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{{Portal クラシック音楽}}
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'''ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクール'''({{lang-it-short|Concorso pianistico internazionale Ferruccio Busoni}})は、[[イタリア]]の[[ボルツァーノ]]で行われている国際[[ピアノ]][[コンクール]]<ref>[https://ja-jp.facebook.com/Busoni.Piano.Competition facebook]</ref><ref>[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/classicalmusic/8742936/Busoni-Piano-Competition-Bolzano-Italy-review.html telegraph]</ref><ref>[http://www.concorsobusoni.it/ 公式サイト]</ref>。
'''ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクール'''({{lang-it-short|Concorso pianistico internazionale Ferruccio Busoni}})は、[[イタリア]]の[[ボルツァーノ]]で行われている国際[[ピアノ]][[コンクール]]<ref>[https://ja-jp.facebook.com/Busoni.Piano.Competition]</ref><ref>[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/classicalmusic/8742936/Busoni-Piano-Competition-Bolzano-Italy-review.html]</ref><ref>[http://www.concorsobusoni.it/ 公式サイト]</ref>。

[[1949年]]にイタリア生まれの[[作曲家]]、[[フェルッチョ・ブゾーニ]]の没後25周年を記念して初代審査委員長[[チェーザレ・ノルディオ]]が組織し、それが今日まで続いている。ながらく公式URLにhttpが使われていたが、国際的な趨勢に合わせてhttpsに変更している。国際審査員はこのコンクールで順位が振るわなかった[[クン・ウー・パイク]]のような人物や、国際コンクールとは無縁の存在である[[ニコラス・ハッジス]]のような人物も招聘される点で異彩を放っている。ブゾーニは[[ピアノ協奏曲]]の類の作品をBV110, 210, 230, 236, 247, 264, 290と7作確認できるものの、本選で参加者がこれらを選ぶことは現在まったくなくなっている。コブリンが優勝した回<ref>[https://archive.is/1fHF4 審査記事]</ref>のみ、[[ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルト|モーツァルト]]のカデンツァがブゾーニ作であることが義務付けられたことはある。150人ほどの応募の中から、実際に翌年の予選会に進めるのは27人だけである。

現代作品とブゾーニの作品が必修になっている点に変動はないが、毎年大きく課題曲の要求が異なる。この点で、課題曲にさほどの変動がないカザグランデ国際やヴィオッティ国際と異なる。2017年度は初めて[[ピアノ]]を含む[[室内楽]]が義務付けられた。<ref>[https://archive.is/Jd8d6 要綱2017]</ref>それに加え、本選の協奏曲も毎回徹底的に変えられており、2017年度は[[プロコフィエフ]]の一番と三番と四番が選べない、また[[ショパン]]の一番も選べない、[[ラフマニノフ]]の一番と二番と三番が選べないという変わった趣向<ref>どこの国際コンクールも、これらを選択肢から排除するというのは珍しい。</ref>がある。長らく協奏曲を二曲の義務が課せられていたが[[2017年]]でようやく廃止になった。審査員団が要綱に徹底的に手を毎回加えるというのも特色の一つである。

躊躇なく第一位を空席にすることで有名で、これは隔年時代に入っても変わってない。10代のコンテスタント<ref>Annamaria Cigoliは、わずか17歳で受賞している。</ref>も平気で乗り込んでくるコンクールとしても有名であった。毎年時代のころは書類選考もなく誰もが乗り込むコンクールとしてカザグランデと双璧であったが、時代が下るにつれ書類やCDやDVDでピアニストを選別したうえで、戦わせる形式に変更している。2000年代以降の課題曲の要求水準は厳しいので、かつてほど10代が乗り込むことがなくなってきていた。ただし、2017年度は本選の協奏曲をモーツァルト一作でも規約上問題がなく全体的に軽いプログラミングに移行しているので、再び若さを伴ったコンテスタントの増加が予想されたが、最年少は19歳である。
ブゾーニは[[ピアノ協奏曲]]の類の作品をBV110, 210, 230, 236, 247, 264, 290と7作確認できるものの、本選で参加者がこれらを選ぶことは2015年現在なくなっている。コブリンが優勝した回<ref>[https://archive.is/1fHF4 審査記事]</ref>のみ、[[ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルト|モーツァルト]]のカデンツァがブゾーニ作であることが義務付けられたことはある。150人ほどの応募の中から、実際に翌年の予選会に進めるのは27人だけである。

* '''1949''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Lodovico Lessona. Third Prize: Rossana Orlandini. Fourth Prize: Alfred Brendel. Fifth Prize: Bela Siki.
* '''1949''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Lodovico Lessona. Third Prize: Rossana Orlandini. Fourth Prize: Alfred Brendel.
* '''1950''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Karl Heinz Schlüter. Third Prize: Jacques Coulaud. Fourth Prize: Jean Franssen. Fifth Prize: Bruno Mezzena and Andrzej Wasowski.
* '''1950''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Karl Heinz Schlüter. Third Prize: Jacques Coulaud.
* '''1951''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: ''not awarded''. Third Prize: Karl Engel and Walter Klien. Fourth Prize: Alfred Kremela. Fifth Prize: Maria Luisa Candeloro.
* '''1951''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: ''not awarded''. Third Prize: Karl Engel and Walter Klien.
* '''1952''' First Prize: '''Sergio Perticaroli'''<ref>男性初優勝</ref>. Second Prize: Andrzej Wasowski. Third Prize: Marisa Candeloro and Agostino Orizio. Fourth Prize: Ingrid Häbler and Walter Klien. Fifth Prize: Eleanor Fine.
* '''1952''' First Prize: '''Sergio Perticaroli'''<ref>男性初優勝</ref>. Second Prize: Andrzej Wasowski. Third Prize: Marisa Candeloro and Agostino Orizio.
* '''1953''' First Prize: '''Ella Goldstein'''<ref>女性初優勝</ref>. Second Prize: Monte Hill Davis. Third Prize: Esteban Sanchez Herrero. Fourth Prize: Wladimir Havsky. Fifth Prize: Adriana Brugnolini Vecchiato .
* '''1953''' First Prize: '''Ella Goldstein'''<ref>女性初優勝</ref>. Second Prize: Monte Hill Davis. Third Prize: Esteban Sanchez Herrero.
* '''1954''' First Prize: '''Aldo Mancinelli'''. Second Prize: Gabriel Tacchino. Third Prize: Günter Ludwig. Fourth Prize: Kurt Bauer. Fifth Prize: Alberto Colombo.
* '''1954''' First Prize: '''Aldo Mancinelli'''. Second Prize: Gabriel Tacchino. Third Prize: Günter Ludwig.
* '''1955''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Germaine Devéze. Third Prize: Günter Ludwig. Fourth Prize: Sylvie Mercier and Myrtha Perez. Fifth Prize: Monte Hill Davis.
* '''1955''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Germaine Devéze. Third Prize: Günter Ludwig.
* '''1956''' First Prize: '''Jörg Demus'''. Second Prize: Ivan Davis. Third Prize: James Mathis. Fourth Prize: Bruno Canino and Michael Ponti.
* '''1956''' First Prize: '''Jörg Demus'''. Second Prize: Ivan Davis. Third Prize: James Mathis. Fourth Prize: Bruno Canino and Michael Ponti.
