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ベティー・ヒルバーニー・ヒルは、1961年9月19日から9月20日まで地球外生物に誘拐されていたと主張した。彼らの話は、一般にはヒル誘拐事件と、ときどきはゼータ・レチクリ Zeta Reticuli 事件と称されるが、最初のUFO誘拐報道であった。






1961年9月19日の晩, ヒル家の人々は、Upstate New York and Quebecでの休暇からポーツマスへ車を走らせていた。ニュー・ハンプシャー州、Grovetonの南方で、彼らは空に明るい光の点を見たと主張する。当初、彼らは流星を見ていると考えた、ただしそれは、fell upward and stopped near the Gibbous moon. While Barney negotiated U.S. Route 3, Betty reasoned that she was observing a communication satellite and urged Barney to stop the car for a closer look and to walk their dog, Delsey. Worried about the presence of bears, Barney removed a pistol that he had secreted away in the trunk of the car.

Betty, whose sister had confided to her a flying saucer sighting several years earlier, observed the object through binoculars as it moved across the face of the moon flashing multicolored lights. Barney, who had not observed the craft thought the light was a conventional aircraft. Then Betty noticed the blue object was definitely not a normal aircraft.


The Hills reported that they continued driving on the isolated, mostly abandoned road, moving very slowly so they could observe the object as it came ever closer. Though the object was occasionally momentarily obscured by the mountain peaks, it seemed to be moving in unison with the topography. It also dipped infront of the peaks and descended slowly in their direction. At times, seemed to resemble the flight pattern of a ball and paddle game, rapidly approaching the Hills' vehicle, then receding.


Approximately one mile south of Indian Head, the craft rapidly descended toward the Hills vehicle causing Barney to stop directly in the middle of the highway. Opening the car door for a closer look, he pocketed his pistol and grabbed his binoculars. The craft descended to approximately 80-100 feet above the Hills' "57" Chevy and filled the entire field of the windshield through which Betty was observing. バーニーは stepped away from the vehicle and moved closer to the object, which shifted like a pendulum from the west side of the car, east above the adjacent field. Using the binoculars, Barney claimed to have seen about 8 to 11 humanoid figures who were peering out of the craft's windows, seeming to look at him. 突然、 with military precision, all but one of the figures moved to what appeared to be an instrument panel as though they were about to carry out with some important task. The one remaining figure continued to look at Barney and communicated a message to him to "stay where you are and keep looking." 。その瞬間、コウモリの翼のひれfinに見える物の赤い光(複数)が、船の側面(複数)でたたみ込まれ始め(began to telescope out of the sides of the craft)、船の底から長い建築物が下降した。無音の船は、バーニーの見積もりでは頭上50-80フィート、彼から50-100フィート以内の位置に近づいた。

突然、恐怖に襲われ、バーニーは双眼鏡を tore 車に走り戻り、言った「"They're going to capture us!"」 (Clark, 276) 車に乗り込む前に、彼は物体が車の上空に位置を移動させているの目撃した。彼は、ベティーに物体を探すように命じながら高速で走り去った。彼女は窓をおろし、見上げたが、しかし上空には暗闇しか見えなかった。バーニーは、物体が車の直ぐ上をホヴァリングしていて、星がみえないのではないかと恐れた。


Almost immediately, a series of mechanical buzzing sounds loud enough to shake the vehicle が、車の後端から来るように思われた。 Betty touched the metal on the passenger door expecting to feel and electric shock, しかし振動を感じるのみであった。ヒル家の人々は、 say they experienced the onset of fatigue that left their minds dulled, and that they also felt a tingling sensation throughout their bodies.

