ノート:École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris
Sorry to express myself in English, I'm currently unable to argue in Japanese.
I'm a current student at the EIVP. I tried several times to create a stub about my school. But a robot deleted that short text. I know that is the rule, but that's quite hard for me. Actualy a few fellows student have been in Japan for work placements, and I hope this text could help the mutual relationship.
Please be nice to me and help me to keep this text.
École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Parisに関する議論を始める
トークページとはWikipediaにあるコンテンツの最適化を皆さんで協議する場です。École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Parisの改善について議論を始めるなら、このページを利用してください。