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ポピュラー音楽における名誉な愛称Honorific nicknames in popular music)は、メディア表現の形として使用されるか、ファンによってアーティストの重要性を確認する際に用いられる愛称である。名誉な愛称はモーツアルトの「現代音楽の父」、バッハの「現代ピアノ音楽の父」のように19世紀前半という早い時期にヨーロッパクラシック音楽の中で使われた。


タイトル アーティスト 出典
ロックンロールの創造者 レス・ポール アメリカ [1][2]
リトル・リチャード アメリカ [3]
ボス ブルース・スプリングスティーン アメリカ [4]
取締役会長 フランク・シナトラ アメリカ [5]
レゲエの王子 デニス・ブラウン ジャマイカ [6][7]
ブルーグラスの父 ビル・モンロー アメリカ [8]
フォークの父 ジャナパダ・ムーティ、マナプラガダ インド [9]
エリック・クラプトン イギリス [10]
歌の神 ジャッキー・チュン 香港 [11]
サム・ホイ 香港 [12]
ブリットポップのゴッドファーザー レイ・デイヴィス イギリス [13]
グランジのゴッドファーザー ニール・ヤング カナダ [14]
ポルカのゴッドファーザー ブライアン・カッチバーグ ポーランド [15]
パンクのゴッドファーザー イギー・ポップ アメリカ [16][17]
ラップのゴッドファーザー ルディ・レイ・ムーア アメリカ [18]
ギル・スコット・ヘロン アメリカ [18]
ソウルのゴッドファーザー ジェームス・ブラウン アメリカ [19]
ロックンロールのゴッドファーザー ロバート・ジョンソン アメリカ [20]
紫の陛下、悪の国王 プリンス U.S. [21][22][23][24]
王様 ジミー・ザンボ ハンガリー [25][26]
ブルースの王様 ジョン・リー・フッカー アメリカ [27]
B.B.キング アメリカ [28][29]
ブリットポップの王様 ノエル・ギャラガー イギリス [30]
C-POPの王様 周杰倫 台湾 [31]
カントリーの王様 ロイ・エイカフ アメリカ [32]
フリースタイルの王様 スティービー・B アメリカ [33]
三点ハの王様 ルチアーノ・パヴァロッティ イタリア [34]
ジュークボックスの王様 ルイ・ジョーダン アメリカ [35]
ディック・トッド アメリカ [36]
ポップの王様 マイケル・ジャクソン アメリカ [37][38]
ペルシャポップの王様 シャドメヘル・アギリ イラン [39][40][41]
C-POPの四大天王 ジャッキー・チュン 香港 [11]
レオン・ライ 香港 [11]
アンディ・ラウ 香港 [11]
アーロン・クオック 香港 [11]
ジャズの王様 ポール・ホワイトマン アメリカ [42]
ラテンポップの王様 フアン・ガブリエル メキシコ [43]
ラグタイムの王様 スコット・ジョプリン アメリカ [44]
ライの王様 ハレド アルジェリア [45][46]
ラップの王様 カーティス・ブロウ アメリカ [47]
スヌープ・ドッグ アメリカ [48]
ロカビリーの王様 カール・パーキンス アメリカ [49][50]
ロックンロールの王様 チャック・ベリー アメリカ [51]
ファッツ・ドミノ アメリカ [52]
アラン・フリード アメリカ [53]
ビル・ヘイリー アメリカ [53]
エルヴィス・プレスリー アメリカ [54]
リトル・リチャード アメリカ [55]
ロック&ソウルの王様 ソロモン・バーク アメリカ [56]
スキッフルの王様 ロニー・ドネガン イギリス [57]
ソウルの王様 ジェームス・ブラウン アメリカ [58]
スウィングの王様 ベニー・グッドマン U.S. [59]
テハーノの王様 エミリオ アメリカ [60]
Mr.カントリーミュージック レッド・フォーリー アメリカ [61]
モッズの父 ポール・ウェラー イギリス [62][63]
サウンドの音楽家 ピエール・シェフェール フランス [64]
陰気者の教祖 モリッシー イギリス [65]
モータウンの王子 マーヴィン・ゲイ アメリカ [66]
魔王 オジー・オズボーン イギリス [67]
ユーロの王子 スナイパー イギリス / キプロス [68]
ラップの王子 ジャスティン・ティンバーレイク U.S. [69]
エリック・サントス フィリピン [70]
R&Bの王子 アッシャー アメリカ [71]
ソウルの王子 マーヴィン・ゲイ アメリカ [72]
芸術の太陽 ゼキ・ミュレン トルコ [73]




  1. ^ "Guitar legend, 'architect of rock 'n' roll' Les Paul dies at 94", Philadelphia News, 14/08/09
  2. ^ "Les Paul", Artist biography on display in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  3. ^ "Called the 'Architect of Rock and Roll,' the flamboyant piano virtuoso is known for the classic hits Tutti Frutti, Long Tall Sally, Good Golly Miss Molly and Lucille." in “Little Richard, Gladys Knight & The Pips Inducted Into Apollo Theater Legends Hall Of Fame; Ella Fitzgerald...”, Jet 110: p. 59, (2006-07-10), ISSN 00215996 
  4. ^ "Initially a cult figure, by 1985, 'The Boss', as he became known to his fans, was the world's most successful white rock star since Elvis." in Shuker, Roy (2001), Understanding Popular Music, Routledge, p. 123, ISBN 9780415235099 
  5. ^ "'He is the most imitated, most listened to, most recognized, voice of the second half of the twentieth century,' the New York disk jockey William B. Williams said in the fifties, tagging him forever with the epithet Chairman of the Board." in J. Lahr, Show and Tell: New Yorker Profiles (University of California Press, 2002), p. 52.