When passing through Plymouth, New Hampshire, another series of beeping sounds seemed to come from the back of the car. バーニーは車を停め、 and drove erratically from side to side to attempt to reproduce the buzzing sound. しかし、he could not recreate it. When the beeping stopped, Betty said, "Now do you believe in flying saucers?" Irritated, Barney said, "Don't be ridiculous." (Clark, 276)

Immediate aftermath

Odd sensations

Arriving home at about dawn, the Hills assert that they had some odd sensations and impulses they could not readily explain: Betty insisted that their luggage be kept near the back door rather than in the main part of the house. Barney noted that the leather strap for the binoculars was broken, though he could not recall it breaking. Barney says he was compelled to examine his genitals in the bathroom, though he found nothing unusual. They took long showers to remove possible contamination and each drew a picture of what they had observed. 彼らの素描は奇妙に似ていた。


Perplexed, the Hills say they tried to reconstruct the chronology of events as they witnessed the UFO and drove home. But immediatley after they heard the buzzing sounds their memories became incomplete and fragmented, and they could not determine a continuous chain of events. Barney recalled saying "Oh no, not again", though he could not place the comment in context. (Clark, 277)

2、3時間眠ったのち、ベティは目をさまし、ドライブ中、身につけていた靴と衣服をクローゼットに置き、, observing that the dress was torn at the hem, zipper and lining. Afraid she had been exposed to radiation, ベティはそれらを二度と着ないと言っている。のちに、, when Betty retrieved the items from her closet, Betty says she noted a pinkish powder on her dress, but had no idea where it might have come from. 彼女はドレスをShe threw the dress away,が、のちに気が変わり、 retrieving the dress and hanging it on a clothesline.。ベティは幾つかのピンクのしみがドレスに残ったと言うが、粉は風に消えた。 Over the years, 5つの研究所が have conducted chemical and forensic analysis on the dress.

Initial report to the U.S. Air Force

9月21日に、ベティーは、Pease Air Force Baseに電話をかけ、UFOとの遭遇を報告し、ただし、常軌を逸した人(crackpot)というレッテルを貼られるのをおそれて詳細の一部を差し控えた。9月22日に、 Major Paul W. Hendersonは、ヒル家に電話をかけ、さらなる詳細を約30分間、求め続けた。9月26日付けのHendersonの報告は、ヒル家の人々はおそらく惑星木星を誤認したのであろうとdetermined。彼の報告は、His report was forwarded to Project Blue Book, the U.S. Air Force's UFO research project.

Within days of the encounter, ベティーは、local 図書館からUFOの本を数冊、借り出した。うち1冊は、had been written by retired Marine Corps. Major Donald E. Keyhoe, who was also the head of NICAP, a civilian UFO research group.

2週間後, recurrent nightmares悪夢

UFO遭遇から2週間以内は、, Betty says she was troubled with recurrent nightmares. They occurred almost nightly, and were so vivid that her mind was occupied with thoughts of the dream throughout the day.

9月26日に、ベティーは、Keyhoeに手紙を書いた。 She related the full story, including the details about the humanoid figures and the beeping sounds that she had neglected to relate to the U.S. Air Force. ベティは、自分とバーニーはうわべだけはUFO遭遇の不完全な記憶に見えるものにひどく悩まされており、自分らは催眠が事件を想い出す助けとなると考えていると書いた。彼女の手紙は最後にはボストン天文学者でNICAPのメンバーであるWalter N. Webbの手に渡った。


Webbは、ヒル家の人々にOctober 21, 1961年に会った。6時間にわたるインタビューで、ヒル家の人々は、UFOとの遭遇について憶えているかぎりのことを語った。Barney asserted that he had a sort of "mental block" regarding the encounter, and that he suspected there were some portions of the event that he did not wish to remember.

Following NICAP's general policy of skepticism regarding UFO-occupant reports, Webb speculated that the couple's panic regarding a close UFO sighting had generated Betty's nightmares, and he further speculated that they might not have actually seen any occupants. He initially placed little significance on the Hill's claims of incomplete and fragmented memory.




夢の中で、ベティーはBetty seemed to be struggling to regain consciousness, then realized she was being forced by two small men to walk in a forest in the nighttime, and of seeing Barney walking along side her, though when she called to him, he seemed to be in a trance or sleepwalking. The small men stood about five feet tall, and wore matching uniforms, with caps similar to those worn in the U.S. Air Force. They had short hair on their heads, and had large bulbous noses.

