

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

これはこのページの過去の版です。Mieda (会話 | 投稿記録) による 2003年2月1日 (土) 14:50個人設定で未設定ならUTC)時点の版であり、現在の版とは大きく異なる場合があります。

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Have an article that needs a picture? Add it to the list!

Wikipedia can only accept photographs and pictures that are public domain, or that can be copyrighted compatibly with the GNU Free Documentation License. The simplest way to ensure that our pictures aren't going to get the project sued is to make them ourselves and explicitly PD or GFDL them... since there are Wikipedians all over the world, there's a decent chance that someone with a camera can get access to many places and objects.

Before posting please check the public domain image resources and the more general public domain resources.

The following articles have had pictures requested; if you have such a picture, please upload it, add it to the article, and remove it from this list:

  • Organisms:
    • Hominid needs a better picture of a Hominid (Gorilla is the same as in Gorilla)
    • Monera -- needs a micorgraph of a bacteria
    • Human -- needs a picture of a human.
    • frog could really use a life-cycle diagram from someone artistic. Alternatively, photos of frogspawn and tadpoles with or without legs
    • Cat breeds - all breeds needed.
    • Dog preferably side view/portrait.
    • Rat preferably side view/portrait.

  • Documents and artifacts: