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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

シェイフ・ハムドゥッラー(トルコ語: Şeyh Hamdullah, 1436年1520年)は、オスマン帝国期のアラビア書道の能書家。アマスィヤ生まれ。イブン=シャイフ=ル=アマスィー(ابن الشيخ الأمَسي‎)とも呼ばれる。




アマスィヤでは基本六書体をハイレディン・マルアスィー Hayreddin Mar'asi 師に学んだ[4]。伝統的な巨匠の書に学び、それを再生産しようとした[5]。 ハムドゥッラーは、スルタン・メフメト2世の息子バヤズィト王子と兄弟弟子の関係になり、友人同士にもなった。1481年に王子がバヤズィト2世としてスルタンに即位する見込みになると、彼は友人たちを首都イスタンブルに呼び寄せ、ハムドゥッラーを宮廷の書記らの頭に据えた[3]




ハムドゥッラーの息子、マウラーナー・デデ・チェレビー Mawlana Dede Chalabi は父親に学んで、のちに書家になった。娘(息子と違って名前は伝承されていない)はアマスィヤのシュクルッラー・ハリーフェという、やはり父の弟子のひとりと結婚した。ハムドゥッラーの孫、ピール・ムハンマド・デデ Pir Muhammad Dede (d. 986/1580) (娘の息子)とデルヴィーシュ・ムハンマド Dervish Muhammad (d. 888/1483)(息子マウラーナー・デデの息子)も書家として名を残している。[12]




シェイフ・ハムドゥッラーは生涯を書芸術に捧げ、80歳台にはいっても作品を制作しつづけた。ムスハフ(クルアーンの写本)は47点、En'ams, Evrads, Juz'は数えきれないくらい残されている。トプカピ宮殿はかなり多くの作品を所蔵している[13]。彼の手による銘刻は、イスタンブルではバヤズィト・モスクフィールーズアーガー・モスクダーヴード・モスクに、エディルネではバヤズィト・モスクにある[14]





  • Mustafa Âlî, Epic Deeds of Artists, first published in 1587[16]
  • Nefes-zade Ibrahim Efendi (d. 1650), Gülzâr-i Savâb [The Rose-garden of Proper Conduct], first published c. 1640[17]
  • Sayocluzâde Mehmed Necîb (d. 1757), Devhatü’l-küttâb (دوحة الكتّاب) [Genealogy of the Scribes, sometimes translated as the Great Tree of Penmen], first published c. 1737 [18]
  • Müstakim-zade Süleyman Sa'deddin Efendi, Tuhfei Hattatin [Present for Calligraphers or sometimes translated as Choice Gift for Calligraphers], first published c. 1788 [19]


  • "The Genealogy of Ottoman Calligraphers" in: M. Uğur Derman (ed.), Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, New York, Harry Abrams, 2010, pp 186–189