Entering the craft

夢の中で、ベティー、バーニー、そして the small men all walked up a ramp into a disc-shaped craft of metallic appearance. Once inside, Barney and Betty were separated. She protested, and was told by a man she called "the leader" that if she and Barney were examined together, it would take much longer to conduct the exams. She and Barney were then taken to separate rooms. Though the leader and the other men spoke to her in English, their command of the language seemed imperfect, and they had difficulty communicating.

Betty then dreamt that a new man, similar to the others, entered to conduct her exam with the leader. Betty called this new man "the doctor", and said he had a pleasant, calm manner.

A quick exam and a few tests

"医師"は told Betty that he would conduct a quick exam and a few tests to note the differences between humans and the craft's inhabitants. Betty was seated on a chair, and a bright light was shone on her. The man cut off a lock of Betty's hair. He examined her mouth, her eyes, her hands, and saved trimmings from her fingernails. After examining her legs and feet, the man then used a dull knife (similar to a letter opener) to scrape some of her skin onto a glass slide.

"医師"はベティにテーブルの上に横たわるように命じた。神経系を調べると言いながら、 he dragged a machine somewhat resembling an EEG device over her prone body. 彼はベティに衣服を取り去り、 and used a needle some four to six inches long to conduct what he said was a pregnancy exam. He thrust the needle into Betty's navel, which caused her agonizing pain, but the doctor waved his hand before her eyes, すると痛みは消えた。


ベティは、検査は終った、あなたとバーニーは would shortly be returned to their automobileと言われた。 She began conversing with the leader, only to be interrupted when another man rushed into the room and – seemingly excited – spoke with the leader in a strange language. 彼らはあわただしく室を去り、ベティーはひとり取り残された。


ベティーがan artifactを要求する

夢の中で、ベティーは、遭遇の現実性を証明する目的で船からartifactをもらえますか、と指導者に尋ねた。指導者は、whose pages were filled with symbols filled in columns、大きな本を彼女が手に取るにまかせた。

彼女はそれから、あなたと船はどこから来たのですか、と指導者に尋ねた。Betty wrote that, in response, from the wall the leader "pulled down a map, strange to me ... It was a map of the heavens" marked with numerous stars and planets. (Clark, 281) There were different types of lines between some of the stars which denoted, she was told, trade and exploration routes. 指導者は、地球が地図のどこにあるかわかりますか、とベティーに尋ねた。見たことのない地図なので、ベティーは、分かりません、と答えた。指導者はそれから、あなたの無知のためにわたしがどこから来たか説明することは不可能です、と言った。

Leaving the craft

Betty then suggested that humanity would like to meet other inhabitants of the universe, and tried to persuade the leader to openly announce their presence on Earth. Amid her pleas, the men brought Barney into the room. He seemed to be in a daze.

男たちは began escorting the Hills from the ship, though an argument broke out amongst the men in the strange language they'd spoken before. 指導者はそれからベティーから大きな本を取った。彼女は、本は遭遇の唯一の証拠です、と言って、 protested。指導者は、わたしは個人的にはあなたが本を保管していてもかまわないが、しかし船の残りの男たちはあなたに遭遇を記憶すらしてもらいたくないのです、と言った。ベティーは、あなたがたがわたしにの記憶に何をしようとわたしはいつかこれらの事件を思い出します、と主張した。



ベティーの夢は、彼女が、「Now do you believe in flying saucers?」と訊ねて終った。 Irritated, バーニーは said, "Don't be ridiculous."

While Betty thought the dreams might reflect actual events 一方で、Barney was more skeptical, thinking that his wife had simply had a number of unusually vivid dreams.

医療救済 and more interviews

Missing time

On November 25, 1961, the Hills were again interviewed at length by NICAP members, this time C.D. Jackson and Robert E. Hohman.

