A dual stage reflectron from an IT-TOF mass spectrometer from Shimadzu. This model is composed of a series of 46 metal disks, each of which receives a greater voltage than the previous disk, which creates a potential gradient. On the left, the reflectron is mounted to the flight tube, which is in turn mounted inside a cylindrical vacuum manifold.
Shimadzu'dan bir IT-TOF kütle spektrometresinden çift aşamalı bir reflektron. Bu model, her biri bir önceki diskten daha fazla voltaj alan ve potansiyel bir gradyan oluşturan bir dizi 46 metal diskten oluşur.
{{Information |Description=A dual curved field reflectron from an IT-TOF mass spectrometer from Shimadzu. This model is composed of a series of 46 metal disks, each of which receives a greater voltage than the previous disk. On the left, the reflectron is