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/* original source : http://en-two.iwiki.icu/wiki/User:Cacycle/wikEd.js
* version: 0.9.95b
* line: 7166-7256
(function() {
if (typeof wikEd == 'undefined' || wikEd.programVersion != '0.9.95b') return;
// wikEd.DiffLinkify: linkify external links and wikilinks in diffed text as <a> anchor elements (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.DiffLinkify = function(html) {
// < > to \x00 \x01
html = html.replace(/</g, '\x00');
html = html.replace(/>/g, '\x01');
// external links
html = html.replace(/\b(((https?|ftp|irc|gopher):\/\/)|news:|mailto:)([^\x00-\x20\s"\[\]\x7f\|\{\}<>]|<[^>]*>)+?(?=([\!"\(\)\.\,\:\;\‘-•]*\s|[\x00-\x20\s"\[\]\x7f\|\{\}]))/gi,
function (p) {
var whole = p;
var title = whole;
title = title.replace(/\x00!--.*?--\x01/g, '');
title = title.replace(/.*--\x01|\x00!--.*/g, '');
title = title.replace(/<.*?>/g, '');
title = title.replace(/^.*>|<.*$/g, '');
title = title.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
title = decodeURI(title); // add
var url = title.replace(/\s/g, '_');
url = encodeURI(url);
url = url.replace(/"/g, '%22');
url = url.replace(/'/g, '%27');
url = url.replace(/#/g, '%23');
var linkTitle = title.replace(/"/g, '"');
// linkify all url text fragments between highlighting <span>s seperately
var anchorOpen = '<a href = "' + url + '" style="text-decoration: none; color: inherit; color: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color);" title="' + linkTitle + '">';
var anchorClose = '</a>';
whole = whole.replace(/(<[^>]*>)/g, anchorClose + '$1' + anchorOpen);
return(anchorOpen + whole + anchorClose);
// linkify links and templates
if ( (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer != null) && (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath != null) ) {
// 1 [[ 2title 23 | text 3 ]]1 4 {{ 5title 56 6 4
html = html.replace(/(\[\[([^\|\[\]\{\}\n]+)(\|[^\[\]\{\}<>]*)?\]\])|(\{\{([^\|\[\]\{\}\n]*)([^\[\]\{\}<>]*\}\})?)/g,
function (p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) {
var articleName = p2;
var templateName = p5;
var whole = p;
// extract title
var title = articleName;
if (typeof title == 'undefined' || title == '') { // edit
title = templateName;
title = title.replace(/\x00!--.*?--\x01/g, '');
title = title.replace(/.*--\x01|\x00!--.*/g, '');
title = title.replace(/<.*?>/g, '');
title = title.replace(/^.*>|<.*$/g, '');
title = title.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// [[/subpage]] refers to a subpage of the current page, [[#section]] to a section of the current page
if ( (title.indexOf('/') == 0) || (title.indexOf('#') == 0) ) {
title = wikEd.pageName + title;
// create url
var url = title.replace(/\s/g, '_');
url = encodeURI(url);
url = url.replace(/"/g, '%22');
url = url.replace(/'/g, '%27');
url = url.replace(/#/g, '%23');
var articleTitle = title.replace(/"/g, '"');
if (typeof templateName != 'undefined' && templateName != '') { // edit
if (/:/.test(title) == false) {
url = 'Template:' + url;
articleTitle = 'Template:' + articleTitle;
url = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, url);
// linkify all text fragments between highlighting <span>s seperately
var anchorOpen = '<a href = "' + url + '" style = "text-decoration: none; color: inherit; color: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color)" title="' + articleTitle + '">';
var anchorClose = '</a>';
whole = whole.replace(/(<[^>]*>)/g, anchorClose + '$1' + anchorOpen);
return(anchorOpen + whole + anchorClose);
// \x00 and \x01 back to < and >
html = html.replace(/\x00/g, '<');
html = html.replace(/\x01/g, '>');