  6. ^ "Dennis produced an enormous catalogue of albums and singles, and earned the undisputed title of 'Crown Prince of Reggae'."“Remembering Dennis Brown, reggae royal”, Jamaica Star, http://www.jamaica-star.com/thestar/20070131/cleisure/cleisure1.html 2008年10月25日閲覧。 
  7. ^ "Others will point to the likes of the 'crown prince of reggae' Dennis Brown, for his contribution to roots reggae and his influence on a generation of reggae artistes." in The reggae debate: still unresolved, (17 October 2008), http://www.bbc.co.uk/caribbean/news/story/2008/10/081010_reggae_contribution.shtml 2008年10月25日閲覧。 
  8. ^ "Musical pioneer Bill Monroe is known as 'the father of bluegrass music'.", at Rock and roll hall of fame, http://www.rockhall.com/inductee/bill-monroe, retrieved 06/09/09.
  9. ^ "He was awarded the title of JanapadaBrahma (which literally means the Father of Folk Music) by the Government." EncycloRecord (24 December 2008). “About Janapada Brahma Shri Manapragada Narasimha Murthy”. Folk Arts Music and Research Institute. 2009年4月24日閲覧。
  10. ^ "A common sight towards the end of the sixties in New York and London announced 'Clapton is God'." in Vinita, Profiles in Popular Music (Sura Books, 2005), p. 71.
  11. ^ a b c d e "What happens when the 'God of Song' descends on Genting Highlands during a cold and wet weekend? He warms and melts the hearts of both young and old with his charm and huge repertoire of hits, that's what! And that was precisely what Hong Kong superstar Jacky Cheung - arguably the most popular and enduring of the four Heavenly Kings - did at his two sold-out concerts last Friday and Saturday at the Arena of Stars. (For the uninitiated, Cheung, Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok and Leon Lai are the four "Heavenly Kings" of Chinese pop, the over-the-top title probably bestowed by the imaginative Hong Kong media because of the singers' immense popularity. Cheung, of course, has been elevated even higher on the celestial plane!)" Ming, Fong (2002-11-09), “Jacky, oh!”, New Straits Times: p. 3 
  12. ^ "Recently, the girls proved their credibility as live performers, appearing as guests to Hong Kong's legendary "God of Songs" Sam Hui during his two live dates in Malaysia for the 50,000-strong crowds at Bukit Jalil National Stadium in Kuala Lumpur." in “Sounds of the East”, The Bangkok Post: p. 1, (2005-03-15) 
  13. ^ "Affectionately referred to as the 'Godfather of Brit pop,' Davies is co-founder, lead singer and rhythm guitarist of the Kinks, one of the most long-lived and influential rock groups of the 1960s British Invasion." in Ray Davies To Be Honored as BMI Icon at Annual London Awards October 3, Broadcast Music Incorporated, (2006-08-08), http://www.bmi.com/news/entry/334938 2009年1月22日閲覧。 
  14. ^ "It had already been noted that Neil Young was an important influence on grunge musicians, and in the mid- 1990s it became common to see Neil Young described as 'the godfather of grunge'." in Echard, William (2005), Neil Young and the Poetics of Energy, Indiana University Press, p. 43, ISBN 9780253217684 
  15. ^ "Lawrence Welk often referred to Witkowski and Kirchberg as his influences growing up and dubbed them the 'Godfathers of Polka'" in Wunnerful, Wunnerful: The Autobiography of Lawrence Welk, (Bantam Books, 1973), ISBN 0-13-971515-0: 31
