
利用者:Ukrainian orthodoxy

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Two Violins


Two Violins starring Illya Bondarenko (born in 2001) and Tetiana Zhmendak (born in 2002) is a Ukrainian violin duo with very talented playing skill and with unique play style to play various kind of music with their violins, based on their own thought on violin's possibility. They attract audiences in every concert venues in Europe and America with their professional performances, their showmanship, and especially their extremely diverse suite of programs – featuring classics in jazz, jazz, classics, authentic baroque, tango, electro-acoustic and their own music.



Two Violins was found in 2010 by the violin teacher Andrew Malakhov (2 Kyiv Children School of Arts named after M.Verykivskyi) and his manager Galyna Chyburovska in Kyiv, Ukraine. Andrew Malakhov had a dream to grow up a “universal musician” able to perform music in every style with no borders. It was his experiment with young promising pupils: Illya and Tetiana whose talent and artistry could no longer stay unnoticed.
From the very first steps, the violinists play on the very good handmade instruments, made by Ukrainian luthier. Since their first concert, they've always performed with adult professional musicians only - bands, soloists and orchestras.They have been collaborating with adult professionals - soloists, bands, chamber ensembles, big orchestra - and have already performed with world famous musicians, and in great musical and cultural venues such as Casa Verdi (Milan), The United Nations (New York), Prince Harry's Charity Ball (London), and Carnegie Hall (America).
Also these experienced greatly developed their experience in many ways, I.e. touring, travel, working in an ensemble, greater concentration, physical and emotional stamina, higher work capacity, and effective communication ability. And the violinists have become very professional artists in their own right. Two Violins continue to fill venues, whether they are philharmonic, jazz stage or festivals. Audiences constantly admire the incredible unity of the duo, and the subtle content of each musical piece. The audience's fascination with the performers seems to be inexhaustible – for many, it is very hard to believe that such young musicians can be quite as brilliant across the wide, varied and complex repertoire they have developed.



2015 has been a very busy year for “Two Violins”, with achievements and triumphs.
Two Violins became the part of the YPHIL – the Youth International Philharmonic Orchestra – which performed at the world famous Carnegie Hall, New York, on September 27th. While other members of the youth orchestra ranged from 18 to 35 years of age, Illia and Tetiana were by far the youngest musicians in the orchestra (they were 13), conducted by Jose Luis Gomez, and featuring soloist Alexander Markov on principle violin.

Two Violins also played a wonderful concert at the one of the biggest jazz festivals in Europe – the Alfa Jazz Fest, in Lviv, Ukraine, in June. Two Violins backed by Natalia Lebedeva gathered the biggest audience of the festival's history. They performed to the capacity crowd of over 2,500 people – that is all the square could hold.

Spring Tour of 2015 spanned THREE European countries with THREE entirely different programs.
They won the audition to take part at one of the most prestigious professional Baroque competitions – the International H.I.F. Biber Competition of 2015, in St. Florian, Austria. Two Violins were invited after as an exception because they were only 13 y.o. and went through the contest on the same rules with the adult musicians.

Then it was off to Lithuania and the "Jazz Fantanas" festival, with three first prizes and diplomas.
They finished the tour in the beautiful setting of Barlassina, Milan, Italy where they participated in the international competition for violinists and pianists Young Talents and Orchestra 2015.

In 2014, Two Violins became the face of the grand international project "Puzzles of Eternity", aimed to restore the Pinzel Museum in Lviv and preserve the priceless sculptures by Johann George Pinzel (18 century).
The project premiere took place at the United Nations on October 16, 2014 in New York. On November 19th, 2014, the project was presented personally by the First Lady of Ukraine M.Poroshenko at the Ukrainian Church and Embassy, in London.
On November 28th, 2014, Two Violins were invited to the Charity Ball “” in London, an event which raised 1.5 million pounds for charity needs – for people who suffered from war.
On October 22, 2015 Two Violins and Natalia Lebedeva Trio presented the new “Bach in Jazz”. This program features jazz arrangements of J.S. Bach written specifically for Two Violins by leading Ukrainian jazz pianist, composer, teacher and arranger, Natalia Lebedeva.
To these arrangements, world renowned jazz musician Aaron Goldberg said, “These are brilliant arrangements, made with amazing intellect and taste.” And also, “These are the best arrangements of Bach I've ever heard."
In 2016, Bach in Jazz concerts of Two Violins and Natalia Lebedeva Trio were established in The Netherlands just before the referendum on of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, providing musicians' mission as the part of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine.