  1. ^ a b Huart, Clémant (1908). Les Calligraphes et les Miniaturistes de l'Orient Musulman. pp. 108-117. https://archive.org/details/lescalligraphes00huargoog 2021年4月23日閲覧。 
  2. ^ Kazan, Hilal (2017). "Hamdullah Efendi". Encyclopaedia Islamica (third ed.).
  3. ^ a b Uğur Derman, M., Letters in Gold: Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998 , p. 46
  4. ^ Traditional Turkish Arts: Calligraphy Turkish Republic, Istanbul, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, n.d., p. 9
  5. ^ Huart, C., Les Calligraphes et les Miniaturistes de l'Orient Musulman, 1972 p. 108 by Digital copy
  6. ^ Özkafa, F., "İstanbul ve Hat Sanatı" [Istanbul and the Art of Calligraphy] in: Yusuf Çağlar (ed.), Bir Fotoğrafın Aynasında: İstanbul’un Meşhur Hattatları [Through the Mirror of a Picture: Eminent Calligraphers of Istanbul], Istanbul: İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2010, p. 114.
  7. ^ a b Schimmel, A. Rivolta, B., "Islamic Calligraphy", Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, vol. 50, no. 1, 1992, p. 21
  8. ^ a b Türk ve İslâm Eserleri Müzesi, The Art of the Qurʼan: Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, Smithsonian Institution, 2016, p. 82
  9. ^ Ülker, M. فن الخط التركي بين الماضي والحاضر, (in Turkish and English), Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür, n.d., .p. 71
  10. ^ Osborn, J.R., Letters of Light: Arabic Script in Calligraphy, Print, and Digital Design, Harvard University Press, 2017, [E-book edition], n.p.
  11. ^ T Diez Albums: Contexts and Contents, BRILL, c. 2016, p.136
  12. ^ Akin-Kivanc, E., Mustafa Âli's Epic Deeds of Artists: A Critical Edition of the Earliest Ottoman Text about the Calligraphers and Painters of the Islamic World, BRILL, 2011
  13. ^ Baydar and Hepworth, "Two Case Studies:The Rejoining of a Text-Block and the New Use of Remoistenable Tissue", in: Driscoll, M.J. and Mósesdóttir, E. (eds), Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 11, [Proceedings of the Eleventh International Seminar, University of Copenhagen, 24–25 April 2008], Museum Tusculanum Press, 2009, p. 135
  14. ^ Dijkema, F.Th. (ed.),The Ottoman Historical Monumental Inscriptions in Edirne, BRILL, 1977, p. 45
  15. ^ a b Behrens-Abouseif, D. and Vernoit, S., Islamic Art in the 19th Century: Tradition, Innovation, And Eclecticism, BRILL, 2006, p.90-93; Khalili, N.D., Visions of Splendour in Islamic Art and Culture, Worth Press Limited, 2008, p. 44; Auji, H., Printing Arab Modernity: Book Culture and The American Press in Nineteenth-Century Beirut, BRILL, 2016, p. 27
  16. ^ Akin-Kivanc, E., Mustafa Âli's Epic Deeds of Artists: A Critical Edition of the Earliest Ottoman Text about the Calligraphers and Painters of the Islamic World, BRILL, 2011, p.5
  17. ^ Behrens-Abouseif, D. and Vernoit, S., Islamic Art in the 19th Century: Tradition, Innovation, And Eclecticism, BRILL, 2006, p.90-91; Bayani, M., The Decorated Word: Qurʼans of the 17th to 19th Centuries, Volume 4, Part 1, Nour Foundation, 1999, p.66; Akin-Kivanc, E., Mustafa Âli's Epic Deeds of Artists: A Critical Edition of the Earliest Ottoman Text about the Calligraphers and Painters of the Islamic World, BRILL, 2011, p.10. It may be worth noting that a republished edition of the original appeared in 1938, edited by Kilisli Muallim Rifat
  18. ^ Behrens-Abouseif, D. and Vernoit, S., Islamic Art in the 19th Century: Tradition, Innovation, And Eclecticism, BRILL, 2006, p.90-93; Bayani, M., The Decorated Word: Qurʼans of the 17th to 19th Centuries, Volume 4, Part 1, Nour Foundation, 1999, p.66; Akin-Kivanc, E., Mustafa Âli's Epic Deeds of Artists: A Critical Edition of the Earliest Ottoman Text about the Calligraphers and Painters of the Islamic World, BRILL, 2011, p.10. It may be worth noting that the original was republished in a 1939 edition, edited by Kilisli Muallim Rifat and published in Istanbul.
  19. ^ Behrens-Abouseif, D. and Vernoit, S., Islamic Art in the 19th Century: Tradition, Innovation, And Eclecticism, BRILL, 2006, p.91; Akin-Kivanc, E., Mustafa Âli's Epic Deeds of Artists: A Critical Edition of the Earliest Ottoman Text about the Calligraphers and Painters of the Islamic World, BRILL, 2011, p.11.