  16. ^ "But somewhere between his last album, "Naughty Little Doggie," and his latest one, "Avenue B," the godfather of punk turned 50, a change that apparently has provided him with plenty of food for thought, judging by the song subjects on the record, scheduled for release September 14 on Virgin." in Christman, Ed (1999-08-07), “Iggy Pop opens a 'window into the soul' on Virgin's contemplative 'Avenue B'”, Billboard 111: p. 14, ISSN 00062510 
  17. ^ "Looking remarkably healthy for a man who nurtured a world-class drug habit for many years, the "Godfather of Punk" Iggy Pop is set to close the Other Stage on Saturday night." in “Godfather of punk still has lust for life”, Western Daily Press: p. 30, (2007-06-05) 
  18. ^ a b "Rudy Ray Moore has been called the Godfather of Rap (a title that has also been used to describe sociopolitical soulster Gil Scott-Heron)." in Bogdanov, Vladimir; Chris Woodstra, John Bush, Stephen Thomas Erlewine (2003), All Music Guide to Soul: The Definitive Guide to R&B and Soul, Backbeat Books, p. 482, ISBN 9780879307448 
  19. ^ "And today, James Brown's status as "The Godfather of Soul" remains undiminished." in David Pullman to Securitize "Godfather of Soul" James Brown, Business Wire, (1999-05-03), p. 1 
  20. ^ "...the musical legacy of Robert Johnson has entranced later generations of rock and blues musicians such as the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. Fans and experts alike call him the "grandfather of rock and roll", in "The grandfather of rock'n'roll: The devil's instrument", The Independent, 26 July 2006, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/the-grandfather-of-rocknroll-the-devils-instrument-409317.html, retrieved 09/09/09.
  21. ^ "Three weeks after the press conference, with almost no advance notice, a new album by His Purple Majesty suddenly arrived in stores" in Carcieri, Matthew (2004), Prince: A Life in Music, iUniverse, p. 15, ISBN 9780595320127 
  22. ^ "The highlight of the evening was an impromptu performance by his 'Purple Majesty'." in “Prince Throws Lavish Bash to Mark His 27th Birthday”, Jet 68 (15): p. 6, (1985-06-24), ISSN 00215996 
  23. ^ "This is the year of His Royal Badness! Prince was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, he just dropped a new cd Musicology, and he is currently on a tour that is selling out multiple dates in major cities" in Prince: Royal Rocker Still Reigns After 25 Years Of Music, 105, Jet, (2004-04-26), p. 58, ISSN 00215996 
  24. ^ "Depending on whom you speak with, especially former employees who have dealt with Prince's madness on various levels, 'His Royal Badness' can either be especially charming or the most bugged bastard since batman took residence inside a cave." in McKeen, William (2000), Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: An Anthology, W. W. Norton & Company, p. 554, ISBN 9780393047004 
  25. ^ "The 42-year-old singer, who was known in his home country as 'King', died in hospital on Tuesday." in BBC – "Hungary's pop 'King' dies", retrieved 09/09/09.
  26. ^ "Zambo, 42, who was known by his fans as the "King," died on January 2 after shooting himself in the head with a pistol in his home.", in CNN – "Crowds say farewell to Hungarian pop king", retrieved 09/09/09.
