A graph of a sinusoidal linear chirp. It would be cool to show the f(t) function on the same graph. Any ideas?
See Wikipedia graph-making tips.
Newest version created in Maxima using the command:
So f0 = 0.1 Hz and k = 1, according to the equation given in the article:
It was then plotted using Maxima's gnuplot interface through the command:
To convert the PostScript file to PNG:
- Open it in the GIMP (make sure you have ghostscript installed! - Windows instructions)
- Enter 500 under Resolution (it doesn't say "DPI" but I think that's what it means)
- Uncheck Try bounding box (since the bounding box cuts off the edge, unfortunately. You can try with the bounding box first.)
- Enter large values for Width and Height
- Check Color
- Check Strong anti-aliasing for both graphics and text
- Crop off extra whitespace (Shift+C if you can't find it in the toolbox)
- Possibly need to rotate it: Click Image → Transform → Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
Filters → Blur → Gaussian blur at 2.0 px (No need to blur if you use strong anti-aliasing during conversion. I see no significant difference between end results.)
- Image → Scale Image...
- Width and Height at 25%
- Cubic interpolation
- You can view at normal size if you want by pressing 1, Ctrl+E
- Save as Linearchirp.png
Created by User:Omegatron using gnuplot, possibly with post-processing in the GIMP (PNG) or Inkscape (SVG)
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