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アンジェラ・リトル (教育学者)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
Angela W. Little
生誕 (1949-12-24) 1949年12月24日(74歳)
マン島の旗 マン島ダグラス
国籍 イギリスの旗 イギリスマン島の旗 マン島
研究分野 開発途上国における初等教育政策と実践、教育計画、学習計画の評価
出身校 サリー大学 (学士 1971)
ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス・カレッジ (PGCE 1974)
サセックス大学 (Ph.D. 1982)

アンジェラ・W・リトル(Angela W. Little、1949年12月24日 - )は、ロンドン大学インスティチュート・オブ・エデュケーション名誉教授[1]開発途上国における初等教育政策と実践、教育計画、学習計画の評価で知られる。以下の7分野を主たる対象としている[2]

  • 普遍的教育とミレニアム開発目標
  • 複式学級
  • グローバル化と教育
  • 資格、動機付け、向上心
  • スリランカにおける教育
  • 中国における教育
  • 教育と開発

教育政策、計画、評価に係わる政府系機関、多国間機関、非営利機関のアドバイザーを務めており、その中にはスウェーデン国際開発協力庁世界銀行[3]イギリス国際開発省(DFID)[4]UNESCO, 国際労働機関フォード財団UNICEFオーストラリア国際開発庁が含まれる。業務を行った国としては、日本、中国、インド、エチオピア、ガーナ、ジンバブエ、スリランカ、バングラデシュ、マレーシアがあげられる。



著者あるいは編集者として数多くの書籍、小論、6つの学術誌特集記事、数多くの学術誌掲載記事、共著書の章、レポートを手がけている。また、1982年の『The Diploma Disease』(ロナルド・ドーアと共同制作)[8]と1996年の『Qualification Chase』[9]の二つの映画の制作にも係わっている。


  • 2007, Education and Development in a Global Era: successful strategies for globalisation, (with A. Green, S. Kamat, M. Oketch, E.Vickers), DFID, Researching the Issues no 69, London (co-editor with Andy Green and contributor), 2007
  • 2006, Education for All and Multigrade Teaching: challenges and opportunities, Springer, Dordrecht (editor and contributor), 2006
  • 2003, Education for All: Policy and planning lessons from Sri Lanka, Researching the Issues, no 46, DFID, London
  • 2003, Primary Education Reform in Sri Lanka, Isurupaya, Ministry of Education and Higher Education Publications Department (sole editor and contributor), 2000 (Sinhala and Tamil editions published in 2003)
  • 1999, Labouring to Learn: towards a political economy of education and plantations in Sri Lanka, Basingstoke, Macmillan Press (English edition),
  • 1999, Education, Cultures and Economics: dilemmas for development, New York and London: Falmer Press, (co-editor with Fiona Leach and contributor),
  • 1996, Assessment in Transition: Learning, Monitoring and Selection in International Perspective, Pergamon, Oxford (co-editor with Alison Wolf and contributor).
  • 1994, Educational Innovation in China: tracing the impact of the 1985 Reform (with Keith Lewin, Xu Hui and Zheng Ji Wei), Longman.
  • 1994, Beyond Jomtien: Implementing Primary Education for All (co-editor with W, Hoppers and R. Gardner and contributor) Macmillan.
  • 1987, Why do Students Learn? A Six Country Study of Student Motivation, Institute of Development Studies Research Report, Series Rr17, Sussex (sole editor and contributor).
  • 2012, "Educational Progress among the Indian Tamil Minority in the Plantations of Sri Lanka", in Sleeter, C. et al. (eds.), School Education, Pluralism and Marginality: comparative perspectives, New Delhi, Orient Blackswan Private Limited.
  • 2007, "Globalisation, Learning and Teaching" in S.Ali and M Rizvi (eds.), Quality in Education: teaching and learning in challenging times, Karachi: the Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development.
  • 2007, Paradoxes of Economic and Social Development in Sri Lanka: the Wages of Civil War, in A. Green, A.W.Little, S. Kamat, M.Oketch and E Vickers, Education and Development in a Global Era: successful strategies for globalisation, DFID, Researching the Issues, no 69, London.
  • 2003, "Access and achievement in Commonwealth countries: support for learning and teaching in multigrade classrooms", in Matlin, S. (ed.) Commonwealth Education Partnerships London, TSO, 2003
  • 2011, "Education policy reform in Sri Lanka: the double-edged sword of political will", Journal of Education Policy, 26 (4). pp. 499–512.
  • 2011, Guest Editor of special issue on "The Policies, Politics and Progress of Access to Basic Education", Journal of Education Policy, 26 (4) (Editorial with Keith Lewin pp. 477–482).
  • 2011, Guest Editor of special issue on "Access, Equity and Transitions in Education in Low Income Countries", International Journal of Educational Development, (editorial with Keith M Lewin), 2011
  • 2010 (with others), "The Millennium Development Goals -a cross sectoral analysis and principles for goal setting post 2015", The Lancet, Sept 2010
  • 2010, "International and Comparative Education: what’s in a name?", Compare, 40 (6), pp. 845–852.
  • 2009 (with Andy Green), "Successful Globalisation, Education and Sustainable Development", International Journal of Educational Development, Vol 29, 2, pp. 166–174.
  • 2008 (with Ricardo Sabates), "Economic Globalisation, Youth Expectations and Social Class: the case of Sri Lanka", International Journal of Educational Development, Vol 28, 708–722.
  • 2008, "Primary Care, Public Service[リンク切れ]", Review: International Development Issue 12, December.
  • 2007 (with Jane Evans), "The role of UK qualification suppliers in Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe: a comparative evaluation", International Journal of Educational Development, 27 (5), pp. 525–541.
  • 2005 (with Jane Evans), "The growth of foreign qualification suppliers in Sri Lanka: de facto decentralisation?" Compare, 35 (2), 181–192.
  • 2003, "Motivating Learning and the Development of Human Capital", Compare, 33 (4), 437–452.
  • 2001, Special issue of the International Journal of Educational Development on the theme of Multigrade Teaching, 21 (6) (guest editor)
  • 2000, "Development Studies and Comparative Education: context, content, comparison and contributors", Special number Comparative Education for the twenty first century, Comparative Education, 36 (3).
  • 1992, "Learning and Working: elements of the Diploma Disease thesis examined in England and Malaysia" (with J Sarjit Singh) Comparative Education, 28, pp 181–200.


  1. ^ Professor Angela Little profile page at the Institute of Education, University of London”. 2012年6月27日閲覧。
  2. ^ Little, Angela. “Writings of Angela Little – on personal website”. 2012年7月13日閲覧。
  3. ^ Angela Little publications for the World Bank”. 27 June 2012閲覧。
  4. ^ Angela Little publications on DFID website”. 27 June 2012閲覧。
  5. ^ Professor Angela Little profile page at the Institute of Education, University of London”. 2012年6月27日閲覧。
  6. ^ International Advisory Board of Young Lives”. 27 June 2012閲覧。
  7. ^ Management team of UKFIET”. 2012年6月27日閲覧。
  8. ^ The Diploma disease WorldCat record”. 27 June 2012閲覧。
  9. ^ The Qualification chase WorldCat record”. 27 June 2012閲覧。