  27. ^ "One other artist, John Lee Hooker is by most standards the undisputed 'king of the blues'." in Wald, Elijah (2004), Escaping the Delta: Robert Johnson and the Invention of the Blues, HarperCollins, p. 208, ISBN 9780060524234 
  28. ^ "Much later, as the reigning King of the Blues, BB would explain that the "blues isn't just some sad music about a broken heart, a busted dream, or a painful love affair. Blues is much more than any of these things. If I could pick three descriptions of it, I'd say it ain't nothing but living, laughing and loving." in Nazel, Joe (1998), B.B. King: King of the Blues, Holloway House Publishing, p. 60, ISBN 9780870677922 
  29. ^ "Inevitably called 'King of the Blues', BB King is today probably the most commercially successful blues singer with black audiences." in Oakley, Giles (1997), The Devil's Music: A History of the Blues, Da Capo Press, p. 228, ISBN 9780306807435 
  30. ^ "But it also reminds us that Brown, despite his lack of a good singing voice, could still provide tough competition to Noel Gallagher in the fight for the title "King of Britpop" in Ian Brown - Golden Greats Reviews, 110, MTV Asia, (2006-07-10), p. 59, ISSN 00215996 
  31. ^ "Dubbed the 'king of Chinese pop' by local media, Jay Chou has released eight studio albums, spawning several hits." in Song, Berwin (2008-08-09), “5 Chinese Acts Using The Games To Boost Their Profile”, Billboard 120 (32): p. 28, ISSN 00062510 
  32. ^ "His nickname, 'The King of Country Music,' may sound a bit mawkish and old- fashioned, but, in many ways, it is remarkably accurate." in Wolfe, Charles K. (2001), Classic Country: Legends of Country Music, Routledge, p. 19, ISBN 9780415928274 
  33. ^ "Stevie B was highly influential in the Latin freestyle and High-Energy dance music scene, mostly from Miami, of the late 1980s. Many referred to him as “The King of Freestyle” and is bestknown for his 1990 number one hit, “Because I Love You (The Postman Song)” off the “Love & Emotion” album." in King Of Freestyle, Stevie B, And Others Come To San Manuel, Black Voice News, (22 July 2009), http://www.midvalleynewsonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2202:manuel-indian-nation&catid=46:community-news&Itemid=189 2009年9月17日閲覧。 
  34. ^ "His North American breakthrough came in 1972, when he sang the role of Tonio in Donizetti's Daughter of the Regiment at New York's Metropolitan Opera. In his big number, "Pour mon ame", he had to sing nine high C's, a feat that virtually every tenor pulls off by singing falsetto. Not Pavarotti. ... He was from then on known as 'The King of the High C's'." Enman, Charles (September 7, 2007). “The King of the High C's”. Ottawa Citizen. 2009年4月5日閲覧。
  35. ^ "He was known as 'King of the Jukebox' and was one of the first black artists to have both white and black supporters following his jazz, blues, and boogie-woogie tunes." in Brewer Jr., John M. (2007), Pittsburgh Jazz, Arcadia Publishing, p. 95, ISBN 9780738549804 
  36. ^ O'Connell, Sheldon (1987), Dick Todd: King of the Jukebox, OLB Jazz, ISBN 9780969302308 
  37. ^ Michael Jackson's Black or White Blues”. Entertainment Weekly (November 29, 1991). 2009年7月3日閲覧。 “[A] highly placed source at MTV says the network was obligated to refer to Jackson on air as the King of Pop in order to be allowed to show "Black or White." An MTV spokeswoman denies that, but the phrase was part of MTV's ads for the video and was repeatedly used by its VJs. A source at Fox confirms that Jackson's people did request that Bart use the phrase "King of Pop" in the video and that the phrase also be used in the network's press releases; "King of Pop" also crops up in Fox's print ads for the video and in press releases by Jackson's publicists, Solters/Roskin/Friedman.”
  38. ^ He wears the crown as the King Of Pop because no artist has broken his record of selling nearly 60 million copies of a single Album (Thriller). Lewis Jones, Jel D. (2005). Michael Jackson, the King of Pop: The Big Picture: the Music! the Man! the Legend! the Interviews: an Anthology. Amber Books Publishing. p. 3. ISBN 9780974977904 
  39. ^ "Shadmehr Aghili (King of Persian Pop) lived in Hashemi Street, Tehran." in [1], retrieved on 2008-10-06
  40. ^ "Shadmehr Aghili born in 1972 known as "King of Persian Pop"." in [2], retrieved on 2009-05-11
  41. ^ "Shadmehr Aghili live in concert in Los Angeles after 3 years with a brand new album. Shadmehr is known as the King of Persian Pop among Iranian people." in [3], retrieved on 2009-09-08.