Having read Webb's initial report, Jackson and Hohman had many questions for the Hills. One of their main questions was about the length of the trip. Neither Webb nor the Hills had noted that, though the drive should have taken about four hours, they did not arrive at home until seven hours after their departure. When Hohman and Jackson noted this discrepancy to the Hills, the couple was stunned, having no explanation (a frequently reported circumstance in UFO abduction cases that some have called "missing time"). しかしながら、ベティはHowever, Betty was able to recall an image of the moon shining on the ground.

As Clark writes, despite "all their efforts the Hills could recall almost nothing of the 35 miles between Indian Head and Ashland. The subject of hypnosis came up. Perhaps hypnosis could unlock the missing memories. Barney was apprehensive about hypnosis, but thought it might help Betty put to rest what Barney described as the 'nonsense' of Betty's recurrent dreams." (Clark, 282)

1962年2月までに、ヒル家の人々は, the Hills were making frequent weekend drives to try and locate the area of their UFO encounters, hoping that locating the site might spark more memories. その後数年間、その場所を見つけることはできなかった。They were unsuccessful in trying to locate the site for several years afterwards.

Clarkが書いているように、「(1962年の)2月または3月に、いぼが、バーニーの鼠径部の周囲にほぼ真円をなして現れた。それらは外科的に除去された。」 (Clark, 282)


1962年3月に、ヒル家の人々は、 spoke with Dr. Patrick J. Quirke, a psychiatrist in Georgetown, Massachusetts. Quirke did not think that the Hills had suffered a shared delusion, a Folie à deux. He discouraged their hopes at hypnosis, suggesting that it would be better to recover any missing memories naturally.

1962年夏に, Barney began regular sessions with psychiatrist Duncan Stephens of Exeter, New Hampshire, in hopes of treating his serious worry and anxiety. Barney and Stephens discussed many subjects, including the UFO encounter. Like Quirke, Stephens thought a shared hallucination between Barney and Betty was unlikely.

First public disclosure

1963年3月3日, the Hills first publicly discussed the UFO encounter with a group at their church. 同年11月、 the Hills spoke before an amateur UFO study group in Quincey Center, Massachusetts. In attendance at the meeting was Captain Ben Swett of the U.S. Air Force, who was particularly curious about the "missing time" of the Hills' account. ヒル家の人々はSwettに催眠にかかりたいという欲望を告げ、Swettは、素人の催眠術師なので、それは生産的であるかもしれないと考えた。

彼が次にStephens博士に会ったとき、バーニーは催眠について訊いた。 Stephens referred the Hills to Dr. Benjamin Simon of Boston. ヒル家の人々は1963年12月14日に初めてSimonに会った。

Early in their discussions, Simon determined that the UFO encounter was causing Barney far more worry and anxiety that Barney was willing to admit. Though Simon dismissed the popular extraterrestrial hypothesis as impossible, it seemed obvious to him that the Hills genuinely thought they had witnessed a UFO with human-like occupants. Simon hoped to uncover more about the experience through hypnosis.

Simon博士の催眠 sessions

Simonはヒル家の人々に1964年1月4日に催眠術をかけ始めた。 He hypnotized Betty and Barney several times each, and the sessionsは1964年6月6日まで続いた。 Simon conducted the sessions on Barney and Betty separately, so they could not overhear one another's recollections.


Simon hypnotized Barney first. His sessions were often quite emotional, punctuated with angry outbursts, expressions of fear, and episodes of hysterical crying. Barney said that, due to his fear, he kept his eyes closed for much of the UFO encounter. Based on these early responses, Simon told Barney that he would not remember the hypnosis sessions until they were certain he could remember them without being further traumatised.