The tour was realized thanks to Prof. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, Producer Center "Jazz in Kiev", the Department of Cultural diplomacy of the MFA, Fr. Mykola Paliuh, Ludmyla Lisovska, Lysenko Choir in The Netherlands, Ukraine international Airlines, and all the great people who believe music.

Other projects


2016 International Festival of Composers "Electronic Cocktail", Krakow, Poland Premiere of "Artificial soundscapes" by Alisa Kobzar.
Concert of electro-acoustic music (studio of electroacoustic music of Krakow Academy of Music). Performed by Two Violins, electronics by Alisa Kobzar, video art by Anastasiya Vorobyova

2016 Concert "Peace on Wings from Japan", National Academic Theatre of Operetta, Kyiv, Ukraine Concert dedicated to Fukushima and Chornobyl tragedies.

Organized by Ukraine-Japan Center in Kyiv. Initiated by the singer and bandura player Natalia Gudziy and "Peace on Wings" Foundation.
Performed with:
Aska Kaneko - violin
Ryochiro Yoshida - shamisen
Shin Ichikava - koto
Akira Inoue – piano

2016-2015 Meditation on Violence, Kyiv, Ukraine
The program is dedicated to Chornobyl and Fukushima tragedies.

What happens to the world when people do violence to Nature and Earth? What happens to the world when people do violence to each other (totalitarianism, informational aggression, wars)?
String Quartets composed by Illia Bondarenko and Tetiana Zhmendak in 2013 and 2015 (when they were 12 and 13 years old). Music is combined with video. The premiere took place in Shcherbenko Art Center in Kyiv.

2015 "Pearls of Baroque" in Karmeliterkirche, Wien, Austria
Two Violins with Claudia Leitenbauer (viola da gamba, Austria) and Elena Zhukova (harpsichord, Ukraine).
Music of I.F. von Biber, G.F. Händel, J.S. Bach, G.Ph. Telemann, A. Vivaldi, T. Merula.

2014 Two Violins at the «Steps To The Future Extravaganza», Hurlingham Club, London
The charity ball of Prince Harry charitable foundation “Walking with Wounded”.

2016-2014 Puzzles of Eternity. International fundraising project, NY-London-Vilnius
The program consists of jazz arrangements of J.S. Bach music.

Project Aim is to open to the world the unknown heritage of the sculpture J.S. Pinzel , and to make a complete restoration of "Pinzel Museum" in Lviv (architectural monument of 17th century), frescoes (including the rare 3D fresco), and Master’s sculptures.
The Project is supported by Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, His Eminent Beatitude Lubomyr Husar, Yuriy Sergeev, Aaron Goldberg, Zinaїda Likhacheva, Fedir Vozianov.

“Set Your Puzzle into Eternity!” – NGO Cultural Assembly, www.bachpinzel.com
NGO Cultural Assembly

2014 "Puzzles of Eternity" in London, United Kingdom
The presentation of the project in the presence of Maryna Poroshenko, the First Lady of Ukraine,with Aaron Goldberg in Ukrainian Catholic Church of Holy Family in Exile, and in the Embassy of Ukraine in Great Britain

2014 ”Puzzles of Eternity”, the World Premiere at the United Nations, New York, NY, USA

By the invitation of Yuriy Sergeev, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine, the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations. Hosted by Olexiy Kogan. Special guest Aaron Goldberg, piano.

2015 The International Management Institute (MIM-Kyiv) , Ukraine
Annual conference of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Charitable Foundation "Young Generation Will Change Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine

2014 “100 Years After the War”, Book Forum, Lviv, and Don Cult, Kyiv, Ukraine
100 Years After the War is the coproduction with the Goethe-Institute in Ukraine, dedicated to the 100 Anniversary of the First World War and to the Russian-Ukrainian war that started in 2014.
The program consists of the music by A. Schnitke, D. Shostakovich, and composers’ debut of Illia Bondarenko and Tetiana Zhmendak, combined with poetry and experimental movie from 1914 till 2014.

2014 Pearls of Baroque, National Philharmonic House of Ukraine, Kyiv
International project that unites musicians from the Netherlands, Ukraine, and Russia. The program consists of the Baroque masterpieces of Italian, French, German, Austrian, English music. It’s performed in authentic manner: 415 Hz, baroque instruments, historical costumes.