* '''1957''' First Prize: '''Martha Argerich'''<ref>[[ショパン国際ピアノコンクール]]との女性の両優勝者は彼女だけ。</ref>. Second Prize: Ivan Davis and Jerome Lowenthal. Third Prize: Jeaneane Dowis. Fourth Prize: Ludwig Hoffmann. Fifth Prize: Alberto Colombo.
* '''1957''' First Prize: '''Martha Argerich'''<ref>[[ショパン国際ピアノコンクール]]との女性の両優勝者は彼女だけ。</ref>. Second Prize: Ivan Davis and Jerome Lowenthal. Third Prize: Jeaneane Dowis.
* '''1958''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: José Kahan and Ronald Turrini. Third Prize: Fabio Peressoni and Michael Ponti. Fourth Prize: Bruno Canino. Fifth Prize: Ruriko Tsukamoto. Sixth Prize: Virginia Hutchings.
* '''1958''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: José Kahan and Ronald Turrini. Third Prize: Fabio Peressoni and Michael Ponti. Fourth Prize: Bruno Canino
* '''1959''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize:Cécile Ousset and John Perry. Third Prize: Imre Antal and Leonhard Hokanson. Fourth Prize: Giorgio Sacchetti. Fifth Prize: John Ogdon. Sixth Prize: Marie Claire Laroche and Françoise Parrot.
* '''1959''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize:Cécile Ousset and John Perry. Third Prize: Imre Antal and Leonhard Hokanson. Fourth Prize: Joaquín Achúcarro.
* '''1960''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Agustin Anievas and James Mathis. Third Prize: Imre Antal.
* '''1960''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Agustin Anievas and James Mathis. Third Prize: Imre Antal. Fourth Prize: Giorgio Sacchetti. Fifth Prize: John Ogdon. Sixth Prize: Marie Claire Laroche and Françoise Parrot.
* '''1961''' First Prize: '''Jerome Rose'''. Second Prize: Norma Fisher and Howard Aibel. Third Prize: Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak.
* '''1961''' First Prize: '''Jerome Rose'''. Second Prize: Norma Fisher and Howard Aibel. Third Prize: Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak.Fourth Prize: Thomas McIntosh. Fifth Prize: José Maria Contreras. Sixth Prize: Friederike Grünfeld.
* '''1962''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Brenton Dale Bartlett. Third Prize: Iván Erőd and Reynaldo Reyes.
* '''1962''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Brenton Dale Bartlett. Third Prize: Iván Erőd and Reynaldo Reyes. Fourth Prize: Virginia Hutchings. Fifth Prize: Thomas Schumacher. Sixth Prize: Mayne Miller and Giorgio Sacchetti.
* '''1963''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Gernot Kahl. Third Prize: José Maria Contreras.
* '''1963''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Gernot Kahl. Third Prize: José Maria Contreras. Fourth Prize: Maxine Franklin. Fifth Prize: Robert Hamilton. Sixth Prize: Gloria Lanni. Premio speciale:Jeffrey Siegel.
* '''1964''' First Prize: '''Michael Ponti'''. Second Prize: François-Joël Thiollier. Third Prize: Ivan Drenikov.
* '''1964''' First Prize: '''Michael Ponti'''. Second Prize: François-Joël Thiollier. Third Prize: Ivan Drenikov. Fourth Prize: Friederike Grünfeld. Fifth Prize: Sergio Varella-Cid. Sixth Prize:John Covelli and Maria Luisa Lopez-Vito.
* '''1965''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Bozhidar Noev. Third Prize: James Dick.
* '''1965''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Bozhidar Noev. Third Prize: James Dick. Fourth Prize: Israela Margalit and Franco Medori. Fifth Prize: Benedikt Köhlen.
* '''1966''' First Prize: '''Garrick Ohlsson'''<ref>ショパン国際ピアノコンクールとの男性の両優勝者は彼だけ。</ref>. Second Prize: Richard Goode.
* '''1966''' First Prize: '''Garrick Ohlsson'''<ref>ショパン国際ピアノコンクールとの男性の両優勝者は彼だけ。</ref>. Second Prize: Richard Goode.
* '''1967''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Ivan Klánský. Third Prize: Pietro Maranca. Fourth Prize: Frantisek Maly. Fifth Prize: Roman Rudnytsky.
* '''1967''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Ivan Klánský. Third Prize: Pietro Maranca.
* '''1968''' First Prize: '''Vladimir Selivochin'''. Second Prize: Mark Zeltser. Third Prize: Benedikt Köhlen and Craig Sheppard. Fourth Prize: Adrian Ruiz. Fifth Prize: Vadim Sacharov.
* '''1968''' First Prize: '''Vladimir Selivochin'''. Second Prize: Mark Zeltser. Third Prize: Benedikt Köhlen and Craig Sheppard.
* '''1969''' First Prize: '''Ursula Oppens'''. Second Prize: Annamaria Cigoli. Third Prize: Akiko Kitagawa. Goldmedaille:Kun Woo Paik. Silbermedaille:Paul Crossley, Stella Dimitrova and Roger L. Schields.<ref>これらは入選メダルであり、入賞ではない。</ref>
* '''1969''' First Prize: '''Ursula Oppens'''. Second Prize: Annamaria Cigoli. Third Prize: Akiko Kitagawa.
* '''1970''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Premio di selezione:Maria Luisa Lopez-Vito Borsa premio: Etsuko Tazaki.
* '''1970''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Selection Prize: Maria Luisa Lopez-Vito.
* '''1971''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Nina Tichman. Third Prize: Ilan Rogoff and Marioara Trifan. Fourth Prize: Catherine Collard. Fifth Prize:Wilfried Kassebaum and Seta Tanyel.
* '''1971''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Nina Tichman. Third Prize: Ilan Rogoff and Marioara Trifan.
* '''1972''' First Prize: '''Arnaldo Cohen'''. Second Prize: ''not awarded''. Third Prize: Peter Bithell and David Oei. Fourth Prize: Dai Uk Lee. Fifth Prize: Marian Hahn.
* '''1972''' First Prize: '''Arnaldo Cohen'''. Second Prize: ''not awarded''. Third Prize: Peter Bithell and David Oei.
* '''1973''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Roland Keller and Andrzej Ratusiński. Third Prize: Elza Kolodziej. Fourth Prize: Kveta Novotna. Fifth Prize: Pierluigi Camicia and Seth Carlin.
* '''1973''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Roland Keller and Andrzej Ratusiński
* '''1974''' First Prize: '''Robert Benz'''. Second Prize: Pascal Devoyon. Third Prize: Diane Walsh. Fourth Prize:Steven Mayer. Fifth Prize: Daniel Rivera. Premio speciale:Pascal Devoyon.
* '''1974''' First Prize: '''Robert Benz'''. Second Prize: Pascal Devoyon. Third Prize: Diane Walsh.
* '''1975''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Staffan Scheja. Third Prize: Laszlo Simon and Terence Judd. Fourth Prize: Caroline Haffner. Fifth Prize: Marina Kapatzinskaja.
* '''1975''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Staffan Scheja. Third Prize: Laszlo Simon and Terence Judd.
* '''1976''' First Prize: '''Roberto Cappello'''. Second Prize: Daniel Rivera. Fourth Prize: Susan Ann Howes and Adrienne Shannon. Fifth Prize: Alexeii Golovine and Antony Peebles.
* '''1976''' First Prize: '''Roberto Cappello'''. Second Prize: Daniel Rivera. Third Prize: Susan Ann Howes and Adrienne Shannon.
* '''1977''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Ayami Ikeba and Veronique Roux. Third Prize: Joop Celis and Kyoto Ito. Fourth Prize: Hans Christian Wille. Fifth Prize: Radu Toescu.
* '''1977''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Ayami Ikeba and Veronique Roux. Third Prize: Joop Celis and Kyoto Ito.
* '''1978''' First Prize: '''Boris Bloch'''. Second Prize: Dennis Lee. Third Prize: Arnulf von Arnim. Fourth Prize: Edson Elias and Josep Colom. Fifth Prize: Daniel Blumenthal. Premio “Cesare Nordio”: Dennis Lee.
* '''1978''' First Prize: '''Boris Bloch'''. Second Prize: Dennis Lee. Third Prize: Arnulf von Arnim. Fourth Prize: Josep Colom.
* '''1979''' First Prize: '''Catherine Vickers'''. Second Prize: ''not awarded''. Third Prize: Alyce Le Blanc. Fifth Prize: Maria Teresa Carunchio and Hiroko Miki.
* '''1979''' First Prize: '''Catherine Vickers'''. Second Prize: ''not awarded''. Third Prize: Alyce Le Blanc.
* '''1980''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Ruriko Kikuchi, Rolf Plagge and Hai-Kyung Suh. Third Prize: Margarita Höhenrieder. Fourth Prize: Giovanni Umberto Battel and Hüseyin Sermet. Fifth Prize: Eun-Soo Son.
* '''1980''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Ruriko Kikuchi, Rolf Plagge and Hai-Kyung Suh.
* '''1981''' First Prize: '''Margarita Höhenrieder'''. Second Prize: Lev Natochenny. Third Prize: Boyan Vodenitcharov.
* '''1981''' First Prize: '''Margarita Höhenrieder'''. Second Prize: Lev Natochenny. Third Prize: Boyan Vodenitcharov. Fourth Prize: Maria Teresa Carunchio. Fifth Prize: Fred Höricke. Sixth Prize:Christopher O'Riley.
* '''1982''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Hung-Kuan Chen. Third Prize: Daniel Blumenthal and Yukino Fujiwara.
* '''1982''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Hung-Kuan Chen. Third Prize: Daniel Blumenthal and Yukino Fujiwara. Fourth Prize: Rainer Becker Sixth Prize:Fred Höricke and Gülsin Onay.
* '''1983''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Robert McDonald. Third Prize: Frederick Blum and Arthur Greene.
* '''1983''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Robert McDonald. Third Prize: Frederick Blum and Arthur Greene. Fourth Prize: Gülsin Onay. Fifth Prize:Bernd Glemser and Rumi Shima. Sixth Prize:Neil Rutman.
* '''1984''' First Prize: '''Louis Lortie'''. Second Prize: Matthias Fletzberger. Third Prize: Bernd Glemser.
* '''1984''' First Prize: '''Louis Lortie'''. Second Prize: Matthias Fletzberger. Third Prize: Bernd Glemser. Fourth Prize:Neil Rutman and John Salmon. Fifth Prize:Jean-Baphtiste Müller and Boris Slutsky. Sixth Prize:Luigi Ceci and Riccardo Zadra.
* '''1985''' First Prize: '''José Carlos Cocarelli'''. Second Prize: Uriel Tsachor and Akira Wakabayashi. Third Prize: Natasha Vlassenko.
* '''1985''' First Prize: '''José Carlos Cocarelli'''. Second Prize: Uriel Tsachor and Akira Wakabayashi. Third Prize: Natasha Vlassenko. Fourth Prize: Marcantonio Barone. Fifth Prize: Thierry Huillet and Lilit Sagateljan. Sixth Prize: Sylviane Deferne.
* '''1986''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Benjamin Frith and Pedrag Muzijevic. Third Prize: R. Clipper Erickson and Igor Kamenz.
* '''1986''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Benjamin Frith and Pedrag Muzijevic. Third Prize: R. Clipper Erickson and Igor Kamenz. Fourth Prize: Nobuyuki Nagaoka. Fifth Prize: Megumi Umene.
* '''1987''' First Prize: '''Lilya Zilberstein'''. Second Prize: Valery Kuleshof. Third Prize: Ian Munro and Alfredo Perl.
* '''1987''' First Prize: '''Lilya Zilberstein'''. Second Prize: Valery Kuleshof. Third Prize: Ian Munro and Alfredo Perl. Fourth Prize: Yumiko Saegusa. Fifth Prize: Konrad Elser.
* '''1988''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Igor Kamenz and Benjamin Pasternack. Third Prize: Fabio Bidini.
* '''1988''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Igor Kamenz and Benjamin Pasternack. Third Prize: Fabio Bidini. Fifth Prize: Wonmi Kim and Mari Kodama. Sixth Prize: Nobuko Kondo.
* '''1989''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Alexandar Madzar. Third Prize: Francesco Cipolletta and Valery Grohovsky.
* '''1989''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Alexandar Madzar. Third Prize: Francesco Cipolletta and Valery Grohovsky. Fourth Prize: Igor Kamenz Fifth Prize: William Stephenson and Yukio Yokohama. Sixth Prize: Konstantin Sherbakoff.
* '''1990''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Karina Yavlenskaya. Third Prize: Midori Nohara.
* '''1990''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Olivier Cazal. Third Prize: Midori Nohara. Fourth Prize: Hieyon Choi. Fifth Prize: Giampaolo Stuani. Sixth Prize: Corrado Rollero. Seventh Prize:Nadeshda Kibardina.
* '''1991''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Olivier Cazal and Igor Kamenz<ref>最多受賞記録および最多出場記録保持者。</ref>. Third Prize: Stanislav Ioudenitch.
* '''1991''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Olivier Cazal and Igor Kamenz<ref>最多受賞記録および最多出場記録保持者。</ref>. Third Prize: Stanislav Ioudenitch. Fourth Prize: Andrei Pisarev and Lev Vinocour. Fifth Prize: Mathieu Papadiamandis. Sixth Prize: Zbigniew Raubo and Rustem Saitkulov.
* '''1992''' First Prize: '''Anna Kravtchenko'''. Second Prize: Fabio Bidini. Third Prize: Mark Anderson and Sergei Babayan.
* '''1992''' First Prize: '''Anna Kravtchenko'''. Second Prize: Fabio Bidini. Third Prize: Mark Anderson and Sergei Babayan. Fourth Prize: Giovanni Bellucci. Fifth Prize: Serghei Yerokhin. Sixth Prize: Wojciech Kocyan.
* '''1993''' First Prize: '''Roberto Cominati'''. Second Prize: Vitaly Samoschko. Third Prize: Olivier Cazal.
* '''1993''' First Prize: '''Roberto Cominati'''. Second Prize: Vitaly Samoschko. Third Prize: Olivier Cazal. Fourth Prize: Davide Franceschetti. Fifth Prize: Jura Margulis. Sixth Prize: Giampaolo Stuani.
* '''1994''' First Prize: '''Mzia Simonishwili'''. Second Prize: Iwao Murakami. Third Prize: Corrado Rollero.
* '''1994''' First Prize: '''Mzia Simonishwili'''. Second Prize: Iwao Murakami. Third Prize: Corrado Rollero. Fifth Prize: Massimiliano Genot. Sixth Prize: William Fong and Maurizio Baglini.
* '''1995''' First Prize: '''Alexander Shtarkman'''. Second Prize: Sergey Tarasov.