催眠術にかかって、バーニーも, Barney also reported that the binocular strap had broken when he ran from the UFO back to his car. He recalled driving the car away from the UFO, but that afterwards he felt irresistibly compelled to pull off the road, and drive into the woods. He eventually sighted six men standing in the woods. Commanding Barney to stop driving, three of the men approached the car. 彼らはバーニーにわれわれを恐れるなと命じた。しかしながら彼はそれでもやはり、 He was still anxious, and 彼は、指導者は目をつむれとバーニーに命じていると報告した。催眠術にかかって、バーニーは言った、「わたしは眼を眼の中に押し込まれるように感じました」。(Clark、284)

Barney described the creatures as generally similar to Betty's recollection. しかし, he described their eyes as being much larger, extending even to the sides of their heads. The creatures often stared into his eyes, said Barney, with a terrifying, mesmerizing effect. Under hypnosis, Barney said things like, "Only they eyes are talking to me" (Clark 291) and "All I see are these eyes... I'm not even afraid that they're not connected to a body. They're just there. They're just up close to me, pressing against my eyes." (Clark 291)

バーニーの話によれば、彼とベティーはwere taken onto the 皿形の宇宙船に、そこで彼とベティーは引き離された。短身の男3人に一室につれてゆかれ、バーニーは矩形の診察台の上に横たわれと命じられた。ベティーとは違って、バーニーの診察の話は断片的で、彼は診察の大部分の時間、目をつむっていた。着衣ははぎとられ、カップのような装置が彼の外生殖器をおおった。彼はオルガスムを経験し、バーニーは精液標本を採取されたと考えた。男たちは、彼の肌をこすり、耳と口の中を覗き込んだ。肛門に管かシリンダーを挿入された。誰かが彼の脊柱に触れたし、椎骨の数を勘定しているように思われた。

While Betty reported extended conversations with the creatures in English, Barney said that he heard them speaking in a mumbling language he did not understand. The few times they communicated with him, Barney said it seemed to be "thought transference"; at that time, he was unfamiliar with the word "telepathy". (Clark, 285)

He recalled being escorted from the ship, and taken to his car, which was now near the road rather than in the woods. In a daze, he watched the ship leave. Barney remembered a light appearing on the road, and he said, "Oh no, not again." He recalled Betty's speculation that the light might have been the moon, though the moon had in fact set several hours earlier.


Betty's hypnosis sessions were not as eventful. Under hypnosis, her account was very similar to the events of her recurrent dreams about the UFO encounter, with two notable differences: under hypnosis, the short men did not have large noses, and they had no hair. Simon suggested that Betty sketch a copy of the "star map". She hesitated, thinking she would be unable to accurately depict the three-dimensional quality of the map she says she saw on the ship. Eventually, however, she did what Simon suggested, producing a map that featured twelve stars.

Dr. Simon's conclusions

After extensive hypnosis sessions, Dr. Simon concluded that Barney's recall of the UFO encounter was a fantasy inspired by Betty's recurrent dreams. Though Simon admitted this hypothesis did not explain every aspect of the experience, he thought it was the post plausible and consistent explanation. Barney rejected this idea, noting that while their memories were in some regards interlocking, there were also portions of both their narratives that were unique to each. Barney was now ready to accept that they had been abducted by the occupants of a UFO, though he never embraced it as fully as Betty did.

Though the Hills and Simon disagreed about the nature of the case, they all concurred that the hypnosis sessions were effective: the Hills were no longer tormented by nightmares or anxiety about the UFO encounter.

Afterwards, Simon wrote an article about the Hills for the journal Psychiatric Opinion, explaining his conclusions that the case was a singular psychological aberration.

Publicity after the 催眠sessions

ヒル家の人々は日常生活に戻った。They were willing to discuss the UFO encounter with friends, family and the occasional UFO researcher, but the Hills apparently made no effort to seek publicity.