  42. ^ [4]
  43. ^ "Known as the king of Latin pop, Gabriel also has sold more than 35 million albums worldwide." in Ryon, Ruth (2000-03-26), Latin Pop King Quitting Castle, Los Angeles Times, p. 1, ISSN 04583035 
  44. ^ Edward A. Berlin, King of Ragtime: Scott Joplin and his Era (Oxford: Oxford University Press US, 1995).
  45. ^ Khaled: Return of the king of rai, The Independent, (2004-08-13), http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/khaled-return-of-the-king-of-rai-556383.html 
  46. ^ "In the past five years, Western music critics have reached into their grab bag to label him the 'Algerian Elvis' and the 'poster boy for the modern form of Algerian desert blues.' In the decade before that, he was known as Cheb Khaled (cheb means "young man" in Algeria's Arabic dialect) or, more simply, the 'King of Rai.'" in Curiel, Jonathan (2005-07-10), The 'King of Rai' Seeks a New Name, San Francisco Chronicle, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/07/10/PKGO4DI60H1.DTL&hw=Khaled+algeria&sn=001&sc=1000 
  47. ^ "Considered by some the 'King of Rap,' Kurtis Blow is at the very least one of the genre's leading pioneers." in Henderson, Ashyia N. (2002), Contemporary Black Biography: Profiles from the International Black Community, Gale Research International, p. 7, ISBN 9780787652821 
  48. ^ Reeves, Marcus (2009), Somebody Scream!: Rap Music's Rise to Prominence in the Aftershock of Black Power, Macmillan, pp. 143, 185, ISBN 9780865479975 
  49. ^ Perkins, Carl; David McGee (1996), Go, Cat, Go!: The Life and Times of Carl Perkins, the King of Rockabilly, Hyperion Press, p. 11, 12, ISBN 0786860731 
  50. ^ Rewind the Fities, http://www.loti.com/music/carl_perkins.htm 2008年12月30日閲覧。 
  51. ^ "It probably makes sense to call him - as several people do in the movie [Hail! Hail! Rock 'n' Roll (1987)] - as the 'King of rock 'n' roll'", in D. Denby, "What's in a game", New York Magazine, Oct 19, 1987, p. 102.
  52. ^ "Ebony hailed Domino as the "King of Rock 'n' Roll" in Altschuler, Glenn C. (2003), All shook up: how rock 'n' roll changed America, Oxford University Press, p. 43, ISBN 9780195139433 
  53. ^ a b "Just as journalists had crowned white bandleaders Paul Whiteman and Benny Goodman as the kings of jazz and swing, in the 1950s they enthroned Presley, Haley, and Freed as the kings of rock 'n' roll" in Coleman, Rick (2007), Blue Monday: Fats Domino and the Lost Dawn of Rock 'n' Roll, Da Capo Press, p. xvii, ISBN 9780306815317 
  54. ^ "His original status as the King of Rock and Roll has never been seriously challenged, and he's remained a bottomless source of inspiration for the generations of rock and rollers who've taken up the cause in the decades since that July night in Memphis". Schinder, Scott (2008), Icons of Rock: An Encyclopedia of the Legends who Changed Music Forever, Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 2, ISBN 9780313338465 
  55. ^ Carpenter, Bil (2005), Uncloudy days: the gospel music encyclopedia, Hal Leonard, p. 253, ISBN 9780879308414 
  56. ^ "Burke, long ago dubbed the King of Rock 'n' Soul, was worth the wait." in M. Newman, "Soul man Solomon Burke: Live on Film; Capricorn's Smoking New Companion" in Billboard Jul 8, 1995, Vol. 107 (27), p. 10.