* '''1995''' First Prize: '''Alexander Shtarkman'''. Second Prize: Sergey Tarasov. Fourth Prize: Jung-Eun Kim Fifth Prize: Ekaterina Mechetina and Lev Vinocour. Sixth Prize: Joel Fan.
* '''1996''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Jan Gottlieb Jiracek. Third Prize: Michael Dantschenko.
* '''1996''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Jan Gottlieb Jiracek. Third Prize: Michael Dantschenko. Fourth Prize: Jong-Gyung Park. Fifth Prize:Igor Kamenz and Ulugbek Palvanov. Sixth Prize:Naoko Sugime.
* '''1997''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Yoon-Soo Lee. Third Prize: Dimitri Vorobieff.
* '''1997''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Yoon-Soo Lee. Third Prize: Dimitri Vorobieff. Fourth Prize: Sean Botkin. Fifth Prize: Carlo Guaitoli and Luca Rasca. Sixth Prize: Olaf John Laneri.
* '''1998''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Olaf John Laneri. Third Prize: Catherine Chi.
* '''1998''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Olaf John Laneri. Third Prize: Catherine Chi. Fourth Prize: Ingrid Fliter. Fifth Prize: Massimiliano Ferrati. Sixth Prize: Luigi Cartia and Severin von Eckardstein.
* '''1999''' First Prize: '''Alexander Kobrin'''. Second Prize: Alberto Nosè. Third Prize: Min-Soo Sohn.
* '''1999''' First Prize: '''Alexander Kobrin'''. Second Prize: Alberto Nosè. Third Prize: Min-Soo Sohn. Fourth Prize: Ralitza Patcheva. Fifth Prize: Fabio Grasso. Sixth Prize: Kiai Nara.
* '''2000''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: ''not awarded''. Third Prize: Ayako Kimura and Carl Wolf.
* '''2000''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: ''not awarded''. Third Prize: Ayako Kimura and Carl Wolf. Fourth Prize:Mark Toth. Fifth Prize: Yoko Kikuchi and Dong-Hyek Lim. Sixth Prize: Hironao Suzuki.
* '''2001''' First Prize: '''Alexander Romanovsky'''. Second Prize: Hea-Jung Cho. Third Prize: Dong-Min Lim.
* '''2001''' First Prize: '''Alexander Romanovsky'''. Second Prize: Hea-Jung Cho. Third Prize: Dong-Min Lim. Fourth Prize: Kazumasa Matsumoto. Fifth Prize: Luca Rasca. Sixth Prize: Martin Stadtfeld.
* '''2003''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Maria Stembolskaia. Third Prize: Lyubov Gegetchkori and Mu-Ye Wu.
* '''2002/2003''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Maria Stembolskaia. Third Prize: Lyubov Gegetchkori and Mu-Ye Wu. Fourth Prize: Jong-Hwa Park. Fifth Prize: Alberto Ferrari Sixth Prize: Alessio Cioni.
* '''2004/2005''' First Prize: '''Giuseppe Andaloro'''. Second Prize: Mariangela Vacatello. Third Prize: Hye-Jin Kim.
* '''2004/2005''' First Prize: '''Giuseppe Andaloro'''. Second Prize: Mariangela Vacatello. Third Prize: Hye-Jin Kim. Fourth Prize: Anna Vinnitskaya. Fifth Prize: Spencer Myer. Sixth Prize: Wen-Yu Shen.
* '''2006/2007''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Sofya Gulyak and Dinara Nadzhafova. Third Prize: Lilian Akopova.
* '''2006/2007''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Sofya Gulyak and Dinara Nadzhafova. Third Prize: Lilian Akopova. Fourth Prize: Mariya Kim. Fifth Prize: Martina Filjak. Sixth Prize :Dudana Mazmanishvili.
* '''2008/2009''' First Prize: '''Michail Lifits'''. Second Prize: Alexey Lebedev. Third Prize: Gesualdo Coggi.
* '''2008/2009''' First Prize: '''Michail Lifits'''. Second Prize: Alexey Lebedev. Third Prize: Gesualdo Coggi. Fourth Prize: Oxana Shevchenko. Fifth Prize: Jie Yuan and Sun Ho Lee.
* '''2010/2011''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Anna Bulkina and Antonii Barishevskyi. Third Prize: Tatiana Chernichka.
* '''2010/2011''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Anna Bulkina and Antonii Barishevskyi. Third Prize: Tatiana Chernichka. Fourth Prize: Min Soo Hong Fifth Prize: Sun-A Park and Alessandro Taverna.
* '''2012/2013''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Rodolfo Leone. Third Prize: Akihiro Sakiya and Dmitry Shishkin.
* '''2014/2015''' First Prize: [[ムン・ジヨン|'''Ji-Yeong Mun''']]<ref>ブゾーニとジュネーブと高松をすべて優勝した初めてのピアニスト。そして、初のアジア人優勝。</ref><ref>[http://www.tipc.jp/news/article/%E7%AC%AC3%E5%9B%9ETIPC%E5%84%AA%E5%8B%9D%E8%80%85%E3%83%A0%E3%83%B3%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A8%E3%83%B3%E3%81%95%E3%82%93%E7%AC%AC60%E5%9B%9E%E3%83%96%E3%82%BE%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8B%E5%9B%BD%E9%9A%9B%E3%83%94%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8E%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%81%A7%E5%84%AA%E5%8B%9D%E2%99%AA 第3回TIPC優勝者ムン・ジヨンさん第60回ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクールで優勝♪]</ref>. Second Prize: Alberto Ferro. Third Prize: Roman Lopatynskyi.
* '''2012/2013''' First Prize: ''not awarded''. Second Prize: Rodolfo Leone. Third Prize: Akihiro Sakiya and Dmitry Shishkin. Fourth Prize: Fabian Müller. Fifth Prize: Galina Chistiakova and Maria Mazo.
* '''2014/2015''' First Prize: [[ムン・ジヨン|'''Ji-Yeong Mun''']]<ref>ブゾーニとジュネーブと高松をすべて優勝した初めてのピアニスト。そして、初のアジア人優勝。</ref><ref>[https://archive.is/Mdlol 第3回TIPC優勝者ムン・ジヨンさん第60回ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクールで優勝♪]</ref>. Second Prize: Alberto Ferro. Third Prize: Roman Lopatynskyi. Fourth Prize: Minsoo Hong. Fifth Prize: Bolai Cao. Sixth Prize: Leonardo Colafelice.
* '''2016/2017''' First Prize: '''Ivan Krpan'''. Second Prize: Jaeyeon Won. Third Prize: Anna Geniushene Fourth Prize: Kim Eunseong. Fifth Prize: Xingyu Lu Sixth Prize: Dmytro Choni.<ref>[https://archive.is/Jd8d6 外部リンク]</ref><ref>[https://archive.is/FtMfr 外部リンク]</ref><ref>[https://archive.is/LyhYn 外部リンク]</ref><ref>[https://archive.is/0gQA2 外部リンク]</ref><ref>[https://archive.is/9U28Z 外部リンク]</ref><ref>[https://archive.is/O6GTh 外部リンク]</ref>

*'''1949''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Jacques Février (F)Egon Kornauth (H)Nikita Magaloff (CH)Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (I)Gino Tagliapietra (I)Antonino Votto (I).
