

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

サンフォード・ゴールド (Sanford Gold) は、アメリカ合衆国出身の教育コンサルタント[1]、企業学習、リーダーシップ、専門能力開発の専門家[2]京都情報大学院大学の教授である[3]




  • Sanford Gold:Which Business simulation is right for your training programs?,Advantexe,2017[6][7]
  • Sanford Gold:Lessons Learned When Using Simulations in your company,Advantexe,2017[6][8]
  • Sanford Gold:Take the First Step Lessons Learned Using Simulations for Sales Training,ATD,2016[9]
  • Sanford Gold:Prudential's LCMS Implementation Delivery and Object Reuse,Learning Solutions Magazine, Mar 15, 2004[6]
  • Sanford Gold:A Constructivist Approach to Online Training for Online Teachers,The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, volume 5, number 1,35-57,2001[5][10][11][12]
  • Sanford Gold:Teaching on the Web A Constructivist Approach to Faculty Development,Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, 2001 in Norfolk, VA ISBN 978-1-880094-41-9,Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC USA[13]
  • Sanford Gold:Implementing an e-learning system within a Securities Firm,Second Annual International Online Learning and Teaching Conference, sponsored by UNESCO and Southern China University,2001[6]
  • Sanford Gold:An online workshop for higher education faculty on the practices of effective online teaching and learning, DISSERTATION,Teachers College, Columbia University, United States,Awarded 1999[4]
  • Jessica Zirkel, Benjamin Bell,Sanford Gold:Abner Project Goal-Directed Inquiry in a Simulated Environment,International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS-98),1998[14]
  • Sanford Gold:Hangar Flying as aviation training Capturing expertise via online video libraries,1998[6]
  • Sanford Gold:Conférence internationale de 1998 sur l'Interaction Homme-Ordinateur en Aéronautique (IHO-Aéro 1998)


  • Practice of Blending Learning for the Next Generation of Agricultural Human Resource Development Using Wearable Cameras and Drones,IMS Global Learning Consortium,2018[6]
  • Best Custom Content,Date Sep 2013 Brandon Hall[6]
  • ASTD Distinguished Service Award (2010-2011),ATD,2010[6]
  • Best in Show,Life Communicators Award,2003[6]



