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  • Walker, Alan. 1986. Franz Liszt, volume two: The Weimar years 1848-1861. New York: Knopf. ISBN 9780394525402.
  • Whittall, Arnold. 2008. The Cambridge Introduction to Serialism. Cambridge Introductions to Music. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-86341-4 (hardback) ISBN 978-0-521-68200-8 (pbk).
  • Wörner, Karl H. 1973. Stockhausen: Life and Work, introduced, translated, and edited by Bill Hopkins. London: Faber and Faber; Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-02143-6.