*'''1950''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Jacques Février (F)Nikita Magaloff (CH)Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (I)Nikolai Orloff (GB)Antonino Votto (I)Carlo Zecchi (I)
*'''1951''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Herbert Albert (A)Franco Capuano (I)Paolo Denza (I)Jaques Février (F)Nikita Magaloff (CH)Igor Markevitch (SU)Nikolai Orloff (GB)Gino Tagliapietra (I)Carlo Vidusso (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1952''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Jacques Février (F)Nikita Magaloff (CH)Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (I)Nikolai Orloff (GB)Goffredo Petrassi (I)Carlo Vidusso (I)Antonino Votto (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1953''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Paul Baumgartner (CH)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Carlo Maria Giulini (I)Silvio Scionti (I)Antonino Votto (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)Carlo Zecchi (I)
*'''1954''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Jacques Février (F)Giorgio Federico Ghedini (I)Nikolai Orloff (GB)Silvio Scionti (I)Renzo Silvestri (I)Antonino Votto (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1955''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Jacques Février (F)Giorgio Federico Ghedini (I)Nikolai Orloff (GB)Helmut Rolff (D)Silvio Scionti (I)Renzo Silvestri (I)Antonino Votto (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1956''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Giorgio Federico Ghedini (I)Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (I)Silvio Scionti (I)Renzo Silvestri (I)Carlo Vidusso (I)Vladimir Vogel (CH)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1957''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco (I)Nikita Magaloff (CH)Nikolai Orloff (GB)Silvio Scionti (I)Renzo Silvestri (I)Vladimir Vogel (CH)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1958''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Jacques Février (F)Jan Hoffman (PL)Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (I)Nikolai Orloff (GB)Goffredo Petrassi (I)Helmut Schmidt-Garre (D)Renzo Silvestri (I)Antonino Votto (I)Carlo Vidusso (I)Vladimir Vogel (CH)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1959''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Remo Giazotto (I)Angelo Kessissoglu (I)Silvio Scionti (I)Renzo Silvestri (I)Péter Solymos (H)Pancho Vladigerov (BG)Vladimir Vogel (CH)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1960''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Jacques Février (F)Silvio Scionti (I)Renzo Silvestri (I)Robert Simpson (GB)Vladimir Vogel (CH)Antonino Votto (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1961''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Arthur Berger (CH)Jacques Février (F)Karl Fösel (D)Angelo Kessissoglu (I)Pietro Montani (I)Renzo Silvestri (I)Carlo Vidusso (I)Boleslaw Woytowicz (PL)
*'''1962''' - Cesare Nordio (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)David Diamond (USA)Zbigniew Drzewiecki (PL)Jacques Février (F)Renato Marzani (I)Giovanni Penta (I)Victor Seroff (USA)Renzo Silvestri (I)Carlo Vidusso (I)Antonino Votto (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1963''' - Giorgio Federico Ghedini (Pr.) (I)Daniele Amfitheatrof (USA)Tito Aprea (I)Giorgio Cambissa (I)Gino Gorini (I)Maureen Jones (AUS)Margherita Kasuro (PL)André-François Marescotti (CH)Renzo Silvestri (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Robert Wagner (A)
*'''1964''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Mara Balsamova (BG)Lajos Hernádi (H)Lino Liviabella (I)Melita Lorkovic (YU)Nunzio Montanari (I)Eliane Richepin (F)Silvio Scionti (I)Béla Siki (H)Renzo Silvestri (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Robert Wagner (A)
*'''1965''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Zbigniew Drzewiecki (PL)Ivo Macek (YU)George Rogers (GB)Silvio Scionti (I)Bruno Seidlhofer (A)Renzo Silvestri (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1966''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Nikita Magaloff (CH)Kurt Neumüller (A)František Rauch (CS)Stefana Robert Pelischek (BG)Renzo Silvestri (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)Robert Zeller (USA)
*'''1967''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Bruno Bettinelli (I)Orazio Frugoni (I)Valentin Georghiu (R)František Rauch (CS)George Rogers (GB)Renzo Silvestri (I)Margherita Trombini-Kazuro (PL)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Robert Wagner (A)
*'''1968''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Bruno Bettinelli (I)Ljuba Entscheva (BG)Geneviève Joy (F)Aldo Mancinelli (USA)André-François Marescotti (CH)Renzo Silvestri (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Lev Vlasenko (SU)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1969''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Riccardo Allorto (I)Tito Aprea (I)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Vera Gornostaeva (SU)Vaclav Holzknecht (CS)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Vincenzo Vitale (I)Robert Wagner (A)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1970''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Valentin Georghiu (R)Parashkev Hadjiev (BG)André-François Marescotti (CH)Vlado Perlemuter (F)Piero Rattalino (I)George Rogers (GB)Renzo Silvestri (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1971''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Constantin Ganev (BG)Garrick Ohlsson (USA)Piero Rattalino (I)František Rauch (CS)Renzo Silvestri (I)Hans Sittner (A)Péter Solymos (H)Hugo Steurer (D)Giorgio Vidusso (I)
*'''1972''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Riccardo Allorto (I)Tito Aprea (I)Rodolfo Caporali (I)Eduardo del Pueyo (E)Solon Lichaelidis (GR)Vlado Perlemuter (F)Ljubomir Pipkov (BG)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Friedrich Wührer (A)
*'''1973''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Riccardo Allorto (I)Tito Aprea (I)Marie Antoinette de Freitas Branco (P)Valentin Georghiu (R)André-François Marescotti (CH)Solon Michaelides (GR)Sergio Perticaroli (I)František Rauch (CS)Carl Seemann (D)Giorgio Vidusso (I)