しかし、1965年10月25日、ある新聞記事がすべてを一変させた: A 第1面 story on the Boston Traveler asked "UFO Chiller: Did THEY Seize Couple?" (クラーク、286) Reporter John H. Lutrell of the Traveler had been given an audio tape recording of the lecture the Hills had made in Quincey Center in early 1963. Lutrell learned that the Hills had undergone hypnosis with Dr. Simon; he also obtained notes from interviews the Hills had given to UFO investigators. 10月26日に、UPIは、 picked up Lutrell's story, ヒル家の人々は国際的な注目を集めた。

1966年, writer John G. Fuller scored the cooperation of the Hills and Dr. Simon, and wrote the book The Interrupted Journey about the case. The book included a copy of Betty's sketch of the "star map". The book was a quick success, and went through several printings.



Map of Zeta Reticuli, according to Betty Hill and Marjorie Fish

1968年, Marjorie Fish of オハイオ州、Oak Harbor read Fuller's Interrupted Journey. 彼女は小学校教師で、天文学者であった。「星図」star mapに興味をそそられて, フィッシュは wondered if it might be "deciphered" to determine which star system the UFO came from.UFOがどの星系から来たかを決める

星図の12の星の1つは太陽を示すにちがいないと仮定して、フィッシュは、星図と既知の星とを一致させることができるかもしれないと希望をいだいて、星図を研究し始めた。結局のところ、彼女は、UFOは she concluded that the UFO might have come from planets orbiting Zeta Reticuli. フィッシュの仮説の結果として、 some have dubbed the Hills' account The Zeta Reticuli Incident. しかしながら、大部分のUFO研究家は、continue to prefer the Hill Abduction or some similar term.

フィッシュはその分析をウェッブに送った。彼女の結論に同意して、ウェッブはWebb sent the map to Terrence Dickinson, editor of the journal Astronomy. DickinsonはFishとWebbの結論に裏書きしなかったが、興味をそそられて、 and, for the first time in the journal's history, Astronomy invited comments and debate on a UFO report. For about a year afterwards, the opinions page of Astronomy carried arguments pro and con regarding Fish's star map. Notable was an argument made by Carl Sagan and Stephen Soter, arguing that the seeming "star map" was little more than a random alignment of chance points.

Recently, a new theory with regard to the map in question (as drawn by Betty Hill under hypnosis) has been proposed. Two German scientists, Koch and Kyborg, have proposed that the map was, in reality, drawn from the perspective of the alien spacecraft as it was positioned to the eyes of the Hill's in the solar system on September 16, 1961 along U.S. Route 3 near Lincoln, NH (see the link: http://www.kochkyborg.de/hill02.htm).

Interrupted Journey

The 1966 publication of Interrupted Journey, by John G. Fuller, details much of the Hills' claims. 本書の抜粋はLook Magazine上で発表され, and Interrupted Journey went on to sell many copies and greatly publicize the Hills' account.

Budd Hopkinsは書いている、「... the Hill case bears upon one popular theory which has been widely but uncritically accepted by many skeptics: the idea that such accounts must have been implanted by hypnosis, consciously or unconsciously, or by manipulative practitioners who 'believe in' the reality of such events. Simon, who hypnotized the Hills, was avowedly skeptical about the reality of the Hills' abduction recollections. Yet the Hills stubbornly held to their interlocking, hypnotically recovered accounts despite Simon's suggestions at the end of treatment that their memories could not be literally true. It can therefore be concluded that the bias of the hypnotist had nothing to do with the content of their hypnotic recall.」 (emphasis as in original; Hopkins, 218)

Later, Betty claimed to have seen UFOs a number of times after the initial abduction, and she "became a celebrity in the UFO community." [1]

ベティ・ヒルは2004年10月17日に死亡した。 [2]