Two Violins with Ralph Rousseau Meulenbroeks, viola da gamba (Netherlands)
Konstantin Shchenikov-Arkharov, lute (Russia)
Elena Zhukova, harpsichord, piano (Ukraine)

2014 "Art Jazz", House of Culture and Education “Master Class”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Two Violins & Natalia Lebedeva Trio

2014 Theme with Variations. Live. Authored project by Olexiy Kogan, House of Culture and Education “Master Class”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Two Violins & Natalia Lebedeva Trio with Christian Howse

2014 "CHRISTMAS JAZZ", Kyiv-Lviv-Luhansk, Ukraine

2014 "Gogol Jazz", International multi genre festival GogolFest, Kyiv, Ukraine

2013 "ALL THAT JAZZ", House of Culture and Education “Master Class”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Two Violins & Natalia Lebedeva Trio

2013 "Magical World of Baroque. France-Italy", House of Actor, Kyiv, Ukraine
Two Violins feat Elena Zhukova, harpsichord, and Artem Poludenny, cello

2013 Art History, The project of the National Radio Company of Ukraine, Kyiv
Two Violins with the Symphonic Orchestra of NRCU. Art director and conductor Volodymyr Sirenko, Honored artist of Ukraine.

2012 "Jazz & Tango", National Philharmonic House of Ukraine, Kyiv
Two Violins & Natalia Lebedeva Trio. Special guests: Andrew Malakhov Jr., viola, France; Eugene Hawrylyuk, accordion, Ukraine. With Yuliya Kompaniets and Vitaliy Lyman on the piano, Ukraine.

2012 Alfa Jazz Fest, International Jazz Festival, Lviv, Ukraine
Eddy Rozner main stage

2012 "Masterpieces of Classical Music”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Violin concerts of J.S. Bach with National Chamber Ensemble "Kyiv Soloist"

2011 "Meeting with Baroque", Kyiv, Ukraine

2011 "Violin Kaleidoscope", Kyiv, Ukraine

2016-2011 “O’keshkin Jazz “, International Children Jazz Festival, Kyiv, Ukraine



Jazz musicians:
Christian Howse, violin (USA)
Aaron Goldberg, piano (USA)
Misha Tsiganov, piano (USA)
Natalia Lebedeva, piano (Ukraine)
Alexey Bogoliubov, piano (Ukraine)

Baroque musicians:
Ralph Rousseau Meulenbroeks, viola da gamba (Netherlands)
Claudia Leitenbauer, viola da gamba (Austria)
Andrew Malakhow Jn., viola (France)
Elena Zhukova, harpsichord, piano (Ukraine)
Konstantin Shchenikov-Arkharov, lute (Russia)

Classical musicians:
Jose Luis Gomez, conductor (Spain);
Alexander Markov, violin (USA);
Andrew Malakhov Jr., viola (France);
Peter Breiner, conductor (USA);
Marco Misciagna, violin (Italy);
Vladimir Sheyko, conductor (Ukraine);
Ovidiu Balan, conductor (Romania).



“Amazing! And scary. They made me feel like a beginner. Some people have old bones…” – Karl Lathan, the drummer, USA

“It was fascinating to hear two young violinists from Ukraine – I still cannot believe what accomplished performers they were, at such a tender age. They were wonderfully talented, and played flawlessly, entertaining everyone with their skills and, especially, the sheer joy with which they played. Now that I know their names, I shall look out for them in the future – I am sure that they will achieve great things» – DM, London (Charity Ball of Prince Harry)

“They’re incredibly talented violinists! They are so talented that I feel hurt the classical music has lost two Motsarts at once!” – Liana Isakadze on the jazz music, the violinist, Paris

“I looked at them and understood they are really good. And they are real professionals who want and know how to play. I made few very difficult pieces and they played it all just like the monsters!” – Natalia Lebedeva, the pianist, composer, arranger, Kyiv

“Music is not the collection of the notes. Music is a style. Illia and Tetiana prove it with every their performance” – Ralph Rousseau Meulenbroeks, the viola da gamba player

“Wow! Wow! Wow! They are so good! I just love the intonation from the violins – the slurred notes, the bridge play, and the interplay. They are better than most acts here already!!! Great to see young people doing music to such a standard” – David Day, songwriter, recorder, GB

Interesting Facts


Illia started to study violin at the age of 5. He’s originally from Donetsk, the main city in the East of Ukraine occupied by rebels since 2014.
The house of his grandparents was bombed during the fight attacks in the region of Donetsk Airport in 2014. All his family had to leave their homes in Donetsk and move another city. Illia dedicated his “Meditation on Violence” to Maidan revolution in Kyiv in 2013-2014 (he was 12 year ol!), and second part of his “String Quartet” to the hybrid war in the East of Ukraine in 2014-2015, he was 13 composing this piece.