*'''1974''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Riccardo Allorto (I)Tito Aprea (I)Rodolfo Caporali (I)Halina Czerny-Stefanska (PL)Geneviève Joy (F)André-François Marescotti (CH)Jerome Rose (USA)Carl Seemann (D)Bruno Seidlhofer (A)Giorgio Vidusso (I)
*'''1975''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Rodolfo Caporali (I)Marie Antoinette de Freitas Branco (P)Dario de Rosa (I)Jan Ekier (PL)Constantin Ganev (BG)Nicole Henriot (F)Jerome Rose (USA)Maria Tipo (I)
*'''1976''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Bruno Canino (I)Dario de Rosa (I)Jan Ekier (PL)Constantin Ganev (BG)Ludwig Hoffmann (D)Geneviève Joy (F)André-François Marescotti (CH)Alberto Mozzati (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Mario Zafred (I)
*'''1977''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Paul Badura-Skoda (A)Bruno Canino (I)Anton Dikov (BG)Jan Ekier (PL)Monique Haas (F)Louis Kentner (H)Giorgio Vidusso (I)
*'''1978''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Rodolfo Caporali (I)Neri Gautier (CH)Ludwig Hoffmann (D)Geneviève Joy (F)František Rauch (CS)Maria Tipo (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)
*'''1979''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Marie Antoinette de Freitas Branco (P)Henri Gautier (CH)Hans Leygraf (A)Armando Renzi (I)Carlo Florindo Semini (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Amadeus Webersinke (D)
*'''1980''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Giovanni Carli Ballala (I)Pierre Barbizet (F)Rodolfo Caporali (I)Bernhard Ebert (D)Bruno Mezzena (I)Carlo Florindo Semini (I)Amadeus Webersinke (D)Wiktor Weinbaum (PL)
*'''1981''' - Giorgio Cambissa (Pr.)(I)Tito Aprea (I)Constantin Ganev (BG)Valentin Georghiu (R)Monique Haas (F)Ludwig Hoffmann (D)André-François Marescotti (CH)Nunzio Montanari (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)
*'''1982''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Robert Benz (D)Rodolfo Caporali (I)Arnaldo Cohen (BR)Dario de Rosa (I)André-François Marescotti (CH)Viktor Merzhanov (SU)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Käte Wittlich (A)
*'''1983''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Bruno Canino (I)Bernhard Ebert (D)Rudolf Fischer (D)Hubert Harry (GB)Hans Kann (A)Sergio Perticaroli (I)Roberto Szidon (BR)Maria Tipo (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Charles H.Webb (USA)
*'''1984''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Rodolfo Caporali (I)David Dubal (USA)Adam Harasiewicz (PL)Günter Ludwig (D)Viktor Merzhanov (SU)Agostino Orizio (I)Michael Ponti (USA)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Carlo Zecchi (I)Tadeusz Zmudzinski (PL)
*'''1985''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Paul Badura-Skoda (A)Dario de Rosa (I)Philip Lorenz (USA)Oleg Maisenberg (A)Alexej Nasedkin (SU)Rafael Orozco (E)Sergio Perticaroli (I)Maria Tipo (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Takashi Yamazaki (J)
*'''1986''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Gaby Casadesus (F)Maxwell Cooke (AUS)Laura de Fusco (I)Bernhard Ebert (D)Hans Leygraf (A)Toyoaki Matsuura (J)Viktor Merzhanov (SU)Sergio Perticaroli (I)Piero Rattalino (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)
*'''1987''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Bruno Canino (I)Brigitte Engerer (F)Rudolf Fischer (D)Oleg Maisenberg (A)Agostino Orizio (I)Sergio Perticaroli (I)Nikolaj Petrov (SU)Joaquín Soriano (E)Giorgio Vidusso (I)Takashi Yamazaki (J)
*'''1988''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Boris Bloch (USA)Orazio Frugoni (I)Gino Gorini (I)Viktor Merzhanov (SU)Germaine Mounier (F)Yuzuru Nagai (J)Gerhard Oppitz (D)Frederic Rzewski (USA)Maria Tipo (I)Giorgio Vidusso (I)
*'''1989''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Marcello Abbado (I)Rodolfo Caporali (I)Dario de Rosa (I)Bernhard Ebert (D)Homero Francesch (U)Vldimir Krainev (SU)Piero Rattalino (I)François Joël Thiollier (USA)Fanny Waterman (GB)Takashi Yamazaki (J)
*'''1990''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Abdel Rahman El Bacha (RL)Giorgio Cambissa (I)Klaus Hellwig (D)Alexander Lonquich (D)Viktor Merzhanov (SU)Mario Messinis (I)Bruno Mezzena (I)Hiroko Nakamura (J)Sergio Perticaroli (I)James Tocco (USA)
*'''1991''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Arnaldo Cohen (BR)Dario de Rosa (I)Sergio Fiorentino (I)Leonard Hokanson (USA)Andrej Jasinski (PL)Alexander Jenner (A)Germaine Mounier (F)Yuzuru Nagai (J)Piero Rattalino (I)Elisso Virsaladze (SU)
*'''1992''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Michele Campanella (I)Rodolfo Caporali (I)Sándor Falvai (H)Rolf Liebermann (CH)Günter Ludwig (D)Radomir Melmuka (CS)Boris Petrushansky (SU)Harold C. Schonberg (USA)Gabriel Tachinó (F)Maria Tipo (I)
*'''1993''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Marcello Abbado (I)Sulamita Aronovsky (GB)Robert Benz (D)Lazar Berman (SU)Michel Beroff (F)Idil Biret (TR)Boris Bloch (USA)Massimo Bogianckino (I)Einar Steen-Nökleberg (N)Sergio Perticaroli (I)
*'''1994''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Antonio Ballista (I)Robert Benz (D)Bruno Canino (I)Bernhard Ebert (D)Vladimir Krainev (SU)Agostino Orizio (I)Harold C. Schonberg (USA)Wilhelm Sinkowicz (A)Catherine Vickers (CDN)Fanny Waterman (GB)
*'''1995''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Michel Beroff (F)John Bingham (GB)Idil Biret (TR)Massimiliano Damerini (I)Lya de Barberiis (I)Vladimir Ovchinikov (SU)Sergio Perticaroli (I)Jean Louis Steuermann (BR)Stefan Vladar (A)Fausto Zadra (I-RA)
*'''1996''' - Hubert Stuppner (Pr.)(I)Giorgio Cambissa (I)Peter Cossè (D)Bella Davidovich (SU)Laura De Fusco (I)Valentin Gheorghiu (R)Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen (F)Bruno Mezzena (I)Takahiro Sonoda (J)Elisso Virdsaladze (GEO)Arnulf von Arnim (D)
*'''1997''' - Rolf Liebermann (Pr.)(CH)Andrea Bonatta (I)Boris Bloch (SU)Arnaldo Cohen (BR)Dario de Rosa (I)Adam Harasiewicz (PL)Alfons Kontarsky (D)Andrea Lucchesini (I)Yasuko Matsuda (J)Lev Natochenny (USA)Catherine Vickers (CDN)
*'''1998''' - Roman Vlad (Pr.)(I)Paul Badura-Skoda (A)Dimitri Bashkirov (SU)Bruno Canino (I)Arnaldo Cohen (BR)Zoltan Kocsis (H)Bryce Morrison (GB)Jerome Rose (USA)Igor Shukov (SU)François-Joël Thiollier (F)Maria Tipo (I)
