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利用者:Penn Station/refToolbar.js

お知らせ: 保存した後、ブラウザのキャッシュをクリアしてページを再読み込みする必要があります。

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  • Ctrl を押しながら F5 を押す。

Mac における Safari

  • Shift を押しながら、更新ボタン をクリックする。

Mac における ChromeFirefox

  • Cmd Shift を押しながら R を押す。


// [[en:Wikipedia:RefToolbar 2.0/porting]] 01:48, 4 April 2011 UTC

if (( mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'edit' || mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'submit' ) && ( typeof refToolbarInstalled == 'undefined' )) {
    if (mw.config.get('wgServer') == "https://secure.wikimedia.org") {
    } else {
    if( typeof $.wikiEditor != 'undefined' && typeof $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs != 'undefined' ) {
    } else if( typeof $.wikiEditor != 'undefined' ) {
    } else {
    refToolbarInstalled = true;
  // [[en:MediaWiki:RefToolbarMessages-en.js]] 17:38, 16 March 2011 UTC 
  // All user-facing messages
  // TODO: Document usage
  mw.usability && mw.usability.addMessages( { 
  'cite-section-label' : 'Cite',
  'cite-template-list' : 'Templates',
  'cite-named-refs-label' : 'Named references',
  'cite-named-refs-title' : 'Insert a named reference',
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  'cite-errorcheck-label' : 'Error check',
  'cite-errorcheck-button' : 'Check for errors',
  'cite-dialog-web' : 'Web citation',
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  'cite-dialog-book' : 'Book citation',
  'cite-dialog-journal' : 'Journal citation',
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  'cite-form-showhide' : 'Show/hide extra fields',
  'cite-no-namedrefs' : 'Cannot find any named references on the page',
  'cite-namedrefs-intro' : "Select a name from the list to see the ref content. Click 'Insert' to insert a reference to it in the text.",
  'cite-raw-preview' : 'Wikitext:',
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  'cite-error-samecontent' : 'References with the same content',
  'cite-error-templates' : 'References not using a <a href="http://en-two.iwiki.icu/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_templates">citation template</a>',
  'cite-error-repeated' : 'Multiple references with the same name',
  'cite-error-undef' : 'Usage of undefined named references',
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  'cite-error-repeated-msg' : 'Mutiple refs are given the name: \'$1\'',
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  'cite-err-report-empty' : 'No errors found', // Message displayed in the error report list if there are no errors
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  'cite-work-tooltip' : 'What larger work this is part of',
  'cite-authorlink-tooltip' : 'If the author has an article, the name of the article',
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  'cite-ref-tooltip' : 'ID for anchor (for creating a linkable reference)',
  'cite-postscript-tooltip' : 'If specified, overrides the default behavior of terminating the citation with a period',
  'cite-samecontent-desc' : 'Check for references with the same content',
  'cite-samecontent-error' : 'Multiple references contain the same content',
  'cite-repeated-desc' : 'Multiple references with the same name',
  'cite-repeated-error' : 'Multiple references are using the same name',
  'cite-undefined-desc' : 'Usage of undefined named references',
  'cite-undefined-error' : 'A named reference is used but not defined',
  'cite-first-label' : 'First name',
  'cite-last-label' : 'Last name',
  'cite-title-label' : 'Title',
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  // Load configuration for site
  var RefToolbarLocal = importScript('MediaWiki:RefToolbarConfig.js');
  // [[en:MediaWiki:RefToolbarConfig.js]] 17:33, 16 March 2011 UTC
  /* Sitewide options for the the Cite toolbar button:
  * All options should be specified
  * "date format" sets the date format used for the function to insert the current date
  * Current available options:
  * date - the day of the month
  * zdate - day of the month, zero padded to 2 digits
  * monthname - The month name
  * month - The numberic month (1-12)
  * zmonth - numeric month, zero padded to 2 digits
  * year - The full year (4 digits)
  * "autodate fields" is a list of template fields that should have a button to insert the current date
  * "months" is a list of localized month names
  * "modal" - if true, the dialogs will be modal windows, blocking access to the rest of the window.
  * See http://en-two.iwiki.icu/wiki/Modal_window
  * All dialogs in the toolbar are modal by default
  * "autoparse" - if true, previewing a ref will automatically trigger a preview of the parsed wikitext.
  * Its not recommended to set this to true as a global setting as it may slow the script down for people
  * with slow connections
  * "expandtemplates" - if true, templates and parser functions will be expanded when getting page text
  * (templates inside of ref tags will not be expanded). This will allow references inside of templates or
  * references using {{#tag:ref}} to be listed in the named refs dialog and searched by error checks.
  * This may slow loading the named refs and error check dialogs.
if (typeof CiteTB !=='undefined'){
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  "autodate fields" : ['accessdate'],
  "months" : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
  "modal" : true,
  "autoparse" : false,
  "expandtemplates" : false
  // Cite template definitions
  new citeTemplate('cite web', 'web',
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  new citeTemplate('cite news', 'news',
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  [ // Expanded fields
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  new citeErrorCheck({'type':'reflist', 'testname':'samecontent', 'desc': 'cite-samecontent-desc',
  'func': function(reflist) {
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        if ($.inArray(reflist[i].content, refs2) != -1) {
          if ($.inArray(reflist[i].content, errors) == -1) {
        } else {
    ret = [];
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      ret.push({'msg':'cite-samecontent-error', 'err':errors[j]});
    return ret;
  new citeErrorCheck({'type':'reflist', 'testname':'repeated', 'desc':'cite-repeated-desc',
  'func': function(reflist) {
    var errors = [];
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        if ($.inArray(reflist[i].refname, refs2) != -1) {
          if ($.inArray(reflist[i].refname, errors) == -1) {
        } else {
    ret = [];
    for(var j=0; j<errors.length; j++) {
      ret.push({'msg':'cite-repeated-error', 'err':errors[j]});
    return ret;
  new citeErrorCheck({'type':'reflist', 'testname':'undefined', 'desc':'cite-undefined-desc',
  'func': function(reflist) {
    var errors = [];
    var longrefs = [];
    for(var i=0; i<reflist.length; i++) {
      if (!reflist[i].shorttag && reflist[i].refname) {
    for(var j=0; i<reflist.length; j++) {
      if (reflist[i].shorttag && $.inArray(reflist[i].refname, errors) == -1 && $.inArray(reflist[i].refname, longrefs) == -1) {
    ret = [];
    for(var j=0; j<errors.length; j++) {
      ret.push({'msg':'cite-undefined-error', 'err':errors[j]});
    return ret;