Tetiana studied flute first. During the tour around Italy and Poland in 2008, Tetiana fall in love with violin, with the violin teacher and with young friend Illia. She changed her instrument and took a risk to learn violin well enough to become Illia’s partner in the duo “Two Violins”.



Meditation on Violence, 2016

Bach in Jazz, 2015

Years After the War, 2014

Art Jazz, 2014

Pearls of Baroque, 2014

Jazz & Tango, 2012





Here's a flavour of Two Violins showmanship for you to enjoy!
Jazz in Bach program:
J.S. Bach, Shcerzo. Arranged by Natalia Lebedeva 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0EBb_OTM-U

Alfa Jazz Fest Highlights 2015

J.S. Bach, Choral Prelude. Arranged by Natalia Lebedeva 2016

J.S. Bach, Erbarme dich mein Gott. Arranged by Natalia Lebedeva 2014


Meditation on Violence project:
Illia Bondarenko. String quartet. Part 2. Two Violins 2016

Tetiana Zhmendak. String Quartets. Part 1. two Violins 2016

Illia Bondarenko. Meditation on Violence. Two Violins 2016



Illia Bondarenko - Schnittke FUGUE for solo violin 2016

100 Years After the War



International H.I.F Biber Competition, Austria 2015
G. F. Handel "TRIO SONATE in G minor HWV393"

Pearls of Baroque Highlights 2014

A.Vivaldi "La Folia". Two Violins 2013

Jazz standards


Little Peace in C for You (M.Petrucciani) 2015

Art Jazz Highlights 2014

Jazz & Tango Highlights 2012

Puzzles of Eternity project 2014



Andriy Malakhov – teacher, musical director.
Teaches since 1983, Specialist of the top level, Honored teacher. Graduated from Ukrainian Musical institute behalf R.M. Glier, and devoted his life to teaching children.
His pupils participate in various international festivals, concerts, competitions, orchestras, bands – even those of them who haven’t choose music as a profession.

Switzerland organization of strings ESTA invited Andrew Malakhov to organize gathered chamber orchestra of his strings quartet and Switzerland kids. The concerts had a great success, Andrew Malakhov performed as a conductor. He received a lot of propositions to stay teaching in Switzerland, but he declined the proposition because he couldn’t leave his violin class in Ukraine.

“Kid gets into the vortex of music – and it swallows the kid. Isn’t this the most important aim? To achieve it, we need the “triad” of the child, parents, and teacher. Working in such a team gives an astounding result!”

Violin Master


Boris Dmitriev – luthier, violin master, physicist, studied acoustics at the university.
Violin master and expert Boris Dmitriev says: „I’ve always considered an opportunity to construct the violin as a lucky chance to make the world brighter, and more beautiful.”
He started to create violins 30 years ago, and it turned into a long and interesting way of searching the Sound. He uses the unique technology created by himself during long years of studying the nature of Italian instruments.
Today, his strings instruments are well known in Ukraine, Russia, France, Italy, Germany, and Poland. To get his instrument requires being a real musician who can dedicate his life to music. Otherwise, the Master will refuse your order.
Grand grandson of Paganini who visited Two Violins concert in Palazzo Ducally in Genoa was sure the instruments were made by Italian master of 17 century. We had to disappoint and astonish him with the mastership of Ukrainian luthier, and the virtuosity of young performers.



Winner of the international and national competitions
YPHIL – International Youth Philharmonic Orchestra 2015
International audition for 18-26-year-old musicians with the final performance at the Carnegie Hall
New York, NY, USA

International H.I.F. Biber Competition 2015
The competition of professional Baroque musicians in St. Florian Monastery, Upper Austria

Young Talents and Orchestra 2015
International competition for violinists and pianists in Barlassina - Milan, Italy

Jazz Fontanas 2015
Diploma for the 1st place for Two Violins & Natalia Lebedeva Trio
Panevezys, Lithuania

Winners of two prizes of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Young Composers, Kyiv, 2014

Winners of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Young Artists "Jazz Debute", Kyiv, 2014
Winners of the first prize at the "Kyiv color", the category "Chamber Ensemble", Ukraine,

Holders of the creative scholarship of Kyiv Mayor, Ukraine, 2013, 2012

Fellows of the President Foundation by Leonid Kuchma "Ukraine", 2011-2015
Winners of two first prizes at the First International Competition behalf Eugene Stankovych, the categories A and B of "Chamber Music", Ukraine, 2012

Infomaton Source


Facebook (Two Violins)

YouTube (TwoViolins Official)



Puzzles of Eternity