*'''1999''' - Roman Vlad (Pr.)(I)Valery Afanassiev (B)Antonio Ballista (I)Antony Beaumont (GB)Robert Benz (D)Boris Bloch (UKR)Geoffrey Doulglas Madge (AUS)Alexandar Madzar (YU)Sergio Perticaroli (I)Ruth Slenczynska (USA)Takahiro Sonoda (J)
*'''2000''' - Roman Vlad (Pr.)(I)Leif Ove Andsnes (N)Peter Cossè (D)Dario de Rosa (I)Renna Kellaway (GB)Hiroko Nakamura (J)John O’Connor (IRL)Jeffrey Swann (USA)François-Joël Thiollier (F)Maria Tipo (I)Elisso Virdsaladze (GEO)
*'''2001''' - Andrea Bonatta (Pr.) (I)Antonio Ballista (I)Volker Banfield (D)Valentin Georghiu (RO)Andrzei Jasinsky (PL)Mi-Joo Lee (ROK)Yatsuko Matsuda (J)Ursula Oppens (USA)Sergio Perticaroli (I)Konstantin Scherbakov (RUS)Blanca Uribe (CO)
*'''2002''' - Andrea Bonatta (Pr.) (I)Rolf-Dieter Arens (D)Antonio Ballista (I)Andrzei Jasinsky (PL)Konstantin Scherbakov (RUS)Mi-Kyung Kim (ROK)Bryce Morrison (GB)
*'''2003''' - Andrea Bonatta (Pr.) (I)Paul Badura Skoda (A)Dario De Rosa (I)Irwin Gage (USA)Valentin Gheorghiu (RO)Andrea Lucchesini (I)Jürgen Meyer Josten (D)Agostino Orizio (I)Arie Vardi (IL)Xu Zhong (VRC)Lilya Zilberstein (RUS)
*'''2004''' - Sergio Perticaroli (Pr.)(I)Antonio Ballista (I)Noel Flores (AUS)Mi Kyung Kim (ROK)Ewa Poblocka (PL)Tamas Ungar (USA)Mikhail Voskressensky (RUS)
*'''2005''' - Maria Tipo (Pr.)(I)Umberto Benedetti Michelangeli(I)Gianluca Cascioli (I)Anatol Ugorski (RUS)Ralf Gothoni (FIN)Jerome Lowenthal (USA)Peter Cossè (A)Bernard Ringeissen (F)Idil Biret (TR)Einar Steen-Nökleberg (N)Valentin Gheorghiu (RO)
*'''2006''' - Sergio Perticaroli (Pr.) (I)Manana Doidjashvili (GE)Mi-Kyung Kim (ROK)Karl Heinz Kämmerling (D)Vitaly Margulis (UA)Riccardo Risaliti (I)Marian Rybicki (F)
*'''2007''' - Maria Tipo (Pr.)(I)Paul Badura-Skoda (A)Idil Biret (TR)Arnaldo Cohen (BR)Francesco Maria Colombo (I)Gary Graffman (USA)Yasuko Matsuda (J)Enrico Pace (I)Konstantin Scherbakov (RUS)Eliso Virsaladze (GE)Xu Zhong (RC)
*'''2008''' - Sergio Perticaroli (Pr.)(I)Andrzei Jasinsky (PL)Dennis Lee (MAL)Bernd Goetzke (D)Jerome Lowenthal (USA)Alexander Shtarkman (RUS)Wu Ying (RC)
*'''2009''' - Lilya Zilberstein (Pr.) (RUS)Hung-Kuan Chen (RC)Bella Davidovich (RUS)Christopher Elton (GB)Janina Fialkowska (CDN)Joseph Kalichstein (USA)Oliver Kern (D)Enrico Pace (I)Salvatore Sciarrino (I)Hüseyin Sermet (TR)Cristina Ortiz (BR)
*'''2010''' - Gary Graffman (Pr.)(USA)Daejin Kim (ROK)Roberto Cominati (I)Boris Bloch (D)Nicolas Hodges (GB)Li Jian (RC)Jiri Hlinka (N)
*'''2011''' - Martha Argerich (Pr.) (RA)Nicholas Angelich (USA)Giorgio Battistelli (I)Pietro De Maria (I)Kun Woo Paik (ROK)Alfredo Perl (RCH)Menahem Pressler (USA)Daniel Rivera (RA)Tamara Stefanovich (D)Numa Bischof Ullmann (CH)Lilya Zilberstein (RUS)
*'''2012''' - Ewa Kupiec (Pr.) (PL)Sergey Babayan (USA/AM)Tong-Il Han (ROK)Yakov Kasman (USA/RUS)Benedetto Lupo (I)Jan Michiels (B)Wu Ying (PRC)
*'''2013''' - Peter Donohoe (Pr.) (UK)Josef Bulva (CZ)Unsuk Chin (ROK)Martha De Francisco (CO)Filippo Gamba (I)Bruno Monsaingeon (F)Steven Osborne (UK)Francesco Piemontesi (CH)Roland Pöntinen (S)Konstantin Scherbakov (RUS)
*'''2014''' - Dubravka Tomsic (Pr.)(SLO)Fabio Bidini (I)Roberto Cappello (I)Jan Jiracek von Arnim (D)Aleksandar Madzar (SRB)Valdimir Selivochin (RUS)Nina Tichman (USA)
*'''2016''' - Olivier Cazal (Francia)Katherine Chi (Canada)Ivan Drenikov (Bulgaria)Ingrid Fliter (Argentina)Hideyo Harada (Giappone)Francesco Libetta (Italia)Yuri Zilberman (Ucraina)
*'''2017''' - Mari Kodama (Japan) Christopher Adler (UK) Bruce Brubaker (US) Sachen (China) Kevin Kenner (US) Petro De Maria (Italy) Matthias Naske (Austria) Walter Ponce (US) Jorge Luis Prats (Spain) <ref>[https://archive.is/StR3w 外部リンク]</ref>

*Historical Background". International Piano Competition Foundation Ferruccio Busoni Fondation; Bolzano Bozen. Retrieved 15 August 2009.
*List of winner". International Piano Competition Foundation Ferruccio Busoni Fondation; Bolzano Bozen. Retrieved 15 August 2009.
*Jury since 1949". International Piano Competition Foundation Ferruccio Busoni Fondation; Retrieved 15 August 2009.
*[https://archive.is/czKxo 結果一覧]
*[https://archive.is/czKxo 結果一覧]
**[https://archive.is/XKH35 1949-1960]
**[https://archive.is/XKH35 1949-1960]
154行目: 85行目:
**[https://archive.is/XhJI0 2011-2013]
**[https://archive.is/XhJI0 2011-2013]
**[https://archive.is/9SiUJ 2014-2015]
**[https://archive.is/9SiUJ 2014-2015]
**[https://archive.is/Q413k 2016] <ref>2017と年号は付されているが、厳密には誤りである。</ref>
*[https://archive.is/28yE 審査員一覧]
**[https://archive.is/hDAjj 1949-1960]
**[https://archive.is/lvvhJ 1961-1970]
**[https://archive.is/5HkQB 1971-1980]
**[https://archive.is/ksQg2 1981-1990]
**[https://archive.is/9xRDB 1991-2000]
**[https://archive.is/H0QE0 2001-2010]
**[https://archive.is/QKxvS 2011-2014] <ref>プレセレクションとセレクションの審査員を総入れ替えする方式へ変更されている。</ref>
**[https://archive.is/IYV5W 2015] <ref>2017と年号は付されているが誤りである。</ref>
**[https://archive.is/n7HR4 2016] <ref>2017と年号は付されているが誤りである。</ref>

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2017年9月3日 (日) 12:02時点における版

ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクール: Concorso pianistico internazionale Ferruccio Busoni)は、イタリアボルツァーノで行われている国際ピアノコンクール[1][2][3]





ブゾーニはピアノ協奏曲の類の作品をBV110, 210, 230, 236, 247, 264, 290と7作確認できるものの、本選で参加者がこれらを選ぶことは2015年現在なくなっている。コブリンが優勝した回[4]のみ、モーツァルトのカデンツァがブゾーニ作であることが義務付けられたことはある。150人ほどの応募の中から、実際に翌年の予選会に進めるのは27人だけである。


  • 1949 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Lodovico Lessona. Third Prize: Rossana Orlandini. Fourth Prize: Alfred Brendel.
  • 1950 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Karl Heinz Schlüter. Third Prize: Jacques Coulaud.
  • 1951 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: not awarded. Third Prize: Karl Engel and Walter Klien.
  • 1952 First Prize: Sergio Perticaroli[5]. Second Prize: Andrzej Wasowski. Third Prize: Marisa Candeloro and Agostino Orizio.
  • 1953 First Prize: Ella Goldstein[6]. Second Prize: Monte Hill Davis. Third Prize: Esteban Sanchez Herrero.
  • 1954 First Prize: Aldo Mancinelli. Second Prize: Gabriel Tacchino. Third Prize: Günter Ludwig.
  • 1955 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Germaine Devéze. Third Prize: Günter Ludwig.
  • 1956 First Prize: Jörg Demus. Second Prize: Ivan Davis. Third Prize: James Mathis. Fourth Prize: Bruno Canino and Michael Ponti.