  • 精神医学者は伝えられるところによればのちに想像上の誘拐は、1960年代初期のアメリカにおいて異人種間結婚した夫婦であることのストレスによる幻覚であると示唆した。 [要出典]エラー: タグの貼り付け年月を「date=yyyy年m月」形式で記入してください。間違えて「date=」を「data=」等と記入していないかも確認してください。 ベティBetty discounted this suggestion, noting her relationship with Barney was happy, and their interracial marriage caused no notable problems with their friends or family. As noted in The Interrupted Journey, Dr. Simon thought that the Hills marital status had nothing to do with the UFO encounter.
  • Critics have suggested the Hills' hypnosis brought on 作話 — the blending of fantasy with memory — arguing that recovered memories are unreliable. [要出典]エラー: タグの貼り付け年月を「date=yyyy年m月」形式で記入してください。間違えて「date=」を「data=」等と記入していないかも確認してください。
  • In his 1990 article Entirely Unpredisposed, Martin Kottmeyer suggested that Barney's memories revealed under hypnosis might have been influenced by an episode of the science fiction television show The Outer Limits titled "The Bellaro Shield", which was broadcast about two weeks before Barney's first hypnotic session. The episode featured an extraterrestrial with large eyes who says, "In all the universes, in all the unities beyond the universes, all who have eyes have eyes that speak." The report from the regression featured a scenario that was in some respects similar to the television show. In part, Kottmeyer wrote:
Wraparound eyes are an extreme rarity in science fiction films. I know of only one instance. They appeared on the alien of an episode of an old TV series "The Outer Limits" entitled "The Bellero Shield". A person familiar with Barney's sketch in "The Interrupted Journey" and the sketch done in collaboration with the artist David Baker will find a "frisson" of "deja vu" creeping up his spine when seeing this episode. The resemblance is much abetted by an absence of ears, hair, and nose on both aliens. Could it be by chance? Consider this: Barney first described and drew the wraparound eyes during the hypnosis session dated 22 February 1964. "The Bellero Shield" was first broadcast on "10 February 1964. Only twelve days separate the two instances. If the identification is admitted, the commonness of wraparound eyes in the abduction literature falls to cultural forces. (see "external links" below for Kottmeyer's full article.)

Though Betty was alive when Kottmeyer made his claims, he never sought her out to ask if she or Barney had seen the episode. When a different researcher asked Betty about The Outer Limits, she insisted she had "never heard of it". (Clark, 291) She further noted that it was unlikely that Barney would have seen the episode in question because he usually worked in the evenings when the episode was broadcast, and when Barney was home in the evenings, Betty reported that they were both usually occupied with the NAACP or other community activities.

  • Folklorist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard agrees that the similarities between "The Bellaro Shield" and Barney's story are in fact striking and "persuasive", but he also notes that there are several facts that blunt the impact of the similarities: First, it has not been demonstrated conclusively that Barney watched the episode in question, and, second, as Bullard writes, in Barney's "earlier, conscious recall ... he remembered a being with compelling eyes looking down at him from a UFO." (Bullard, 15; included in Clark, 1998) Bullard thinks it plausible that the Outer Limits episode might have helped shape Barney's hypnotically recalled memory, but he also stresses that Barney's "preoccupation with the staring entity and its eyes began years before this television image could have influenced him." (Bullard, 15; included in Clark, 1998)
  • A new site has proposed a solution to the Hill's abduction story, arguing that a common but little known feature of human physiology related to the human vision "startle reflex" — in conjunction with confabulation — may explain the Hills' episode. [3]

Fictional portrayal

The couple was portrayed by James Earl Jones and Estelle Parsons in the 1975年 テレビ映画 The UFO Incident, and by Basil Wallace and Lee Garlington in the 1996年テレビの連続番組 Dark Skies.




  • Clark, Jerome, The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial (Visible Ink, 1998)
  • Fuller, John G. (1975). Interrupted Journey (Mass Market Paperback edition); Berkley Publishing Group. ISBN 0-425-03002-4.
  • Hopkins, Budd "Hypnosis and the Investigation of UFO Abduction Claims", pages 215-240 in UFOs and Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knowledge, David M. Jacobs, editor; University Press of Kansas, 2000; ISBN 0-7006-1032-4)
  • Roth, Christopher F., "Ufology as Anthropology: Race, Extraterrestrials, and the Occult." In E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces, ed. by Debbora Battaglia. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2005.