English: This media is in the public domain because solely factual presentations (da: ingen værkshøjde) are not protected by the DanishConsolidated Act on Copyright. Their form of presentation normally (i.e. the media file itself) is, but recreations of the content are not.
Dansk: Dette medie er fælleseje (ikke at forveksle med fællesværk), idet det der er tale om en ren faktuel præsentation uden værkshøjde, hvorfor det ikke nyder beskyttelse af ophavsretslovens §1 eller kapitel 5. Mediefiler med rene faktuelle præsentationer, kan være beskyttet, men det illustrerede indhold er ikke.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This image is in the public domain in Denmark because the DanishConsolidated Act on Copyright of 2010 specifies that all photographic "works of art" become public domain 70 years after the death of the photographer.
Note that photographs which are not considered to be works of art become public domain 50 years after their creation (§70, 2). See Copyright rules by territory and PD-Denmark50 for details.
This template is for works with a known author. For anonymous works, see {{Anonymous-EU}}.
{{Information |Description={{en|1=Danish mandatory road sign}} {{da|1=Påbudstavler}} |Source=Samlet oversigt over varianter af færdelstavler, vejvisningstavler samt kant- og baggrundsafmærkninger http://www.daluiso.dk/pdf/tavleoversigt.pdf |Author=[...