  • 1957 First Prize: Martha Argerich[7]. Second Prize: Ivan Davis and Jerome Lowenthal. Third Prize: Jeaneane Dowis.
  • 1958 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: José Kahan and Ronald Turrini. Third Prize: Fabio Peressoni and Michael Ponti. Fourth Prize: Bruno Canino
  • 1959 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize:Cécile Ousset and John Perry. Third Prize: Imre Antal and Leonhard Hokanson. Fourth Prize: Joaquín Achúcarro.
  • 1960 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Agustin Anievas and James Mathis. Third Prize: Imre Antal.
  • 1961 First Prize: Jerome Rose. Second Prize: Norma Fisher and Howard Aibel. Third Prize: Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak.
  • 1962 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Brenton Dale Bartlett. Third Prize: Iván Erőd and Reynaldo Reyes.
  • 1963 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Gernot Kahl. Third Prize: José Maria Contreras.
  • 1964 First Prize: Michael Ponti. Second Prize: François-Joël Thiollier. Third Prize: Ivan Drenikov.
  • 1965 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Bozhidar Noev. Third Prize: James Dick.
  • 1966 First Prize: Garrick Ohlsson[8]. Second Prize: Richard Goode.
  • 1967 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Ivan Klánský. Third Prize: Pietro Maranca.
  • 1968 First Prize: Vladimir Selivochin. Second Prize: Mark Zeltser. Third Prize: Benedikt Köhlen and Craig Sheppard.
  • 1969 First Prize: Ursula Oppens. Second Prize: Annamaria Cigoli. Third Prize: Akiko Kitagawa.
  • 1970 First Prize: not awarded. Selection Prize: Maria Luisa Lopez-Vito.
  • 1971 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Nina Tichman. Third Prize: Ilan Rogoff and Marioara Trifan.
  • 1972 First Prize: Arnaldo Cohen. Second Prize: not awarded. Third Prize: Peter Bithell and David Oei.
  • 1973 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Roland Keller and Andrzej Ratusiński
  • 1974 First Prize: Robert Benz. Second Prize: Pascal Devoyon. Third Prize: Diane Walsh.
  • 1975 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Staffan Scheja. Third Prize: Laszlo Simon and Terence Judd.
  • 1976 First Prize: Roberto Cappello. Second Prize: Daniel Rivera. Third Prize: Susan Ann Howes and Adrienne Shannon.
  • 1977 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Ayami Ikeba and Veronique Roux. Third Prize: Joop Celis and Kyoto Ito.
  • 1978 First Prize: Boris Bloch. Second Prize: Dennis Lee. Third Prize: Arnulf von Arnim. Fourth Prize: Josep Colom.
  • 1979 First Prize: Catherine Vickers. Second Prize: not awarded. Third Prize: Alyce Le Blanc.
  • 1980 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Ruriko Kikuchi, Rolf Plagge and Hai-Kyung Suh.
  • 1981 First Prize: Margarita Höhenrieder. Second Prize: Lev Natochenny. Third Prize: Boyan Vodenitcharov.
  • 1982 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Hung-Kuan Chen. Third Prize: Daniel Blumenthal and Yukino Fujiwara.
  • 1983 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Robert McDonald. Third Prize: Frederick Blum and Arthur Greene.
  • 1984 First Prize: Louis Lortie. Second Prize: Matthias Fletzberger. Third Prize: Bernd Glemser.
  • 1985 First Prize: José Carlos Cocarelli. Second Prize: Uriel Tsachor and Akira Wakabayashi. Third Prize: Natasha Vlassenko.
  • 1986 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Benjamin Frith and Pedrag Muzijevic. Third Prize: R. Clipper Erickson and Igor Kamenz.
  • 1987 First Prize: Lilya Zilberstein. Second Prize: Valery Kuleshof. Third Prize: Ian Munro and Alfredo Perl.
  • 1988 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Igor Kamenz and Benjamin Pasternack. Third Prize: Fabio Bidini.
  • 1989 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Alexandar Madzar. Third Prize: Francesco Cipolletta and Valery Grohovsky.
  • 1990 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Karina Yavlenskaya. Third Prize: Midori Nohara.
  • 1991 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Olivier Cazal and Igor Kamenz[9]. Third Prize: Stanislav Ioudenitch.
  • 1992 First Prize: Anna Kravtchenko. Second Prize: Fabio Bidini. Third Prize: Mark Anderson and Sergei Babayan.
  • 1993 First Prize: Roberto Cominati. Second Prize: Vitaly Samoschko. Third Prize: Olivier Cazal.
  • 1994 First Prize: Mzia Simonishwili. Second Prize: Iwao Murakami. Third Prize: Corrado Rollero.
  • 1995 First Prize: Alexander Shtarkman. Second Prize: Sergey Tarasov.
  • 1996 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Jan Gottlieb Jiracek. Third Prize: Michael Dantschenko.
  • 1997 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Yoon-Soo Lee. Third Prize: Dimitri Vorobieff.
  • 1998 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Olaf John Laneri. Third Prize: Catherine Chi.
  • 1999 First Prize: Alexander Kobrin. Second Prize: Alberto Nosè. Third Prize: Min-Soo Sohn.
  • 2000 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: not awarded. Third Prize: Ayako Kimura and Carl Wolf.
  • 2001 First Prize: Alexander Romanovsky. Second Prize: Hea-Jung Cho. Third Prize: Dong-Min Lim.
  • 2003 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Maria Stembolskaia. Third Prize: Lyubov Gegetchkori and Mu-Ye Wu.
  • 2004/2005 First Prize: Giuseppe Andaloro. Second Prize: Mariangela Vacatello. Third Prize: Hye-Jin Kim.
  • 2006/2007 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Sofya Gulyak and Dinara Nadzhafova. Third Prize: Lilian Akopova.
  • 2008/2009 First Prize: Michail Lifits. Second Prize: Alexey Lebedev. Third Prize: Gesualdo Coggi.
  • 2010/2011 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Anna Bulkina and Antonii Barishevskyi. Third Prize: Tatiana Chernichka.
  • 2012/2013 First Prize: not awarded. Second Prize: Rodolfo Leone. Third Prize: Akihiro Sakiya and Dmitry Shishkin.
  • 2014/2015 First Prize: Ji-Yeong Mun[10][11]. Second Prize: Alberto Ferro. Third Prize: Roman Lopatynskyi.


  • Historical Background". International Piano Competition Foundation Ferruccio Busoni Fondation; Bolzano Bozen. Retrieved 15 August 2009.
  • List of winner". International Piano Competition Foundation Ferruccio Busoni Fondation; Bolzano Bozen. Retrieved 15 August 2009.
  • Jury since 1949". International Piano Competition Foundation Ferruccio Busoni Fondation; Retrieved 15 August 2009.
  • 結果一覧


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ [2]
  3. ^ 公式サイト
  4. ^ 審査記事
  5. ^ 男性初優勝
  6. ^ 女性初優勝
  7. ^ ショパン国際ピアノコンクールとの女性の両優勝者は彼女だけ。
  8. ^ ショパン国際ピアノコンクールとの男性の両優勝者は彼だけ。
  9. ^ 最多受賞記録および最多出場記録保持者。
  10. ^ ブゾーニとジュネーブと高松をすべて優勝した初めてのピアニスト。そして、初のアジア人優勝。
  11. ^ 第3回TIPC優勝者ムン・ジヨンさん第60回ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクールで優勝♪