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- Hundertjähriger Krieg
- Schlacht bei Crécy
- Schlacht von Poitiers (1356)
- Schlacht von Shrewsbury
- Schlacht von Nájera
- Schlacht bei Grosmont
el.wikipedia.org での使用状況
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- Edward the Black Prince
- Hundred Years' War, 1337–1360
- Hundred Years' War, 1369–1389
- Castilian Civil War
- Issue of Edward III of England
- Armorial of the House of Plantagenet
- User:Ipankonin
- War of the Two Peters
- Hundred Years' War
- Siege of Limoges
- User:A1 Aardvark/Sandbox
- User:Stephen2nd/Sandbox (f)
- User:Stephen2nd/Royal Labels of England
- Bruges Garter Book
- User:Colonel Warden/List of military commanders
- Black Monday (1360)
- User:JMvanDijk/Sandbox 12
- Reims campaign
- Coat of arms of the Prince of Wales
- User:ArthropodLover