This image presents the dispersion relation of phonon polaritons according to a simple theory[1], giving the two following dispersion relations for the coupled optical phonon/electromagnetic field system :
longitudinal optical phonons (LO phonons)
polaritons (transverse em field + TO phonons)
The dashed red curves correspond to the uncoupled modes (photons and phonons: Ω = 0), and the black curves represent solutions of the above equations with parameters chosen to fit the dispersion relation of polaritons in GaP[2], giving
Uncoupled optical phonon frequency
ω0 = 45.4 meV
Coupling parameter
Ω = 61 meV
Electric susceptibility
χ∞ = 7.5
Note that k is very small compared to π/a.
Max Born, Kun Huang, Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices, Oxford University Press, 1954 (ISBN9780198503699), « Chapter 8 : Infrared Dispersion and the Retardation Effect on Lattice Vibrations »
↑C. H. Henry and J. J. Hopfield, Raman Scattering by Polaritons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15, 964 - 966 (1965).
(further minor editing and conversion to svg done with inkscape)
解説Phonon polaritons.svg
English: Dispersion relation of phonon polaritons with parameters corresponding to GaP.
Français : Relation de dispersion des polaritons avec des paramètres correspondant au GaP.
e=1.602e-19;hbar=1.05457168e-34;c=2.9978e8;ang=1e-10;omega0=45.4e-3*e/hbar;%conversion meV->rd/sOm=61e-3*e/hbar;chi=7.5;k=linspace(0,0.0004/ang)';y1=omega0*ones(size(k));%uncoupled phonon dispersiony2=c*k/sqrt(1+chi);%uncoupled photon dispersiony3=sqrt(y1.^2+Om^2/(1+chi));%longitudinal phonons%solve for omega in%k^2*c^2=omega^2*(1+chi+Om^2/(omega0^2-omega^2))a1=(1+chi)*ones(size(k));a2=-((1+chi)*omega0^2+k.^2*c^2+Om^2);a3=k.^2*c^2*omega0^2;D=sqrt(a2.^2-4*a1.*a3);y4=sqrt((-a2+D)./(2*a1));%upper polaritonsy5=sqrt((-a2-D)./(2*a1));%lower polaritonsplot(k*ang,[y1y2]*1000*hbar/e,'r--','Linewidth',1.8);holdonplot(k*ang,[y3y4y5]*1000*hbar/e,'k','Linewidth',1.8);holdoffaxis([00.00043560]);set(gca,'FontSize',18,'TickLength',[.02.02],'LineWidth',1.5);xlabel('k (A^{-1})');%A to be replacedylabel('h\omega (meV)');%h to be replaced
{{Information |Description={{en|1=Dispersion relation of phonon polaritons with parameters corresponding to GaP.}} {{fr|1=Relation de dispersion des polaritons avec des paramètres correspondant au GaP.}} |Source=travail personnel (own work) |Author=[[Use