  57. ^ "Known as England's 'King of Skiffle.' Member of Chris Barber's Jazz Band in 1954" in J. Whitburn,, The Billboard book of top 40 hits (Billboard Books, 8th edn., 2004), p. 188,
  58. ^ "To Mark the ten years, officials at the Apollo crowned Brown 'King of Soul'." in “James Brown Crowned 'King Of Soul' At The Apollo Theater”, Jet 43 (3): p. 59, (1972-10-12), ISSN 00215996 
  59. ^ "For many people the name Benny Goodman is synonymous with swing. His record sales and performances helped usher in the swing craze of the 1930s; for more than a decade, the 'king of swing' enjoyed incredible heights of popularity." Martin, Henry; Keith Waters (2006), Jazz: The First 100 Years, Thomson Wadsworth, p. 138, ISBN 9780534628048 
  60. ^ "Just as millions of fans considered Selena the 'queen' of Tejano music, her closest male counterpart, Emilio Navaira, has often been called the "king" of Tejano music." in Hartman, Gary (2008), The history of Texas music, Texas A&M University Press, p. 52, ISBN 9781603440028 
  61. ^ "Red Foley was then 'Mr. Country Music', the first country artist to sell a million records..." in J. C. Hefley, Country Music Comin' Home (Hannibal Books, 1992), p. 93.
  62. ^ “The modfather returns”, The Times, http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/music/article2347958.ece 2008年10月10日閲覧。 
  63. ^ Lines, David (2007), The Modfather, Random House, ISBN 0099476592 
  64. ^ Searching for Sounds: Sounds for Music - Stephen V. Rice and Stephen M. Bailey, May 2004
  65. ^ BBC News, "Pope of Mope turns 50", http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8062610.stm, retrieved 15/09/09.
  66. ^ "He was the 'Prince of Motown,' strong, silent and majestic" in R. Gulla, Icons of R&B and soul: an encyclopedia of the artists who revolutionized rhythm vol. 2 (Greenwood, 2008), p. 338.
  67. ^ "This lesson is well-taken in the face of Ozzy's revealed humanity; his label as Prince of Darkness seems untenable as anything more than a stage name" in Moreman, Christopher M. (Fall 2003). “Devil Music and the Great Beast: Ozzy Osbourne, Aleister Crowley, and the Christian Right”. Journal of Religion and Popular Culture (Department of Religious Studies and Anthropology, The University of Saskatchewan) V. http://www.usask.ca/relst/jrpc/art5-devilmusic.html 9 June 2008閲覧。. 
  68. ^ "Sniper, born in London, England and raised in Ayia Napa, Cyprus is hailed as 'The Prince of Euro' by legendary DJs Tim Westwood and Green Lantern." in Staff (2007-05-15), Green Lantern and Sniper prepare history-making transatlantic mixtape, http://www.onetwoonetwo.com/news/27-press-release/1004-green-lantern-a-sniper-prepare-history-making-transatlantic-mixtape 
  69. ^ "Prince of Pop Justin Timberlake strolls into town this week for three incredible dates at the SECC as part of his 2007 FutureSex/ Love Show - and you can be there, courtesy of our friends at Sony Ericsson and Vodafone." in Goodwin, Clayton (2007-05-02), “Win The last tickets to see Justin”, Daily Record: p. 15 
  70. ^ "'Prince of Pop' Erik Santos to go to Beijing - Manila, Philippines - Singer Erik Santos has reason to be proud these days after being chosen to sing in the 2008 Beijing Olympics this August." in News, ANC, 'Prince of Pop' Erik Santos to go to Beijing, pacificnewscenter, http://www.pacificnewscenter.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1697:prince-of-pop-erik-santo 2008年2月22日閲覧。 
  71. ^ "If R. Kelly is the current king of R&B, Usher is the reigning prince. He drops in on fans with his fifth CD, 'Confessions,' just when it looked as if Justin Timberlake were beginning to take over his territory." in Johnson, Kevin C. (2004-04-01), “Side Woes Trouble A Grown-Up Usher”, St. Louis Post - Dispatch: p. F.3 
  72. ^ "Dubbed "the Prince of Soul," Marvin Gaye endured lifelong turmoil, never grasping the genius of his own talent..." in N. Talevski, The unofficial encyclopedia of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Edition illustrated (Greenwood Press, 1998), p. 402.
  73. ^ Magrini, Tullia (2003). “The Tearful Public Sphere: Turkey's "Sun of Art," Zeki Müren”. Music and gender: perspectives from the Mediterranean. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226501659